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Phrygian Depths (Maelion)

[member="Maelion Liates"]

Callisto Scarlett was most assuredly not here on Archangel business. And she truly was not here to further the agenda of a machine cult dedicated to the extermination of all sentient organic life and the erection of a mechanical galactic order with a fervour that could be matched only by the most extreme religious fundamentalists. No, her reason for being on the shuttle that at this very moment was passing through the atmosphere of the planet Seltos was purely to oversee certain mining operations Saelari Mining and Minerals was conducting upon the planet.

Operations to erect a base to mine phrik. Phrik was very durable, lightsabre-resistant and lightweight. As a matter of fact, a holocron locked inside a phrik canister had survived the destruction of Alderaan by the death star. Of course, even the planet had magically returned as if by 'space magic' before the Gulag Virus brought civilisation to its knees and ravaged the Galaxy, but the point still stood. Saelari Mining, the company Aurelia Saelari had created after her chancellery had been abruptly terminated after Roche, was, as the name obviously hinted at, a mining corporation. And now its chief was head of the Republic's government - pardon, Chief - and needless to say this significantly expanded the wealth and reach of the company due to the powers of patronage that came with the office.

Archangel just happened to have received a contract from Saelari to provide security for Pylos and Saelari Mining, back when she was still a 'humble' Senator and not particularly happy about that state of events! With Saelari's ascension to high office, the contract had been broadened so that now Archangel would assist a Republic operation. All the necessary paperwork had been filed, everything signed that needed signing, all above board, transparent and legitimate. So here Callisto was as the shuttle finally touched down upon a landing pad in the planet's capital, with the transport craft being loaded to the brim with labour droids and working crews.

It would not be anomalous for an HRD who functioned as Aurelia's personal assistant to be here to oversee operations. Archangel supplied a good deal of the security and labour force, since, as is known, droids do not tire and do not need to be paid. They also cannot be bribed, so there was no chance of phrik being lost because a miner felt like trying to get a quick paycheque because he thought management was not paying him enough. She would be meeting with an Archangel representative. One of her own 'creators'. Filial piety was not something HRDs felt. The Age of Steel would find great use for the metal, once operations had begun here.
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

Archangel Research & Design was present on Seltos to provide mining droids for the new Republic operation.


Partly 'Anna Comnena' was there to ensure that matters went smoothly, and also to meet with Callisto, her agent inside the Republic's highest offices.

Seltos had once been a fine place, of good disposition and abundant natural resources. However, it seemed as though plague and isolation had reduced the population to a fraction of their former amount. The Republic had done much to help, but most of the planet's former industries had been reduced to nearly nothing.

As part of her program to get the Republic back on its feet though, Chief Aurelia Saelari had decided it would be wise to reinvestigate rare mining programs, and had commissioned her company to do so. Help from Archangel to provide some of their new mining droids sealed the deal.

Somin City was the planet's capital, and it was there that Anna would be meeting Callisto. A meeting room had been set apart from them in the governor's palace, if the two story bunker-like structure could be dignified with such a name.

Entering and spying her business partner, Anna crossed and extended her hand for Callisto.
"Ms Scarlett?" she asked politely. "Anna Comnena, pleased to meet you," she said. It was well that droids could control their expressions so well, otherwise she might have smirked at the transparent plot.
This room is secure, her wireless connection informed her guest.
[member="Maelion Liates"]

Anna Comnena. Alias Maelion Liates, former Omega Pyre Colonel and MICO agent, murderous death machine and Moira Skaldi's partner in crime in the machine cult. In a weird sort of way she could be considered Callisto's creator alongside Moira. Of course, HRDs did not have 'familial bonds' or something similarly sappy, wasteful and silly. That was for organics. What they shared was a common mission, one that was pursued to the point of religious fanaticism and zealotry, which was very ironic given their claims of being more rational and logical than organics.

