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Approved Starship PGEM-C87 Sledgehammer Corvette

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Manufacturer: Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced

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  • Sound Structure Harkening back to its intended purpose, this vessel is capable of ramming other vessels with little structural damage due to the reinforcement of the neck and bow plating.
  • Punishment Designed to keep it's crew safe, the vessel features heavy point defense systems and upgrading armor plating.

  • All Ahead Full The most glaring fault of this vessel comes in the form of its poor maneuverability when performing a ram. With output diverted to forward motion, many of the additional thrusters are locked in place an during a ram attempt, cannot change course easily.
  • Face Value A majority of this vessel's fighting capabilities rely on keeping the enemy in front of it for its heavy hitting armament to be effective. It's most glaring weakness is being singled out and giving broadside to an enemy due to the limited firing arcs of its most damaging weapons.

Crew Minimum: 1 + Droid Copilot System
Optimal Crew: 35 Crew including Officers
Passenger Capacity: 125
Cargo Capacity: 22,000 Metric Tons
Supply Capacity: 7 months

A retrofit of an older design, and keeping in line with the original intent of the armored nose, the CR87 Sledgehammer Corvette remains the ramming vessel it once was while occupying a picket ship and escort role. With upgraded hull and frame materials, the next point of interest was ensuring the crash capabilities of the vessel remained intact. After thorough testing, many of the module mounted laser cannons were removed in favor of point defense cannons as the sudden impact on larger vessels was enough to rip the assault laser systems loose.

This reduced the number of weapons aboard capable of acting outside the limited range of fire, but as the vessel was intended to disable its intended target with the back mounted ion cannon, the trade off went ahead. As such, they mounted an assault laser cannon and a light turbolaser cannon on either side in the same turret mount to ensure at least one set of weapon systems remained in case either side were knocked out. While not the fastest vessel in a chase scenario, a slight course adjustment would allow for the spine mounted ion cannon to be used to attempt to disable a fleeing vessel. Aside from this, the mounted turbolasers are the second greatest asset given their range and damage output, though limited in their rate of fire.

Designed as more deterrent than legitimate threat, the Sledgehammer Corvette is designed for the smaller companies, and independent systems needing a vessel to fill a variety of roles on a budget.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a Corvette for the open market.
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Permissions: Open Market, Mass-Produced Items
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing, Open Market
Model: PGEM-C87 Sledgehammer Corvette
Modular: No
Material: Alerdite, Seigurium, Theadian, Ferrocarbon, Laminasteel
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: None
Kinetic Resist: None
Radiation Resist: None
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