STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Fast on his feet, Pel is quick to adapt to an unexpected situation.
Instead of dealing with his problems, he'd rather turn his shoulder to them and pretend they don't exist.
Why go against the tide, when it's easier to swim with it?
Average height and weight for a Twi'lek, Pel usually keeps his Lekku wrapped up with a neutral-colored silk, keeping it out of his way. He smiles politely when needed, but otherwise keeps a straight face when entering a room. When looking around, one can catch him cocking one of his eyesbrows slightly higher than the other, taking in everything. He's also looking around him in a calm, collected manner.
An average sizied Twi'lek, Pel'wowi (Called Pel - it's just quicker that way.) is a mostly unassuming Twi'lek, unadorned. But should the need rise, and it usually always does, he's quick to strap on his gear and grab his blaster, Pel quickly becomes a Man at War. Wearing padded armor over an airtight jumpsuit yet forgoing a helmet, Pel is ready to take on anything reasonable headed his way. And for the unreasonable, he's quick to call for a tactical retreat, usually leaving some goodies behind as he goes along.
Pel grew up on Ryloth during the Clone Wars, Pel was just turning into a young adult when the Empire came into being. A Twi'lek growing up on Ryloth during those times was hard. The main export was slavery. The second was Ryll, a weaker-end spice that was very popular, due to it's likeliness to NOT cause the inducer to be left in a vegetative state for a while. Many families saw selling their children into slavery as a good thing. It got them off this world, and let their culture be spread far and wide, ensuring it lasted for a millennium. Not to mention less mouths to feed.
However, Pel's family wasn't like that. His father was one of the founding members of the Free Ryloth Movement, and he decided to fight, instead of lie down and let the Empire step all over him. Pel, though, did not follow in his footsteps. He saw no point in fighting the Empire. There was no way for them to win. Atleast this way they could meek out what life they could. Better alive and downtrodden than dead with a sense of satisfaction. Coming back one day from hunting, Pel discovered a smoking ruin where his house once was. All signs pointed towards TIE bombers. More than likely, someone ratted on Pops for a few extra credits, and the only thing that had saved Pel was an argument with his father, which caused him to leave the house and clear his head.
After what he refers to as 'The Incident', which he doesn't bring up with anybody, Pel took what he had and made his way on foot to the nearest space port.
The Iron Knot
Outfitted with Dorsal and Ventral Dual Laster Cannons.
Cargo Container contains a
A-A4B Speeder Truck with a prison hold in the back, as well as a
Joben T-85 Speeder Bike
A-280 CFE Blaster Rifle
ELG-3A blaster pistol
Vibro Knuckles