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Perfume in a Pizza Hutt Palace

Dulvoyinn, Galactic Alliance territory. Oh, it was nice for Jessica to relax on a beach after what she has been through on Jabiim and Kashyyyk: in the last instance, the Mandalorians gave her a run for her money, and she knew better than to fight Mandos. Nevertheless since she fought on a personal basis there, she would not fight under the Sanctum flag officially. But as demonstrated time and time again, she was very attractive to Jawas for no reason and she sought a way to either render herself indifferent to Jawas unless they were genuinely in love with her, or to exploit what made her attractive to Jawas in the first place. She was hit on by a few guys but nothing abnormal the way she is regularly hit on by Jawas everywhere she goes. She had nice features, both internal and external, but nothing that would make her being hit on more often than with other humans. She was mentally active, she was a woman with size and bulk on that frame, all right... but that alone was not enough. But there was a reason why Dulvoyinn was the place for her to relax. The first Pizza Hutt Palace, which was to combine the functionality of a pharmacy and a restaurant in one location, is due to open, with the launch of the very perfume that was created from Jawa pheromones detected on her.

"Welcome to the grand opening of the first Pizza Hutt Palace location. Pizza Hutt Palace, your one-stop for consumables: medical, food, hygiene, cosmetics, even fusion-furnace fuel and ammunition. For today's grand opening, we would like to introduce the person that was responsible for the development of Pizza Hutt's first proprietary cosmetic, Jessica Med-Beq!" the Pizza Hutt Palace manager spoke in the mic.

"It's a honor to me to be there among you today for the launch of two items: Pizza Hutt Palace, on the one hand, as well as the Utinni #1 perfume. I have to say, to humans, and most Near-Humans, it smells the same as a cologne that otherwise have the same active ingredients. Wear the Utinni #1 in presence of Jawas, however, and Jawas within a 3-meter radius WILL hit on you. What makes an Utinni #1, well, an Utinni #1, is the presence of Jawa pheromones. It works because Jawas rely on scent a lot for social interactions and have loads of exocrine glands to change their pheromone composition at will"

Even though Jessica is wearing a dress with a blue floral motif, she is wearing the very Utinni #1 (even though the active ingredient of the Utinni #1 has actually been discovered on herself, that is, she could produce that particular variety of Jawa pheromones by herself) she is to launch today and, all of a sudden, all Jawas within three meters of her just jumped at her.

[member="Reen Lorgon"] (and possibly [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Ar'ekk"])


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Behind the group of Jawas jumping at [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] stood Ar'ekk, a young Jedi Padawan on vacations. His training at the Jedi Temple of Yutan was put on hold and as such, he decided to take a small trip to Dulvoyinn in the meantime. It wasn't like that was going to hurt anyone, right?

He was used to the urban life like the one in Coruscant which was his home. This was all very weird for him, considering how tough was his upbringing and never being able to afford a trip to the beach and relax. Even outside the Jedi Temple, he wore the signature outfit of a Padawan with the hair braid and all. You could detect him from miles away, specially in a place like this. It was funny but he wasn't bad looking, which is fairly uncommon.

Why would a Jedi would be taking a vacation? It's a weird question to answer but there was really no reason at all. A Jedi relaxing? That could only be a fairy tale. Guess different people have different priorities and chilling was the young one's.

As he stood behind the group of thirsty Jawas, he said to them: "You don't want to bother the lady here, my friends. I advice you to calm down. I guess the perfume is working at perfection."

He waited for everyone's reaction without being able to conceal the smile that broadened upon his face.
Because Jawa hoods were meant to retain moisture inside their bodies, Jessica knew that Jawas could remove their hoods in more humid environments like Dulvoyinn. She stands pretty in the Pizza Hutt Palace's stand, where dozens of Jawa-made Jundland lead glass bottles filled with Utinni #1 stood. knowing that [member="Ugohr Poof"] couldn't be there because he was stuck on Chandrila. The building playing host to the Pizza Hutt Palace had some office space leased for the opening of an IGR office on Dulvoyinn. Ugohr was a Jedi brute, one of the most celebrated Alliance artillerists, but he was also accused of murdering innocents (but also a few convicts in the wake) and last she heard about Ugohr he was awaiting trial for that crime. But his crime dwarfed those of the Sith Lords on Coruscant, and hopefully he will be in service again. Nevertheless, Jessica didn't believe that Ugohr acted out of treason: he offered no resistance when he was arrested. He also contributed the entirety of Malastare's contributions in the GAPDP, of which IGR was one of the sponsors.

