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Approved Starship Pellaeon-IV Pocket Battlecarrier [SularenCo Refit]

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  • Intent: To create a variant of the Pelleaon-IV Exclusive to the Final Dawn
  • Image Source: Artstation - Pellaeon-Class Star Destroyer , Mathieu Lecoeur (x)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions:
  • Primary Source:
  • Increased Hangar Capacity | Is Capable of holding 20 Squadrons of Starfighters compared to the Original Pellaeon-IVs 12 Squadrons
  • Heavy Armament | Is Equipped with Heavy Weaponry including an Array of Special Weapons such as the Proton Beam Canon , Shield Leech Canons and Orbital Autocanons.
  • Robust Defenses | Is Equipped with Point-Defense Weaponry , Three-Layer Shielding and a Serious amount of Countemeasures allowing it to hold off numerous attacks from enemy forces.
  • Stealth Systems | Can Slip in an out of entire Systems without being detected due to it's Stealth Systems
  • Gravity Well Projectors | Can Project Interdiction Fields to hinder an enemy's ability to escape from the Battlefield.
  • Low Mobility | Has little Speed and Maneuverability and will take some time to reach destinations at sub-light speeds or even turn around completely.
  • Large Side Profile | Has a Large Side Profile that makes it easier to target the Pellaeon-IVs via broadsides
  • No Support Craft | Isn't suited to conduct Planetary Invasions due to the lack of space for support craft.
  • Stealth Systems | Can't use it's Weaponry or jump into Hyperspace when Cloaking Device is active.

After a Year and a Half of Service within the New Imperial Armada , Marlon Sularen was kicked out of the New Imperial Order after getting dishonorably discharged. However before he could be relieved of command of Wraith Squadron , the Fleet that had fought under his Command during the Braxtant Campaign , the Crew of the Main Vessels of Wraith Squadron Mutinied , rejecting New Imperial Authority and joining Sularen as he left New Imperial Space to find a new powerbase. Among the Vessels were part of Sularen's Nomad Fleet were 4 Pellaeon-IV Class Star Destroyers , the successor to KDY's Pellaeon-III which had been widely used by Sularen's Previous Organization , the Imperial Directorate. Upon eventually seizing power on Byss , Sularen began establishing a makeshift Planetary Defense Force in an attempt to consolidate power over Byss and as part of this endeavour he began the process of refitting the Pellaeon-IV Star Destroyers that he had brought with him.

Using the Shipyards at Byss , Sularen initially reduced the amount of Weaponry to make way for an increased amount of Hangar Space within his refitted Pellaeon-IVs to covert them into Battlecarriers , adding both Stealth and Interdiction Technology to further strengthen the Warships and transform them from simple Common New Imperial Star Destroyers to a series of Semi-Unique Warships part of Sularen's Personal Fleet. After Sularen's was eventually removed from power , the Pellaeon-IV Battlecarriers still followed him as he joined the Ranks of the Brotherhood of the Maw forming the basis of the soon-to-be established Shadow Hand Command , maintaining their place as integral parts of Sularen's Personal Armada.

After the Battle of Jedha , the Pellaeon-IVs were refitted once more and renamed into the Pellaeon-IV Pocket Battlecarriers , now equipped with Advanced Communications and Sensory Systems as well as equipped with more weaponry bringing it on par with it's New Imperial Counterpart once more in terms of Armament. In addition to the Three-Layer Shielding System based off of the Shielding often seen on Alliance Warships throughout the course of the Second Great Hyperspace War , the Pellaeon-IV Pocket Battlecarriers are also equipped with an array of other advanced internal and external systems that had not been installed previousl. Now the Refitted Pellaeon-IVs prepare to return to active service as the Second Great Hyperspce War rages on...

  • Changed Affiliation
  • OOC Information
    • Added some Links and New Perms
  • Production Information
    • Changed Model Name
    • Changed the Names of the 4 Warships
  • Technical Specifications
    • Increased Armament Ratings from High to Very High
    • Increased Defense Ratings from High to Very High
    • Decreased Speed Ratings from Low to Very Low
    • Completely Modified Armament & Defenses
    • Modified Hyperdrive Information
  • Standard & Advanced Systems [Completely Modified]
  • Description [Completely Modified]

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Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Maracel Yorkell II"]

As [member="Vigil Rostu"] is otherwise engaged, please be aware that I'll be taking this judgement over. Apologies for the delay on this.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Manufacturer: Unknown
We don't allow unknown manufacturers in the Factory. You're welcome to hyperlink the wookieepedia entry for Kuat Drive Yards if you so wish.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Affiliation:The Lost Fleet of the Empire
Is this a faction:? If so, it will need to be hyperlinked. If not, simply 'Closed-Market' will suffice.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Material: Quadanium lined Durasteel hull Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame Transparisteel viewports Turadium Blast doors/Shutters
Please hyperlink these materials.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Hangar Allocations: Starfighters: 7 squadrons Support Craft: 2 squadrons
As stated on the ship template, the minimum number of support squadrons should match the number of squadrons listed for the "Base" rating for ship its size. In the case of a 3000m vessel, that would be 4. Please adjust accordingly.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Superior Armament - The Praetor V boasts amazing ship-destroying capabilities; able to destroy multiple smaller vessels at once. A pairing of these with proper escorts would be devastating on the field of battle against other weaker fleets with vessels of the same class and size.
The wording in this strength will need to be softened considerably. I would suggest simply a strength to the effect of 'Superior Armament - the Praetor V features a very powerful arsenal' or something similar.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Command Vessel - Designed to oversee the invasion of entire regions of the galaxy as well as massive space battles, the Praetor V comes equipped with an astounding twelve squadrons of fighters as well as hundreds of landing crafts that make it the centerpiece of any admiral's fleet.
Except it isn't. In command of 12 squadrons, that is. Please amend to reflect the actual rating.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Vulnerable Aft Section - Ironically, on a destroyer that can obliterate smaller ships in seconds; the amount of weaponry on the aft section, where the large ion drives are located, is laughable. Only a few point defense weaponry are present, and are not capable of fending off corvettes or frigates, leaving the task to escort ships.
Again, remove the statement about destroying smaller vessels in seconds.

Maracel Yorkell II said:
Costly - The Praetor V is a very rare vessel, with only a few having been constructed and launched into the service due to the advanced technology involved. If one of these mighty star cruisers were to fall, it would cost hundreds of millions of credits just to consider replacing it.
As credits hold no actual, tangible value on chaos, this is not a valid weakness as far as balancing goes. Please remove.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Moved to Factory Archives - If you want to remove from the archives, please feel free to tag [member="Runi Verin"], [member="John Locke"], [Member="Alden Akaran"] or [Member="Zef Halo"].
This is Ready for Judgement

Notable Changes Include :

  • A Complete Restructuring of the Submission with major Changes for the Following :
    • OOC Information
    • Production Information
    • Technical Specifications
    • Standard & Advanced Features
    • Strengths & Weaknesses
    • Description
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Everything is looks good, but I have a question. Molecular shield is already pretty top tier in itself, and here you combined it with the other shields. So I have concerns, it is easy to abuse it. Would you clarify the shields' limits on why this is just high rating and not higher?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Sunday (2021.07.04), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

I still have concerns, the Molecural shield is very top level sheld on its own even without any other shields. So I recommend to change the defence rating to very high or replace this shield. Whichever case you choose (from my suggestions), the new weakness will not be needed and you can delete it if you want.
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