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Approved Ranged Weapon PGEM Variable-fire ARM Cannon

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Manufacturer: Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
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  • A multi-function weaponized cybernetic. The arm can be used in close quarters situations as an oversized automatic blaster that depletes its power cell quickly or as a door breaching weapon with a single large output. Outside of close quarters situations, it can be used as a mock artillery piece with proper information and coordination.
  • Very large, and very heavy to boot, the prosthetic can be wielded as a melee weapon when the energy cell is drained.
  • The PGEM PGEM Variable-fire ARM Cannon is a sleeve extension that integrates with the PGEM-ARM and can be removed if the VfARMC is damaged or simply needs to be shed for whatever reason.
  • As an extension of the PGEM-ARM system, this prosthetic sleeve bolsters the blasters damage output, making for a highly powerful output of the integrated laser.
  • Very large and heavy, the weapon is a burden to carry for any length of time, and can be difficult to maneuver and handle in tight spaces.
An addition to the collection of prosthetics for Dominik Borra by taking the idea of an arm cannon, and turning it into a dedicated prosthetic.

This design comes from a very simple request for a big fragging blaster. No elaborate bells or whistles aside from being a prosthetic and providing more firepower at the literal palm of the hand wielding it. Using an amplification system of different lenses inside the drawn out arm, and dedicating a barrel in place of a manipulator, there is an immense power output gain at the cost of an extended power cell life. The power cell is visible near the elbow, a caveat for easy swapping by either the operator or an assistant. The single non-negotiable option made available to the operator is the ability to select a fire mode with the correct input through the first prosthetic.

When asked if there was anything more they wanted to add to the prosthetic, a firm but polite no was given. Testing proved relatively simple, even showcasing the novel ability to use the prosthetic as a makeshift artillery weapon.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a prosthetic attachment for Dominik Borra's prosthetic arm.
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Dominik Borra
Model: PGEM Variable-fire ARM Cannon
Modular: No
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Songsteel, Laminanium, Doonium
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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