Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*peeks in*

Hey guys, remember me? Finally got my computer free of whatever virus was preventing me from doing anything on forums, and so i'm back! However, I may not be posting as much as I used to, so for now, only one RP for each character at a time. So with that said, who's up for something? I'll make a list of my characters, you decide on a thread ^-^

Sadrion (Dark spirit possessing force user) - Not available, making own plotline
Gherron Vael (Jedi Knight, defender)
Luke Beleren (apprentice force user)
Emily Beleren (apprentice force user, pyrokinetic)
Akon Devoda (apprentice force user)
Bolivar Daniels (Thief extraordinaire)
Dante Xehanort (Violent teen sociopath)
Felicia Tannul (rogue force user)
Azrael Iloam (Jedi Knight,
Anu'leth (Wyrden searching for master, preferably ghostling)
Devin (Jedi Knight, clone of Marek Sh'adar)
Scarlet Faith (Coruscant Vigilante)
Remus (Mute boy, wolf mannerisms)
Jake Travers (Fire shaper)
Chris Tolaran (Insane, self-percieved ladie's man)
Leon Pride (Amnesiac force user)
Vanir Shaw (Force user, searching for father)
Nice going... suggesting all the places I ain't allowed. Make it seem like I'm a hermit that hasn't seen the light of starts since he left. Also... expect to be sworn to secrecy... Kinda a big thing for me considering no ones evens been my face since I've been a sith... save Alex... makes the whole daddy thing kinda awkward if the mask Never comes off.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Gherron Vael"]
[member="Gherron Vael"]
I'd be up for a thread. Just not sure what character to use, lol. Two I think I'd be most interesting in using is Kronk and [member="Penn Novella"]. Only problem is that neither have bios up yet. They're my newest characters.
  • Kronk: PC version of your average NPC. The start of a project where I make a bunch of your average joes, all nicknamed Kronk, who will most likely die within one or two threads. Every time. This first Kronk works for a shipping company and does a lot of traveling. Unfortunately that means he has to (at times) go to dangerous planets. He's going to meet a lot of interesting people and at some point probably get killed by one. Second Kronk is going to be an old forest man hermit guy who yells at trespassers. At some point one of the Kronks will only speak in third person, and upon dying will say: "TOO STRONK FOR KRONK!"
  • Penn Novella: 12 year old Shi'ido girl stuck on Coruscant. Technically royalty, though most of her family is now dead. Force sensitive but not trained. Wishes she was a writer so her name could qualify as a pun.
[member="Drapeam Nyx"] I like the Kronk idea, sounds pretty fun :) I don't mind which character I use really, they're all pretty good to me.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] I'd start up a thread, but I really don't have as much time on my hands as I used to :/ Sorry bout that

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