Blueberry flavored Sith
Droids were a bizarre and interesting thing, skirting the line between empty and soulless tools or being a sentient made of flesh. For Keva, they almost entirely remained in the former. They were tools, just as they were the currency of battle. To be used and spent as she deemed fit, for the majority of them could always be replaced.
But the emphasis must be put onto the word majority, by what seemed nothing more than pure chance the rather solid worldviews of the Chiss zealot had been tested once again. Graced with the existence of one [member="UBD-028"], an ancient droid; a machine of war that dated back centuries ago. And unlike the Battle Droids that filled the Confederate army, UBD-028 or “Kaz” had gained enough sentience that Keva could throw aside her disgust of the machine, for to some extent the Colonel could consider her Droid bodyguard an equal (in terms of sentience, in rank? Entirely incomparable). Regardless of this fact, spats and verbal sparring was not unheard of between the amusing pair of mighty looking droid and weak looking Chiss; on the burned rock of Arkham another one of them had started to be birthed in the rubble of the city streets.
But that was a talk for Keva’s warship, the K'aszuso K'ticah, was a far better spot to discuss philosophy than burning city streets. At least, depending on the current mood. Within the bowels of the Munificent Keva had hid herself from all others except the droid in her new and rather secluded studies: a small but seemingly ever growing exhibit of junk had begun to fill the room, debris and memories pulled from the various battlefields she had served on under the Confederate banner. Maybe the dear Chiss was more sentimental than she let on.
But the emphasis must be put onto the word majority, by what seemed nothing more than pure chance the rather solid worldviews of the Chiss zealot had been tested once again. Graced with the existence of one [member="UBD-028"], an ancient droid; a machine of war that dated back centuries ago. And unlike the Battle Droids that filled the Confederate army, UBD-028 or “Kaz” had gained enough sentience that Keva could throw aside her disgust of the machine, for to some extent the Colonel could consider her Droid bodyguard an equal (in terms of sentience, in rank? Entirely incomparable). Regardless of this fact, spats and verbal sparring was not unheard of between the amusing pair of mighty looking droid and weak looking Chiss; on the burned rock of Arkham another one of them had started to be birthed in the rubble of the city streets.
But that was a talk for Keva’s warship, the K'aszuso K'ticah, was a far better spot to discuss philosophy than burning city streets. At least, depending on the current mood. Within the bowels of the Munificent Keva had hid herself from all others except the droid in her new and rather secluded studies: a small but seemingly ever growing exhibit of junk had begun to fill the room, debris and memories pulled from the various battlefields she had served on under the Confederate banner. Maybe the dear Chiss was more sentimental than she let on.