"What does it contain?" a passer-by asked her.

"It contains the essence of a flower native to Tatooine, the telaq flower, artificially reproduced in a lab, with a small dose of Jawa juice and non-Tatooine fragrances. And, of course, artificial Jawa pheromones"

She would think vacationing on Dulvoyinn would allow her brain to be, in layman's terms, "shut off" but she knew that she couldn't quite shut her brain off - at best she would run her cognitive functions at a low power. She knew what she could do with her intellect on a higher power level; her body has taken many big hits, both out on the huttball field and on Kashyyyk.


Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
As with any taping of the Outer Rim House Hunter's Show made post-Chandrila, Ugohr was forced to attend official IGR functions in holoconference mode: because his trial hasn't begun yet, and grand jury proceedings haven't begun yet either, he is relieved of duty and, as such he was no longer the commanding officer of the Army of Malastare. Ugohr was surprised that Pizza Hutt finally found a way to expand beyond Hutt space: Ringo Vinda, Mandalore and now Dulvoyinn! And IGR was the primary real estate brokerage company in Alliance space, plus Ugohr contributed several properties to the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project in the Codex, and he formally applied to the GAPDP leadership for the command of the Dulvoyinn segment of the project as well. No success in getting Star Tours to get a beach resort built on Dulvoyinn so he had to deploy his own office on Dulvoyinn, a planet that was hitherto a real estate non-factor until the Alliance won over this planet (the One Sith never did anything significant economically on the planet). Now that the holoconference was active...

"Greetings. Mesa Ugohr Poof, yoursa beloved realtor. Wesa feel dat Dulvoyinn becomin more desirable as a beach planet, with Glee Anselm becomin a wild planet by the day. With IGR Brokerage, yousa will get honest realtors everywhere yousa looky for property"

"Togo togu! (Hands off [me])" Jessica screamed in the Jawas' direction.

Jessica knew that, as other people bought their own bottles of the Utinni #1 perfume, she would get the Jawas to fan out among other people. For 500 credits apiece, some people bought the Utinni #1 for the lead glass bottle - and Jessica had to acknowledge it as such, she knew that cologne buffs were often cycling through perfumes because they collected bottles. While not herself a perfume buff, she knew several other people were. Some of them came all the way to Dulvoyinn just to get a hold of a bottle among the first batch of 500 bottles being sold there. With the Utinni #1 being a minor-production perfume, it would mean that only a limited number of department stores or cosmetics boutiques would stock some, so understandably some would pay 500 credits just to get their hands on a Jundland lead glass bottle, containing roughly 30% lead oxide, and that many, many perfume manufacturers would attempt to get their products to stand out based on the bottles they are encased in.

"See now? These Jawas are now spread among many who wear Utinni #1! All that started based on pheromones I found on my body"

"How could humans produce pheromones that can affect Jawas?"

"Much the way Zeltrons produce theirs, I guess, just that, while we produce pheromones, humans are unaffected by them"

[member="Ar'ekk"] [member="Enduri Jaii"]
Enduri had been invited to the inauguration of a brand new perfume called Utinni #1. The young Prince wasn't very interested with perfumes , but more to find out about Undin. He had heard of him in the news and wanted to investigate the chance of him having a brother. His mother had bought a flying stick , which he didn't gave much attention , but he did ask if it was tested in a safe invorement and the Queen had replied that it had been tested by [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] , Undin and some other people , whose name he didn't remember.
As he went near the woman he introduced himself "Hello , I am Enduri Jaii , Prince of Rionda , from Rishi. And I assume , you are Lady Jessica Med-Beq?". After saying that Enduri took the woman's hand and kissed it.

@Ar'ekk [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Yes, Your Highness. I wonder whether you like Pizza Hutt. You seem troubled; is it because of the presence of Jawas or is it because of another matter altogether? As for the Jawas, this perfume is designed to make them fall in love with you because of native Jawa pheromones"

She feels that the broomstick has something to do with why he was even on Dulvoyinn in the first place. Jessica remembers very clearly the names of the people with whom she tested the broomstick: [member="Lyth Meran"], [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], Marcia Halpern (another member of the Design Triumvirate) and [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]. If the last name was a name that was familiar to Enduri, Jessica would not suspect anything. And she remembers it with such clarity that she has the impression to have - or be - a Force-computer. She feels puzzled to be that bright all of a sudden, and she also feels as if some memory limiter was removed from her in the Force. But as she saw the patrons step into the pharmacy that is adjoined to the Pizza Hutt location, the Jawas induced by the power of the Utinni #1 were entering the premises, while others go out for pizzas with their non-Jawa temporary lovers inside the Pizza Hutt restaurant.

