Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, it's been real, guys. I really don't know what to say, I'm just sort of writing this as I go along and think.

Basically, I just don't feel like I have much to offer any more. I don't know what I'd call this, but I do know it's been a very long time coming. I'm an O-K writer, but I'm nothing special. Some of you will think I'm full of it, some will quietly ask yourselves "Who the hell is this?" I've been at this SW Role-play thing for ages now, and I just don't think I've got much more, if anything, left to offer. So yeah. I'll always keep this in my heart, and lord knows I wish I had more to contribute, but yeah. For now and the foreseeable future, I've got nothing left in the tank.

Maybe one day i'll venture back, could be tomorrow, could be years from now. Could be never. I've really got no idea, truth be told.

Keep on rocking, Chaos.

- James (Ket)
I have no idea who you are, but the exposure I've had to this community thus far tells me that every writer lost is a loss for us all. Whether or not you fell you had something to offer, I can't judge, but I can hope that you come back one day, and you and I are able to write a wonderful story.

Cheers and beers.

I know you have a lot going on sweetie, I wish I had the right words to say. I wish you would stay even if its just to post OOC and give ideas. But I know you have to do what's right for you, so maybe you will be back tomorrow, or next week, or a year from now.

You're in my thoughts and prayers. [member="Ket Van-Derveld"]
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]
I always enjoyed rping with Ket or reading him over the years, had a touch of style that was hard to pull off as a Sith I always thought, while keeping the badass part too.

So yeah that's why I liked the character.

Good luck wherever your travels take you mate.

PS you should trash a bar for old times sake.
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"] oh man I just say this this make this one very sad. I hope that you will be around I'm sorry that you are leaving when I just got back.

If you need to talk or just have someone to vent to I"m here :D


Disney's Princess
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]

Retirement is awesome. You can lurk the forums at your leisure, read all the great threads you've missed, (new and old,) and never have to worry about getting out a reply on time ever again.

*tips a glass*

Ah. Enjoy your time away dude. :D :p

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