Bombshell Genius
Dulvoyinn, Galactic Alliance territory. Oh, it was nice for Jessica to relax on a beach after what she has been through on Jabiim and Kashyyyk: in the last instance, the Mandalorians gave her a run for her money, and she knew better than to fight Mandos. Nevertheless since she fought on a personal basis there, she would not fight under the Sanctum flag officially. But as demonstrated time and time again, she was very attractive to Jawas for no reason and she sought a way to either render herself indifferent to Jawas unless they were genuinely in love with her, or to exploit what made her attractive to Jawas in the first place. She was hit on by a few guys but nothing abnormal the way she is regularly hit on by Jawas everywhere she goes. She had nice features, both internal and external, but nothing that would make her being hit on more often than with other humans. She was mentally active, she was a woman with size and bulk on that frame, all right... but that alone was not enough. But there was a reason why Dulvoyinn was the place for her to relax. The first Pizza Hutt Palace, which was to combine the functionality of a pharmacy and a restaurant in one location, is due to open, with the launch of the very perfume that was created from Jawa pheromones detected on her.
"Welcome to the grand opening of the first Pizza Hutt Palace location. Pizza Hutt Palace, your one-stop for consumables: medical, food, hygiene, cosmetics, even fusion-furnace fuel and ammunition. For today's grand opening, we would like to introduce the person that was responsible for the development of Pizza Hutt's first proprietary cosmetic, Jessica Med-Beq!" the Pizza Hutt Palace manager spoke in the mic.
"It's a honor to me to be there among you today for the launch of two items: Pizza Hutt Palace, on the one hand, as well as the Utinni #1 perfume. I have to say, to humans, and most Near-Humans, it smells the same as a cologne that otherwise have the same active ingredients. Wear the Utinni #1 in presence of Jawas, however, and Jawas within a 3-meter radius WILL hit on you. What makes an Utinni #1, well, an Utinni #1, is the presence of Jawa pheromones. It works because Jawas rely on scent a lot for social interactions and have loads of exocrine glands to change their pheromone composition at will"
Even though Jessica is wearing a dress with a blue floral motif, she is wearing the very Utinni #1 (even though the active ingredient of the Utinni #1 has actually been discovered on herself, that is, she could produce that particular variety of Jawa pheromones by herself) she is to launch today and, all of a sudden, all Jawas within three meters of her just jumped at her.
[member="Reen Lorgon"] (and possibly [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Ar'ekk"])
"Welcome to the grand opening of the first Pizza Hutt Palace location. Pizza Hutt Palace, your one-stop for consumables: medical, food, hygiene, cosmetics, even fusion-furnace fuel and ammunition. For today's grand opening, we would like to introduce the person that was responsible for the development of Pizza Hutt's first proprietary cosmetic, Jessica Med-Beq!" the Pizza Hutt Palace manager spoke in the mic.
"It's a honor to me to be there among you today for the launch of two items: Pizza Hutt Palace, on the one hand, as well as the Utinni #1 perfume. I have to say, to humans, and most Near-Humans, it smells the same as a cologne that otherwise have the same active ingredients. Wear the Utinni #1 in presence of Jawas, however, and Jawas within a 3-meter radius WILL hit on you. What makes an Utinni #1, well, an Utinni #1, is the presence of Jawa pheromones. It works because Jawas rely on scent a lot for social interactions and have loads of exocrine glands to change their pheromone composition at will"
Even though Jessica is wearing a dress with a blue floral motif, she is wearing the very Utinni #1 (even though the active ingredient of the Utinni #1 has actually been discovered on herself, that is, she could produce that particular variety of Jawa pheromones by herself) she is to launch today and, all of a sudden, all Jawas within three meters of her just jumped at her.
[member="Reen Lorgon"] (and possibly [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Ar'ekk"])