skin, bone, and arrogance

NAME: Petra Vitalis
FACTION: Galidraani Unified Council | Subject of The Sith Empire
-+- Lady - as the daughter of a Galidraani Duke
-+- Spector - a card-carrying member of the Spector Club, a secret, member's only club in Southport
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (untrained)
[+] Acrobat: Thanks to her rigorous physical training regime, Petra is physically fit, flexible, and light on her feet.
[+] Leviathan's Mind: Blessed with a first-rate intellect, Petra has honed her knowledge and critical thinking skills, so as to avoid being dependent upon her family's money, connections and generosity to survive.
[~] Under Pressure: Petra takes things to heart, whether it is a need to succeed socially or excel socially. Her eldest brother [member="Talbot Vitalis"]' death shook her to her very core and has made her question everything she thought she knew about the galaxy.
[-] Combustion: Possibly a genetic flaw, the Vitalis temper is alive and well in Petra, making her somewhat impetuous and prone to rash actions.
[-] Iron Roots: Stubborn to a fault, Petra finds it difficult and distasteful to compromise, which can be an obstacle to getting meaningful things done.
Tall and sporting an athletic frame, Petra could be considered reasonably good looking by traditional standards, although her nose may be a touch too long and her jaw a touch too square. With pale peach skin and black hair, she takes after her mother's side of the family, where her fair-haired brothers took after her father. She is obviously conscious of maintaining her looks and figure, wearing clothing that flatters her slender frame, maintaining an aggressive exercise and physical training regimen, and eating and drinking sparingly.
As the youngest child -- and a daughter, no less -- of the second son of the Duke of Foxfield, Petra never expected that she would have any import in life. That changed somewhat when her uncle, the Duke, passed without an heir and her father took the title and estate. As the daughter of a Duke, her horizons were expanded somewhat; there was more money, for instance, to send her to better schools, and her marriage prospects improved. She had little interest in a political marriage, and for a time her prospects became limited when her family was at the center of a bitter dispute in the Galidraani ruling classes due to her brother Talbot's broken engagement to [member="Natasi Fortan"], the daughter of the respected Earl of Herevan.
Instead of pursuing a political marriage, Petra chose to go to attend university, where she studied political sciences. She had no way to know that her life would soon become much more interesting. As Galidraan languished with insecurity under threat of Sith Imperial invasion, then-governor Iain Deltera proved unable to make a decision on how to address the threat. Her brother [member="Thaddeus Vitalis"], then a Colonel of the Calavar Garrison, staged a secretive coup against Deltera, forcing his resignation and retirement from public life. Her brother then made a deal with the Sith Imperials to cement his rule as Grand Duke of Galidraan. Shortly after, her brother Talbot was killed in battle during the First Order/Galactic Alliance tussle over Dagobah.
Petra was devastated; she had always been close to Talbot, so his death wrecked her emotionally, and made her begin to question the virtue of wars of conquest. Unfortunately, this put her squarely outside what is politically correct under the new Sith Imperial regime her brother Thaddeus was involving himself, his family, and their homeworld in.