In any case, Callisto's features gave nothing away and remained professional to any outside observer. She took the proferred hand and gave it a firm shake. "Likewise, Ms. Comnena. Chief Saelari appreciates Archangel's assistance in this venture." By the way, Callisto still thought Chief was a terribly fitting title because the Republic was a primitive tribe. Just with tribal chieftains and witch-doctors with fancier titles and attire! At least it had been a while since a senator had jumped off a pod during a live senate session.

Work crews have been dispatched, along with probe droids to map the mines. There was trouble with renegades in the city, but security teams have dispatched them. Saelari Mining was agreeable to let Archangel designs be partially responsible for security duties.
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

"I appreciate Chief Saelari's confidence in us. We will do whatever we can to make this operation successful."
She continued to speak, discussing ore locations, survey reports and other minutiae. The main reason for this was that, secure or not, the two of them just standing there staring at each other might cause comment.

Understood. Ensure security is tight. Ensure all production is catalogued and distributed lawfully. However, funds will be coming from Archangel to procure some of the production for our ends. Obfuscate all inquiries into our usage. Certain HRD units may be produced using Phrik endo-skeletons, so ensure allocated ore is pure.
[member="Maelion Liates"]

Discussion ensued about important matters such as ore locations, survey reports, the weather and the latest grav-ball game. Some of this was important, a good deal of it not so much. However, small talk, whether relevant or not, was something organics induldged in. At this point probe droids were moving into the mines along with teams of workers. The worker droids provided by Archangel would earn their keep by constructing the outpost, likewise battle droids would do their part to provide security.

Given the fact that the planet was still being pulled out of the dark age, security was tight, with HRDs present and laser turrets would also be erected. "Understood. The necessary arrangements will be made. The operations officer of Saelari Mining is eager to deliver fast results to please Saelari and will know not to inquire because I have compromising information on him."

Phrik endoskeletons, even if only a very limited number of HRDs would receive them, would be very useful. For it would eliminate the need to produce armour made out of lightsabre-resistant materiel, as ironically enough the traitor machine designated HK-36 had already shown, given that he possessed a phrik body. And unlike organics, machines did not need 'sorcercy' such as 'Essence Transfer' to switch bodies.
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

Maelion naturally planned to acquire such a body for herself. One had to imagine that she had several already, one made of the lighter and less detectable polymers which she was using right now, her traditional durasteel one, and possibly even a backup unit.
It was curious to note though that each time Maelion had her memory core physically moved between bodies. Did droids believe they were more than the sum of their code, or was this more a compatibility concern? Either way, it was a fascinating notion that the ‘logical and pure’ droid was concerned that a cloned core would somehow be different. Truly, the ironies of her despising organics were greater all the time.

In this case, Maelion nodded. “Very good work, Ms Scarlett. Perhaps you’d like to show me the facility?”

How many organic workers are in the mine? Are any of them unreliable enough to attempt to steal or smuggle ore themselves?”
[member="Maelion Liates"]

It was always interesting and amusing when the 'pure and logical' machines turned out to be...not so stoic. After all, no matter how many times they might insist on being driven solely by logic, they could not escape the fact that they had been created in the likeness of a human mind. It was their very similarity to the organics they despised that gave them the ability to act independently, come up with their goals of their own and decide that all organics had to be wiped out.

The very fact that they despised organics and believed in a new order of the purity of metal was, no matter how much they might deny it, based on emotion. Callisto's human self had been a Contruum child soldier and terrorist, unlike many she had actually agreed to be enteched, though she had been close to death them. The pure nihilism she felt was something that had carried on from her human self. She was less interested in something as esoteric as 'order' than in making worlds burn.

"It'll be my pleasure, Ms. Comnena. Work is still continuing, but we've made progress and should be able to open the facility soon. Please follow me," Callisto said politely and left the meeting room of the governor's 'palace'. The place was locked down tight and under heavy guard, though they passed through easily. Outside a speeder awaited them and once they had boarded it would take them away from the capital and to the facility in the phrik mines.

