Queen of Alderaan
Image source – http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/aa/Uprising_UI_Prop_Material_Chemical_07.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/120?cb=20151109075054
Development Thread – Why does it sparkle so?
Manufacturer: Aldera
Model: Phridium
Affiliation: Aldera, House of Organa
Modularity: NA
Production: Minor
Material: Phridium
Special Features:
• Just short of Phrik in terms of Energy and Heat Resistance
• On par with Durasteel in terms of Kinetic Resistance
• Roughly comparable to Turadium in terms of Resistance to Lightsabers
• As Light as Terenthium
Phridium is a naturally occurring metallic ore found on the planet of Aldera. At first discovery it was thought to be another source of phrik but closer testing at the molecular level revealed that though the ore was chemically similar to Phrikite in its composition, it was not the same, having other properties trapped within the ore, causing it to share properties with Ciridium, Bronzium, and Duraplast as well.
After several attempts to purify the ore and separate it into a liquid state, burn out its impurities to create Phrik proved unsuccessful, metallurgists studied its purified properties closely, examining it for the Royal Family. They discovered that the metal was lightweight, fairly heat and energy resistant as well as very flexible, similar to ciridium. After playing with the metal, it was given to several master smiths who worked it and forged it in a number of ways to further understand its unique properties.
The resulting metal is very light weight, almost as light as terenthium when used to make sheets of comparable thickness. Though it is slightly heavier, the difference is less than a full kilogram when used for full body armor. The metal is flexible and malleable like ciridium, allowing for plates to move freely. This, coupled with the light weight of the material, allows for soldiers or warriors wearing armor of it to maximize their mobility without suffering from severe reduction in protection. It has a very high thermal/energy resistance, making it excellent for protecting against blaster bolts and other similar energy weapons. Phridium is NOT Light Saber resistant like Phrik, though it does offer some protection, able to survive glancing or light strikes from the weapon, albeit with deep heat scoring and furrows carved into the metal, similar to how Duraplast and Turadium would appear after being struck with a lightsaber.
The metal is not without drawbacks however. Being less dense and lacking the same chemical make up as Phrik it is not as protective as the rarer, more valuable material. In addition, the flexibility, while beneficial for stopping piercing weapons to a degree, limits its protectiveness against kinetic energy. Blunt force trauma is a serious danger to those wearing Phridium armor. Also the flexibility makes the material unsuitable to be used in weapons such as swords, axes, maces, and spears as it lacks the rigidity to make a powerful cutting edge.