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Approved Species Pharakis

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: To Flesh out the world of Fenris and create a species for later use in RP[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]​Image Credit[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: DeviantArt[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: No[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Fenris[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] | [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Chariys[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Name[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Pharakis[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Designation[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Sentient[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Origins[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Fenris[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Lifespan[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 500 years[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Estimated Population: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Planetary[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world)][/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Description: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Like much of the sentient life on Fenris, the Pharakis are a genetically modified species, melding the human genetics of the colonists who found themselves abandoned on the planet with the dominant lizards, the Chariys. The lizard based genetics are very obvious in the Phaakis, from the horns on either side of their head to the bone-like proturberances that adorn their bodies. (see picture below)[/SIZE]


(source: DeviantArt)

Left to their natural state the fingernails and toenails of the Pharakis closely resemble claws, although many have taken to filing them down to allow for easier use of standard technology. Another trait the Pharakis inherited from their lizard genetic parents are their tails, a scale-covered prehensile limb. As with the horns, the size, shape and thickness of the tail can differ from family to family.


  • [SIZE=9pt]Breathes[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Type 1 - Oxygen[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Height of Adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Male: 2.1m Female 1.7m[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Length of Adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Skin color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Skin Colours vary, white/pink, blue/grey and brown are the most common[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Hair color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Hair colours have a wide variety, black is the most common, but many brighter hues like blue, green and pink are present in a wide slice of the population.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Distinctions[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Perhaps the most striking physical trait of the Pharakis are their tails, long sinuous appendages that they can use to balance themsleves, or even as a partial limb. The next trait your eye is drawn to is the bony pertuberances that adorn their bodies, forming horns by their heads and little nodes all over their bodies. The shape of the horns can differ depending on bloodline, but there are no other major physical differences between the Pharakis, simple the same as you're see in any other species, those that spend time in the sun tend to have darker skin and similiar changes.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Races[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]As a genetically engineered species there are very few evolved distinctions between the Pharakis, the primary one being that some pharakis-human children have lessened pharakis traits. This primarily manifests in a lack of the armoured growths that adorn the Pharakis. However, there are differences within the Pharakis based on the families they descended from. The process of transgenic manipulation was an uncertain one, and the procedure underwent several iterations as they refined and improved the procedure. The first generation was closer to the original genetics of the Chariys, which lead to their blue skin tone, and dark hair and scales. Successive generations introduced lighter more human skin tones and a variety of colours to the hair and scales of the Pharakis. Cross breeding within the Pharakis has mixed the genepool significantly but for the most part, the differences in colour still remain as an identifier within the Pharakis.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Force Sensitivity: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]High[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Strong Connection to the Living Force:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The genetic modification which formed the Pharakis from a mix of the standard humans and the Chariys resulted in the new species having a very strong link to the living force. They have a very strong connection to the land and the creatures on it, a connection that is fairly widespread amongst the species, although some had a stronger connection than others, many Pharakis had a deep enough connection to be able to be trained to use beast mastery to command the tamed creatures that supplemented their armies and lives. Those with a deeper connection were originally trained as sages or trainers depending on their talents.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Physically enhanced: The genetic modification that created the species resulted in many of the traits of the Chariys, stronger muscles and lighter bones giving them more agility and strength than your average human. Their nails tend to be longer and harder than humans, acting as functional claws unless filed down and treated.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Shaperesque: Over time, their deep connection to the living force and their immersion in the nature o their planet led the Pharakis to start using the force to manipulate the forests and life around them. Without a strong connection to the Jedi the almost Pharakis developed their own force tradition. While not as complete or wide-ranging as the Jedi they had developed an almost druidic tradition of using the force to manipulate their environment. Especially to manipulate the plants and animals around them, what began as a need to defend themselves and their community in the harsh unforgiving jungle became an ability to push back the jungle and give them more room[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Light: Although the genetic modifications which created them gave the Pharakis superior agility, their lighter bone structure also makes them much lighter and less capable of standing upto a full-on brawl than other species that share a height and weight with them. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Bacta Allergy: A side effect of the transgenic tampering that created them was an alteration in the way their bodies worked. The Pharakis have a significant Bacta allergy, the common cure-all isn’t an effective aid, and can in fact kill.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Diet: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Omnivore, although the Pharakis tend to have a meat-heavy diet supplemented by fruits and vegetables. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Communication: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]While their strong connection to the force provides the Pharakis with a powerful Empathic sense which allows them some semblance of communication the Pharakis are taught the common Fenrisian Language as well as Galactic Basic.Some also learn the old Pharaksian language, but the language is considered Archaic and is not widely used. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Technology level[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: High[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Religion/Beliefs: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]No strong religious beliefs, given their strong connection to nature the Parakis have an almost druidic belief in balance and the sanctity of nature.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]General behavior: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The Pharakis emerged as the dominant species on Fenris in the long war between themselves and the other species which spawned from the colony survivors primarily due to their connection with nature that allowed them to turn the very planet and it’s Flora and Fauna against their enemies and the isolated nature of their capital city. The nature of Celise city best describes the attitude of the Pharakis and their focus on incorporating nature and balance into their architecture. While they have built up forming large towers the city planners focused on the inclusion of greenery and wide open spaces, not overdeveloping the city and retaining the unblocked views for the inhabitants. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]However, this state of balance and inclusion of nature and technology isn’t the easiest of situations to manage, it never has been. From their earliest days the Pharakis were very focused on education and allowing their youth to develop. Their cities tended to be built to lessen the dangers of the planet as much as possible, allowing hem the develop strong family and community bonds and have the safety to educate their children. As Fenrisian technology developed, so did the importance of education for the Pharakis. While they may not have been the match in terms for other species in terms of their engineering expertise, but when it came to biological sciences the Pharakis were unmatched. Many Pharakis were involved in the medical and pharmaceutical companies based on the planet of Fenris, while many others worked in more standard office roles or in many other roles across the planet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Outside of Work and education the Pharakis are much like any other species the galaxy over, enjoying a wide range of leisure activities. While they might be the dominant race on the planet, birth as a Pharaxis does not come with it an expectation of having a higher quality of life.[/SIZE]

