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Approved Tech Phase II "Winter Rose" CryoBan Suspension Rifle

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  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation: Agents of Chaos, Closed-Market
  • Model: Phase II
  • Modularity: Yes; Operators may Install Various Attachments, Optics, Grips, and Under-Barrel Weapon/Utility Devices
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Ethylene Glycol, Advanced CryoBan Weapon Components, Internal Circuitry, Faraday Cage Construction Surrounding Electronics, Duraplast, Titanium, Myoflex, Rubber, and Agrinium
  • Classification: CryoBan Suspension Rifle
  • Discharge Velocity: 922 m/s
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: HeavyExtremely Light (Active Gravitational Field Disruptor)
  • Ammunition Type: Extreme-Capacity CryoBan Cell, Self-Restarting Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
    • 20 Discharges Per CryoBan Cell, 100 Discharges Per Power Cell
  • Effective Range: Average (350 Meters)
  • Rate of Fire: AverageLow (Active Gravitational Field Disruptor)
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Recoil: AverageExtreme (Active Gravitational Field Disruptor)
  • Freeze-Disruption: Capable of inflicting morbidly terrifying injuries on its targets, both armored and unarmored, the Winter Rose is akin to a class-D disruptor rifle in its lethality. Upon impact with a target, the extreme density of CryoBan contained within the electromagnetically-contained packet are released, before flash-freezing the area inside of and surrounding the impact point towards an ultra-cold temperature, only a few decakelvins above absolute zero. From there, the CryoBan has a high chance of inflicting effects which mirror that of a class-D disruptor, instantaneously freezing armor, organic flesh, and even midi-chlorians on a deeply molecular level.
  • Reflection: The electromagnetic sheath which encases the densely-packed CryoBan chemicals will immediately collapse upon impact, and as such, the Winter Rose’s discharged bolts can not be reflected back at the shooter via reflective shielding or lightsaber deflection.
  • Limited CryoBan Capacity: Due to the inordinately high amounts of CryoBan utilized in the Winter Rose, enabling its deep, molecular-level freezing capabilities, the weapon can only discharge twenty shots before the CryoBan cell is empty and the wielder is forced to reload. In addition, the Winter Rose also requires a specialized, high-capacity CryoBan cell to function, which is only produced by the manufacturer.
  • Recoil and Rate of Fire: While active, the Winter Rose’s integrated gravitational field disruptor will hamper the operation of its recoil negation and energy recovery system, causing the weapon’s recoil pattern to be almost completely uncontrollable while negatively affecting its accuracy and rate of fire, as well.
Conceived after the relative success of the
Phase X-E “Hyper Frost” CryoSonic Heavy Pistol, The Phase II “Winter Rose” CryoBan Suspension Rifle was designed by the same engineers, applying much of the research and technologies utilized in the Hyper Frost, while also forging ahead to a potentially groundbreaking application of CryoBan weaponry. During the initial parts of the design and testing stages in the weapon’s development, the Winter Rose was intended to function much like a typical CryoBan rifle. However, new techniques pertaining to the storage of CryoBan within a cell were developed, allowing a much higher density of CryoBan to be stored within a cell or canister. These techniques were quickly applied to the Winter Rose, to produce a far more advanced, deadly, and versatile CryoBan weapon system.

In essence, the Winter Rose is to a typical CryoBan rifle as a
class-D disruptor is to a blaster. Possessing the capability of freezing targets on a fundamentally molecular level, to the point of potentially permanent midi-chlorian cessation, the Winter Rose is a hyper-lethal application of CryoBan weaponry. Much like a disruptor uses larger quantities of tibanna gas than a typical blaster, the Winter Rose uses larger quantities of CryoBan than a typical CryoBan rifle. This CryoBan is then concentrated within a discharged packet that is contained within an electromagnetic sheath at an extreme density. This sheath will collapse immediately upon impact, thereby releasing the CryoBan within.

The Winter Rose also features an integrated gravitational field disruptor, which makes the weapon’s heavy weight significantly lighter, albeit at the cost of rate of fire and recoil. In effect, this system is utilized any time that the weapon is not in use so that its heavy weight does not encumber the operator. It is typically turned off when the operator anticipates an engagement, so that the energy recovery system can function at maximum efficiency in the process of firing.
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