"I remember one of my fellow testers calling me a Force-computer, although not Undin. Marcia called me that. Try to get a feel for me in the Force, to see whether you could find the answers you seek in me"

[member="Ar'ekk"] [member="Enduri Jaii"]

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Although Ugohr was unable to personally attend on Dulvoyinn to see his office on that planet being opened, he could still see what transpires there because holoconference was a two-way street. The speech given by the invited veteran from Dulvoyinn was about to begin. Said veteran took part in the ground campaign even though Dulvoyinn was best known as a space battle which saw a near-complete Alliance victory where several One Sith capital ships were destroyed: the Immortal Titan, the Hungering Mynock, to name the main ones. Understandably the main names, the likes of [member="Sieb Tevv"], [member="Aela Talith"], or even Jedi Ace [member="Choli Vyn"], couldn't come, being busy on several areas of the galaxy, so that person would have to do. But Jessica was there only for the launch of her own Utinni #1; she might be the most senior official of Ringovinda StarYards present on Dulvoyinn, but she was by no means the maître de cérémonie. That role befell on the manager of the Pizza Hutt Palace, who chose a Gran grenadier, wearing a uniform including a bearskin hat donated to him from the shooting team of Dead Fantasy, since he was the instructor of the extras of that horror holoflick, to deliver the speech:

"Dear residents of Dulvoyinn! For the past three months of Alliance rule, the Galactic Alliance restored fundamental freedoms to the population, and also ensured the reconstruction of basic infrastructure. We would like to thank IGR Brokerage and its owner, who did not take part in the Battle of Dulvoyinn, nevertheless built the Dulvoyinn Logistical Base afterward, which made it possible for us to cover our backs logistically during the Run to Coruscant. Also then-General Poof has took part in the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project, to which he contributed all the officially recognized contributions on Dulvoyinn and Malastare. So I declare the Dulvoyinn office of IGR Brokerage open"

[member="Ar'ekk"] [member="Enduri Jaii"]
The woman seemed to know about Undin , she got Enduri's attention after he asked "Well, may you tell me what you know of Undin?".
He gave a quick look around the building. It actually seemed nice and cozy. "And yes, I do enjoy the Pizza Hutt.".
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] @Ar'ekk [member="Ugohr Poof"]
"Undin is a little underage for me but he has a soft spot for pretty women. If you want to trap him, perhaps some pretty female human or Near-Human teenager should be used as a bait. You know, like [member="Sabetha Tag"], the scout of the Sanctum huttball team. He also owns a broomstick"

Said broomstick has become a favorite of Dathomirian holoflick makers. Even though the Factory Judges denied said broomstick, FJ approval is really necessary only for combat use. That, even if the broomstick is otherwise just fine, in technology and in terms of combat balance. But Cathul is far and away the person most readily associated with the broomstick, more than Jessica or Undin.

[member="Enduri Jaii "][member="Ar'ekk"] [member="Ugohr Poof"]
Trap him? Hell , who did she think Enduri was? Some sort of kidnapper? He just wanted to find out where he could find Undin Jaii , to chat with him and clarify some stuff up.
"He's just a little boy. Why would anyone want to trap him? Anyway Lady Jessica , do you have any idea where he may be?".

@Ar'ekk [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Ugohr Poof"]
"I haven't kept in touch with him since the broomstick was released, and it was released shortly after Undin got his prototype. But I played against him back on Dosuun in the Galactic Games just a couple of days ago. After the Games ended I don't know what happened to him though. Perhaps the First Order authorities still harbor him for what I know"

While Jessica couldn't have picked up that impression using the Force even if she was a Force-computer, she still had the impression that [member="Enduri Jaii "]was a person who wanted to meet with Undin at any cost. And, with the initial supply of 500 bottles being exhausted, Jessica was free to revel in her 10% profit share on their sales. But that was nothing when compared to the 50% profits she was slated to earn from the release of some AI who would cost a cost similar to that of advanced droid brains.
Enduri was dissapointed. A whole trip and for nothing. Atleast he got a meet nice pretty lady. "Very well , I will not be taking anymore of your time as I have to go. Goodbye Lady Jessica , and good fortune with the business". He then turned around and started walking out of the building and into his ship.
Shortly after he asked the pilot to drive back to Rionda.
@Jessica Med-Meq @Ar'ekk [member="Ugohr Poof"]

(End of scene for Enduri)

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