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Approved Tech PharmaTech's Advanced Hair and Eye Dye Pills

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Professor of Alchemy

Image Source:,,20397664_2,00.html
Intent: To make money, as well as subtly spread the darkside across the galaxy
Development Thread: If Necessary
Manufacturer: PharmaTech(Distribution), Valicore Engineering(Production, Design)
Model: Sith Mask, Glamour, Force Disperser
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Only Color
Production: Limited, made to order.
Material: Sith Alchemized Pharmaceutical Supplies

PharmaTech's new line of Advanced Hair and Eye Dye claims to be the latest in genetic alteration, and when swallowed re-writes the genetic structure of the customer in order to change their hair or eye pigmentation. The effect is advertised as excruciatingly painful, but instantaneous and permanent. In truth it does exactly what it's been advertised to do, but the genetic alteration is not born of scientific nature, but rather a way of harnessing the power of Sith Mask in order to alchemically change it's targets. Foreseeing possible detection by overzealous Jedi Valik also imbues each pill with the ability of a Force Disperser, effectively hiding it's inherent but extremely minor Force signature. This effect does not translate to anyone in possession of the pills, or anyone who has consumed the pills, no matter how many the owner might possess. This does however, corrupt the user, but only very very minutely. Perhaps over the course of a decade of taking a pill a month one might plunge inescapably to the darkside, but otherwise the effect is extremely slight, someone being a tad more angry, a slight bit more impatient. Each pill sold also comes with a 'reset' pill, which using refined substance based on Nullification Resin and Annulment purges the effects of Sith Alchemy, but not corruption, from the body. This, while as painful as taking the normal pill, puts the user back to his or her original form without any side effects. Additionally, an unadvertised bu notable effect is that users of the dye will find that altered portions of the body will melt under the Force of Sith Lightning, causing permanent malformation that will persist and make further attempts at changing one's appearance, whether through Sith Mask or plastic surgery, extremely difficult.

Disclaimer: Using one of these pills is extremely painful for the change, and using more than one within a day will flat knock most sentients out unless they're using extensive ability in Crucitorn. Furthermore this can only change hair color, or eye color, not both, not skin, not shaping, etc, and must be custom-ordered by PharmaTech. There is not a 'stock' kept as Valik makes them as people order them so there is not to obtain more in raiding, stealing, or dealing with other pharmatech employees.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Artemisia Vy Kar"]

Yes. That's mentioned in the description, though I can add some colorful adjectives if you wish.

This sounds like an item which could potentially be abused. Might want to ensure that there is some type of disclaimer.

I like it though. I see no glaring issues, I leave it to the secondary approval experts.
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