The Pharakis are one of the genetically modified subspecies of humans that the abandoned colonists modified themselves to survive on their harsh new world. Extracting DNA from the dominant local fauna, the Chariys the Pharakis are a hybrid species mixing the intelligence and capability of humanity with the nature of the lizards.

[SIZE=9pt]Their modifications allowed the Pharakis to survive in the jungles that dominated the majority of the planet, building their first communities high in the treetops while the Humans and Dvarsiu were forced to retreat to the mountains to escape the hostile fauna and flora. It was this access to the Jungles, and most importantly the shores and wood that gave the Pharakis such an early advantage over the other settlers, they were able to build ships and explore the oceans settling on the grassy islands where they found good arable land free from predators.. It was here their first major city sprung up, the future capital of Celise City, named after the daughter of the head scientist who would become the first emperor of the Pharakis. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Pharakis’ modifications had the effect of bringing them closer to nature, closer to the force, and this adjustment came as a surprise for the other species. While the Pharakis were lighter than the others who thought to overwhelm them with a physical advantage, the warring species found themselves facing the jungle come to life on the side of the Pharakis, As mounts and combatants, the battlefield was filled with creatures great and small.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Their superiority in battle established as the dominant force on the planet, and secured the prime central belt of the planet as their territory. Over the course of the next few Millenia all sides engaged in wars and Skirmishes, with different technologies and skills altering the face of the battlefield, but the Pharakis always maintained their superiority and advantage.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]With the rediscovery of the past the face of the world changed, the warring species rediscovered their common heritage and reconnected. It wasn’t an easy task, not with millennia of war behind them, but this was them connecting with their cousins, with family. Slowly a peace was hammered out, a world government led by the Pharakis with representation of the other species. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]As time went on, as businesses and corporations thrived, the Pharakis bond to the force and to nature has never been more important. The species were natural healers, were naturally gifted and genetic manipulation, and those skills wer now what drove them forward into the new future as they looked to the stars.[/SIZE]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Under review.

Apologies for the long wait! Since there are no other available judges who can process this, [member="Srina Talon"] asked me to handle this one. I will run it through as soon as possible.

[member="John Locke"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="John Locke"]

Looks excellent for the most part! Have a few things, before I can stamp this though.

Image Credit:
I managed to track down the original source here, if you'd like to link back to the artist's work directly.

As Fenrisian technology developed, so di the importance of education for the Pharakis. While they may not have been the match in terms for other species in terms of their engineering expertise, but when it came to biological sciences the Pharakis were unmatched.
You have a small typo in your general behavior section here, if you'd like to fix that.

Now just for clarification sake- as I understand it the species is not all force sensitive. But it is more widespread and the ones that are, are well connected to the Force. But are the ones that are force sensitive also immediately imbued with the ability to influence beasts, etc? Or is it more that they have a natural inclination to it. As in, they still need to be taught, but they are good at it.
[member="Arage Bao"]

Thank you for finding the original link and the typo, I have now added and corrected for them respectively.

In regards to the beast mastery, the second interpretation is correct, they need to be trained but they have a natural inclination to the living force and beast mastery.

John Locke said:
many Pharakis had a deep enough connection to be able to be trained to use beast mastery to command the tamed creatures that supplemented their armies and lives.

I've adjusted the text accordingly to try to make that clearer.
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