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Approved Starship Peltast III-Class Interceptor

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Manufacturer: N&Z Corporation, Eriadu Shipyards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Length: Low
Width: Average
Height: Small
Size: Small

Image source: Astro empires

  • Armamants: Average
  • Hyperdrive: 1.5 rating
  • Standard navigational package
  • standard sensory array
  • standard life support systems
  • Standard heat sinks
  • Standard Energy Sink
  • Transparisteel cockpit viewport
  • Durasteel frame and secondary outer plating
  • Duraplast interior plating
  • Plastisteel interior coating
  • Doonium structural reinforcements
  • Standard sensor Jammers
  • High - 16

  • Great maneuvrability: Considered to be very high in comparison to others in its class, the Peltast III is considered to be one of the faster starfighters available thanks to a combination of a robust and well-proven design in combination with the added packages and computing power to the ships on board systems in order to turn already good pilots into exceptional acrobats.
  • Great speed: Lightweight and powerfull in terms of thrust, this provides a combination that ends up granting great overall speed and an acceleration to match even the best and most expensive starfighters currently on the market.
  • Droid Assisted Piloting: With a Proton droid brain and the T.O.P installed, pilots will have a much easier time stabilizing the ship, navigating routes and automating several base functions of the ship. This doesn't mean the ship can operate without a pilot though, as the Proton droid brain is only of the auxilary sort and acts as a superior on board ECU, nothing more.
  • Rudimentary defenses: With the focus being on speed and maneuvrability, the Peltast III's defenses basically exist out of its own build quality and the pilot's skills, no shields to speak off and barely a few energy and heat sinks to ward off low powered blaster fire and planetary entries when necessary.
  • Rudimentary cargo space: Space to have the pilot store his lunch and maybe a med pack is all what's left after the basic needs for the ordenance and mechanicals have been cleared...meaning that it is best deployed in the expectation of a short battle or as a hunter, for when the standard issue batteries and ordenance are depleted, there won't be any spares in the non-existing cargo space.
The Peltast III is in essence a proper evolution on the previous Peltast I and II models within the N&Z Starfighter line up, designed with the primary intent of replacing the aforementioned models, it has been designed and build to a very specific set of requirements. The two main criteria were to retain the Peltast I and II's speed and maneuvrability, which the engineers and designers were able to manage by incorporating the company's tried and tested FAR reactor, Hermes Engines and the OS hyperdrive system, but also by making sure the intended Interceptor would have a purpose-build design that could withstand high G forces during highly acrobatic maneuvring which would without question become a staple when utilizing the full potential of each of the ship's mechanical and electronic components.

As it has been designed as a starfighter in the combat-role of an interceptor, the Peltast III has only one pilot and no additional crewmembers, though one could somewhat call the PROTON droid brain a secondary crewmember, if only in the most basic form. It only complies to the basic ammenities expected in a starfighter, such as a pressurized cabin, connected flightsuit and standard supplies of navigational tools, memory banks and life support systems.

The Peltast III is as said earlier best used as an interceptor, in small to medium formations with the purpose of taking down an already routed enemy, ambushing potential victims or as a sweep-attacker to cover much ground fast. It can also function in support roles such as reconaissance and skirmish-type attacks, but will fall short in longer dogfights or lengthy campaigns as it lacks the defenses to maintain its operational status in case of a few good hits, depending heavily on its pilot's skills and ingenuity as its best form of defense.

Due to the nature and capacity of it's F.A.R. and the O.S. hyperdrive system, this starfighter would be a very good addition to almost any type of fleet if it is used in its intended roles. However, caution must be exerted when utilizing the Peltast III at the best of its abilities over a long duration of time, because of the fragility of some of its parts, regular check ups and regular maintainance is necessary, if damaged or sabotaged, a Peltast III's F.A.R. starting up for a sortie may end up blowing a whole frigate up before even leaving the hangar, so there may be some incentive to provide at least the minimal of mechanical oversight when utilizing this starfighter.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To replace the Peltast 1 and 2 starfighters currently in the Nargath Holdings line up
Permissions: N&Z Corporation and subsidiaries

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Corporation
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Duraplast
Armaments: NZ LC 1 Laser Canon in two pairs located on the wings, NZ RTL 1 Missile launcher located in two pairs on the midsection.
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: Very High
Energy Resist: Low
Kinetic Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credius Credius

Very cool sub!
  • The image source field is not working, I would like to ask you to add the image source to the template. Others usually put it under the picture.
  • The NZ OS-HD2 Hyperdrive System has only Minor production, so you can't use it in this sub, please remove it, or modify the sub's production to Minor.
  • The 4x-Phantom short-range sensor jammer is nearly the only jammer which is Restricted, I would like to ask you to use the simple Sensor Jammer if you don't want a Unique or Semi-Unique thread.
  • And these are also not part of the premade fields, so I would like to ask you to add these to the template:
    Squadron Count: (Please provide the amount of fighters this submission would have in a squadron. The average squadron for any starfighter is 12, at lengths averaging 12.5 meters. The bigger the fighter, the smaller your Squadron Count should be. The smaller the fighter, the bigger your Squadron count can be. [None: 1 | Very Low: 4 | Low: 8 | Average: 12 | High: 16 | Very High: 20 | Extreme: 24 ] Squadron Sizes may be listed as just the rating.)
    Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
  • Changed the sub's production to minor (thanks btw, because this is incentive to make a few more lower end mass market parts for perhaps a more allrounder massmarket starfighter as well...or to replace the GALA)
  • Attempted fix to image source due to the original source being defunct
  • added hyperdrive rating and squadron count
  • replaced phantom sensor jammer with regular one
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