Philip Guycharde
NAME: Philip Guycharde
FACTION: None yet
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 2"
WEIGHT: 210 pounds
EYES: Ice blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Caucasion
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength: - Extensively trained from youth with bladed weapons. Prefers to duel with twin rapiers or sabers
Weaknesses: - Driven by a need for revenge for his father's death. Sometimes causes him to be short-sighted
and take unnecessary risks
- His mixed force heritage (a sith father and a jedi mother) unconsciously places him in very
un-sithlike moral conundrums at the most inopportune times.
APPEARANCE: 6'2", 210 pounds. lithe and well-toned.
Muscular without going to the extreme of being muscle-bound.
Long, dirty-blonde hair, ice blue eyes, roguish smile.
Louis Guycharde gave up the promising potential of being a very powerful sith lord to return and accept his place as the patriarch of House Guycharde of Galidraan upon his father's declining health. His subsequent leadership earned him the respect of many of the other Houses and he was eventually selected to be Galidraan's planetary governor. The Guycharde family had a long history of producing powerful male sith. That trend was to continue as you will see shortly.
During one of his business trips, assessing and developing markets for Galidraan, he met his polar opposite. Where he was tall, dark and often foreboding, Sarabeth Conte, while tall, was light featured, being blonde and blue-eyed, and was rarely seen without a smile. Being a Jedi wasn't something she had studied and trained to be… it was simply who she was. She naturally had the inner peace and tranquility other jedi dream of achieving and, if she ever raised a hand against another being, this writer doesn't know of it. When the two met, they both knew immediately, these opposites were made for each other. His storm and her tranquility blended into something inexplicable yet greater than the natural sum of the parts.
Louis finally gave up his demand that she renounce being a jedi. If she would come to Galidraan as his wife, he was ready to allow a jedi to reside at Guycharde Manor for the first time in the near millennia of its existence. The prospect created a buzz all around Galidraan, as, although the planet itself had no particular darkness about it, its resident force users were almost all of the dark side. When the Jedi Council heard of her decision, however, they incarcerated her, striping her of her lightsaber. They planned to hold her until she came to her senses. Outraged, Louis and a group of his friends, orchestrated a well-planned attack on the small enclave where she was being held, and liberated her; taking her home to Galidraan. From then until her death, they never left each others' side.
After several years of marriage, they were overjoyed when the doctor finally told them she was pregnant. It wasn't long into her pregnancy; however, that he delivered the bad news to them. Sara had a uterine deformity that if allowed to go to term would probably kill her at childbirth. Of course Louis wanted to abort the child immediately; but, the mother, already bonding with the baby growing inside of her, wouldn't even consider it.
The day came - Philip Delaney Guycharde was born… Sarabeth Guycharde died. Louis was devastated. His heart felt as if it had been ripped from his chest and it was fully three weeks before he could face his new son. Finally containing his resentment that this baby had taken his beloved from him, he entered the nursery for the first time. Philip was cooing contentedly, clutching a silver rattle in his tiny hand. With his almost white-blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and endearing smile, Louis immediately saw Sara in their child. It was a little longer, when apparently outraged by a wet diaper Philip flew into a tantrum and threw his silver rattle across the room, that Louis saw his sithly self in the baby. He knelt down by the crib, alternating between crying from his sorrow and laughing at the baby's antics. He said a silent oath to his dead wife that he would love and protect their son until his dying day - and he did.
To say Philip had a good life would be an understatement. Guycharde Manor was an extraordinarily beautiful place to grow up - perched upon the edge of a cold, blue lake lying at the upper end of a dramatic valley in one of the planet's regions of highest mountains. Except for a few restrictions his father imposed, Philip could have or do anything he wished. The expectations were that Philip would excel in his academic studies, would be diligent in his pursuit of his dark arts and skills, and would become an expert duelist and fighter. His primary restriction… sexual discretion. No dallying with the serving girls around the manor; no flings with the daughters of the other Houses. There could be no claims of impropriety associated with the name Guycharde. No bastard children, no claims of marital necessity. When he was young, these restrictions didn't bother him. As he became a teenager and had looks that drew the attention of most women, young and old, that encountered him, it began to be something of a nuisance. He was diligent, and, his father appreciated his efforts; but, he knew he couldn't maintain them indefinitely.
On Philip's fifteenth birthday, his father took him to the capital city for the weekend. The evening of the first night there, he took Philip to a private men's association. There he introduced his son to some of the employees; women… beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. All available… all well paid to fulfill his slightest desire with discretion. Needless to say, Philip became a very active member of that association, regularly attending its meetings.
The Master of House Malthorne watched Philip grow up with some trepidation. Malthorne and Guycharde were bitter rivals, and, there was an outstanding death challenge between the two. That meaning, should one house kill the Master of the other, all properties were forfeit. An assassination had been attempted once on Louis when Philip was very young. It failed and the reprisals wrought on Malthorne set the family back several decades. Watching Philip develop, though, had the man worried that if he waited too long to try again and allowed the boy to reach maturity, between Louis and Philip, House Guycharde would indeed be too strong to overthrow. Investing all of Malthornes' battle-ready resources, they struck a surprise attack on Guycharde Manor itself. With many of its resources deployed at other holdings, the Manor was ill-prepared for such a massive attack. Even so, it didn't fall quickly.
On the shore of Lake Jessith, a trio of sith assassins cornered Louis after luring him away from his men by making him think Philip was in danger near the lake. Louis killed two and severely wounded the third before their poisoned blades finally brought him to his knees, and shortly thereafter, his death.
A group of Louis's trusted knights and lords, spirited Philip away before Malthorne could find and kill him. The Council of Houses ruled that the death challenge had been completed and that Guychard Manor and all the Guycharde holding on Galidraan were now the property of House Malthorne. Philip had no choice but to leave Galidraan or be killed when Malthorne discovered his hiding place. His departure is described best in The Fall of House Guycharde.
SHIP: [SIZE=11pt]Kestrell's Fall[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - a small, Baudo-class personal yacht [/SIZE]
ROLE-PLAYS: (Past role-plays have been written on Blades Edge and the Circle of Healers sites)
Past History:
The Fall of House Guycharde (Acceptance by Athena Somir as an Apprentice)
Bar Blasting (Knight Test)
The Shores of Corellia (Kidnapping the Fiore children for his Master)
To Be Honored (Knighting Ceremony)
The Trip to her New Home (Moral dilemma - disobeying his Master)
The Tick of the Tock (The price for failure)
From Here to Eternity Your Dead (Moreso)
Shattered Lives (Redemption by trial and a shattering)
The Brothers Grim and Their Adventures on the Darkside (Reclaiming himself)