Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Perth Marogan

Name: Perth Marogan
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Padawan being trained as a jedi sentinel (Ballanced in force and lightsaber combat.
Species: Ithorian
Age: 14 in human years.
Gender: Male
Height: 6 foot, four inches.
Weight: Not sure how much an ithorian would weigh, but lets say he's pretty light.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Nope
Skin: Orange Yellow
Force Sensitive: Yes
Items: A yellow lightsaber, with a hilt customization of three 'claws' in a triangular pattern pointing at the blade, a holdout blaster when his lightsaber will not help him (With an extra energy pack), a hiding spot in his clothing to conceal his lightsaber and blaster when he heads out with it, and his ship.
Powers: Force Telekenisis (Push, pull, moving objects around), force jump.

Strengths: Powerful force abillities, diplomatic skills, very agile, skilled with a lightsaber
Weaknesses: Weak physically, unable to kill due to morales
Weak/Strength (Not sure what to put it as, so): Refusing to start a fight unless there is no other way.

Ship: (Google the image) The skipray blastboat is a powerful gunship, capable of taking down hordes of fighters and when in groups taking down small ships like frigates. They are capable of some of the fastest speeds when flying at planetary levels, maybe its even the fastest, and it is agile still in space. His model comes with a nose-mounted heavy blaster cannon, with an undermounted proton torpedo launcher. On the sides of the cockpit are two ion cannons, and on the top and bottom of the enlarged fighter are medium blaster turrets for anti fighter and strafing duty. Can all be manned by one, besides the turrets, but max crew is a pilot, a copilot or sensor operator, a gunner, and an astromech droid.

Bio: He was found young, like all the rest, by one of the various jedi orders, and was trained in their ways from a yongue age. As he grew throughout the classes, he showed skill with the force, some of the highest a younglings ever gotten. His physical abillities, however, would sometimes prove lackluster. But he made it through, and patiently awaited for a master to bring more teaching onto him. He believed he was ready.

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