Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Image Source: Olivia Pendleton Olivia Pendleton
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable
  • Primary Source: Not Applicable
  • Corporation Name: Pendleton Defense Industries
  • Headquarters: Coruscant
  • Locations: In addition to their corporate headquarters and showroom on Coruscant, there are offices, laboratories, and engineering facilities on Corellia, Fondor, and Eriadu.
  • Operations: Research and Development of military technology and equipment
  • Parent Corporation: Not Applicable
  • Subsidiaries: Innovative Dynamics (submission forthcoming) & others
Pendleton Defense Industries is a large, old company. Like many companies of its size and age, it has a conservative approach to business. Change is regarded with suspicion, which can cause the company to be stuck in its ways. This is all well and good when the ways they are stuck in are good, but can be problematic when it prohibits the company from embracing new efficiencies and social mores. One thing that the company is not shy about modernizing with is technology; it employs several teams of engineers and scientists in pursuit of the cutting edge of technology for use in the military industrial complex. The company's broad portfolio (serviced largely by its diverse range of subsidiaries) means that it has fingers in many different pies, from firearms to starship components, to developing new mining and metal alloy research, and is always looking to expand. Pendleton Defense Industries has historically had a reputation for fair and forthright dealing, although it has recently been the subject of a scandal involving the delivery of a bad batch of a particular metal alloy to Galactic Alliance Defense Force contractors, resulting in several deaths when the alloy failed. The then-Chairman and CEO Ramsey Pendleton was accused of knowing the material was inadequate and signing off on it anyway. The scandal and resulting media circus and criminal law proceedings have been a black mark on the company's reputation.

Pendleton Defense Industries began its life as a small family business and it has grown into a large, interstellar corporate entity. Although Olivia Pendleton bears the surname of Pendleton, she has married into the family. She came into her position, over the strenuous objections of some of the board of directors, by virtue of inheriting her deceased husband's shares, giving her a controlling interest in the company. Some of the board are watching and hoping that the scandal that tanked her husband's leadership (and ultimately cost him his life) will also clear Olivia out of the way and allow for a new regime to take over at the company. Others are varying degrees of supportive of her efforts to rehabilitate the company's reputation despite lingering legal challenges and other threats. Olivia has no intention of seeing the company fail while on her watch.

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