Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Melee Weapon "PERCIPIENCE"

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Manufacturer: Connel Vanagor
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Large
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

  • Intent: To create the lightsaber that Connel will eventually pick up
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: Lightsabers
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Lightsabers
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Extremely Light
  • Enhanced Cutting: The replaced emitters, lens, and crystals come from different sources added to the sabers can make the cutting power of the saber more potent.
  • Enhanced Deflection: The lens and emitter are designed to adjust and allow the blades to switch to a better model for deflection capabilities against blasters and even function against paddle beamers easily enough.
  • Crystal Assembly: The enhanced and extended crystal assembly of a long handle lightsaber allows a wielder like Connel the opportunity to place several crystals (all switchable, all listed) in it and create useful combinations of his sabers effects.
  • Can operate underwater
  • Fusion Shunt: Secondary mode that amplifies the blade's power and profile.
  • SongSteel inner casing
  • Cyclic Crystal Array: Switch between multiple kyber crystals.
  • Dual Phase: Adjustable blade length.
  • EM Shielding: EMP resistant.
  • SONGSTEEL HILT: A choice material, helping make every part of this weapon a weapon
  • BACK SHEATHE: A specialised sheathe for the weapon so the long hilt can slide over his back and not bounce around on his belt.
  • EMPs SUCK!: There is a lot this weapon can defend against, an EMP or ION attack is not one of them.


Those who look at this might be wondering... "Wait a minute? I thought he is afraid of lightsabers..." He is afraid of what will happen if he picks them up, but this is a new weapon and the lightblaster he created inspired him. Now that is not going to say that he will be picking this up "tomorrow" but too many people look at him and say... "Naw... you're not a Jedi... where's your lightsaber?" True, he shouldn't care what others think, but this can ease that issue.​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new lightsaber for Connel to (eventually) use)
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Connel Vanagor
Modular: Yes
Material: Kenobi's Legacy Crystal (constant use) Ghostfire crystal (constant use) Cyclic Crystal Array: Switch between multiple kyber crystals. Kunda Stone (switches out) Permafrost Crystal (switches out) Energy modulation circuit Durasteel parts Pressure Grip made of Ironwood Electrum Miniature Crossguard (for looks) Overcharged power cell Inert power insulator Flux aperture Stabilizing ring Superconductor Stun Blaster attachment (he IS a Jedi after all) Blaster components EM Shielding: EMP resistant. Fusion Shunt: Secondary mode that amplifies the blade's power and profile. Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse: Waterproof. Non-Dimetris Circuits: Cortosis-proof. Phrik Emitter Guard: Guards the emitter.
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