Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phil Treymore

Tavjurn Phil

Character Profile:

NAME: Jay Shaun
ALIAS: Tavjurn Phil, Phil of Treymore
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Jedi
AGE: 31
HEIGHT: 5'10



  • Calm and Detached:
    Phil deals with stress very well. So well in fact, that he can seem completely detached from even the most dangerous of situations.

[*]Simply Swordsman:
  • Phil has taken a youthful fancy towards swordplay. He has enjoyed a lifetime of practice and application.

[*]Lost Medicine:
  • Phil has endured a number of medical treatments to adapt to new environments, hostile temperatures, and even alien biology. His immune system is, jokingly, half Vong by now.

  • Phil is an avid swimmer. Though he claims it's all about the tan lines and surfer girls.

[*]Bad Eyes:
  • Phil should probably wear glasses.

[*]Two Left Feet:
  • Phil can't dance. It's a thing.

  • Spicy foods and onions give Phil a headache.

  • -
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Phil's records show he was born on a garden world colony east of Duros named 'Midian'. This is a fabrication. Phil was born Jay Shaun on the planet of Coruscant many long years ago.
Born on the planet of Coruscant as an Imperial Citizen only months before the Battle of Yavin. As a teen he graduated from the Regent Art Academy of Coruscant with a degree in Holographic Design. He joined The Students of the Light at the age of nineteen. Growing to maturity as both a Jedi, citizen, pilot, husband, and author. He published a textbook for the University of Cinnagar in the field of Holographic Publishing and Design. He onced lived with his wife, Fey Sullust, on the planet of Cinnagar. After an attack during his fifth year, Jay Shaun lost many uses of his Force Potential and joined the New Republic.
During his bout as a Republic Intelligence Agent, Jay was frozen in stasis on the planet of Cinnagar by a rogue mercenary group. He remained as such for hundreds of years until the aftermath of the Gulag Plague prompted his revival.
Jay, refabricated now to Phil, has spent the last four years rebuilding his memories and his lost lifetime on the planet of Corellia. Four years to come to grips with himself, his new life, and the Force which cast him adrift hundreds of years ago.


  • 1. Arbra
  • 2. -
  • 3. -

Tavjurn Phil

Star Wars Centerpoint: The Original Saga

Jay Shaun arrived upon the snowy moon of Yavin VIII during the warm months of it's summer rotations. It was a small lost moon in a small lost star system. Home to a small Jedi group called The Students of the Light. Shaun was greeted by smiling wonderful faces and invited to begin his journey into the world of the Jedi Knight.

Many months passed as Shaun spent time and training on the small snowy moon. Having fun and adventuring with the great Jedi heroes of his time. Learning from them, enduring hardships with them, and enjoying the best that life had to offer. His adventures also brought him into contact with the villainous plots of the then, Sith Masters. Tumultuous and dramatic rivalries ensued with vigor. Both friends and enemies were fought, redeemed, found, and lost. His days as an Apprentice were long and filled with adventure.

The call of Empress Teta and the Lords of Cinnagar soon claimed his destiny. Even before Shaun's ventures into the depths of Knighthood, The White Lady Meridian became the center of his story. Perhaps even, the Centerpoint of the Galaxy. The Meridian was the daughter of the Grand Sorcerer and Dread Lord Verridian. A dark power not far akin to Darth Nilius and his terrible consuming power. Together for many battles Shaun, Meridian, and the forces of Light; pressed their enemy back into his magical lair and sealed the galaxy of his evil influence forever. Victorious at last, Shaun and his new family of friends, warriors, droids, and scoundrels; celebrated their victory with grand amens.

As a Jedi Knight, Shaun volunteered the rest of his life to rebuilding the Empress Teta System after their burning struggle against the ruinous powers. His adventures took him near and far. Battling against the Sith Powers, the Verridian Magistrates, and even The White Lady Meridian's own budding curiosities. A desperate plot by the Forces of Evil soon left him cut off from the Force and estranged from his family and friends. Thus began his extremely human ventures as a Republic Intelligence Agent. Solving the mysteries of the Force, his family, and his resurgent enemies all at once.

The climax of his past left him encased in stasis and thrown adrift on the currents of time. Waiting for hundreds of years to reclaim his destiny and rekindle his relationship with the eternal Force.

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