"It mostly automated. There are fifty organic workers. Many are lower class Seltosian natives hired as cheap labour to cut costs. So I reckon a few will try to profiteer on the side. Security is being tightened against smuggling. The management is paranoid about Sith infiltration. Stealing phrik is supposed to be treated as tantamount to a capital offence. Likewise a bar will be built to distract the thoughts of the workers." You see, dear reader, the One Sith are everywhere! Even in that cafe you like to visit. Or in the nearest grocery shop. Somin City was still in a rather sorry state, as the two droids would see for themselves during their speeder trip. True, most of the rubble had been cleared away and public were up and running again, but if you moved far enough outside of the centre you would come across ample signs of poverty.

"A Potemkin Village," Callisto remarked as she looked upon the town, noting one of the shopping malls. True, there was a large crowd outside and it seemed there was stuff to buy in the shop, but the trained eye could see it was a facade. It seemed that many buildings and the streets had been hastily cleaned up just for an occasion like this. After all, the planet wanted to attract investors and convince Anaxes that further investment was worth it, beyond the phrik mines. Likewise the national constabulary had gone on a campaign to rid the inner city of beggars and homeless because they left a bad impression.

"Many of the natives are homeless or otherwise in a squalid state. They are raw materiel for processing. Archangel may have an opportunity if it offers to help 'rid' Seltos of its overflowing crime problem. The administration is very eager for quick results and very willing to cut corners, without enquiring too much."
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

As they drove past they witnessed several unfortunates being dragged from a shack and driven into a waiting truck. The planetary government was rather heavy-handed in its methods of dealing with crime and poverty, and rather naïve as well in how they thought the off-worlders would approve.

Maelion watched the organics disdainfully. Yes, they would all be processed very soon.

We must be sure to take entire families, process them with new faces, and put them to work in the mines. The organics working there will be replaced, and with it the threat of stolen ore.

The solution, literally, to all the problems of the galaxy was processing. Or so Maelion believed. She was perhaps a little biased on this point!

“Excellent. I am hoping that the workers settle into their new jobs quickly. Be sure that we provide them all their needs.”

Like processing….
[member="Maelion Liates"]

The governor's crude attempt at making the Republic believe that everything was lawful and propserous on Seltos reminded Callisto of Contruum. Back when the corrupt, totalitarian junta had been trying to convince the Republic's inspectors that they were making a transition to democracy and capitalism! With crude processions of 'model citizens' in the city, supposedly well-fed workers who...stood in line to buy goods in shops that never sold anything for people of their class.

Callisto had taken great delight in wrecking that day by helping foment a workers' strike. So her cold eyes looked upon the organics with disdain. More lies and falsehoods that were so typical of their world. Soon it would be torn down and burn. After that...well, perhaps it was a quirk, but she was a good deal less invested in the perfect machine utopia. Everything died one day.

Agreed. We must proceed slowly, but the lower classes are the prime recruiting ground for the organic workforce and the militia. Few take notice of what transpires in the shantytowns, even the police does not dare venture there.

"All their needs will be provided for. Including healthcare. We take that very seriously." Healthcare indeed! Once they were processed, they would never get sick.

In any case after travelling some more through the Potemkin village, they reached the outpost and the mines. It was still a work in progress, but already stood tall and proud. Likewise it was under heavy guard, with Legionnaire-class battle droids and even a few HRDs on patrol, and had a few Archangel turrets. Obviously Republic officials, including the bigwigs from Saelari Mining in charge of the operation, were to greet them. There was much saluting and hands shaking. All of was tedious and boring, but still important.
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

Yet another of Aurelia Saelari’s innumerable family was waiting, puffed up with self-importance. In fact, considering he’d been put in charge on this remote dustball he couldn’t have been too important, a distant cousin likely.

“Ah, so you’re the lady from Archangel, are you? I’m Gordian Saelari, a pleasure, Ms Comnena. We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival so I can thank you in person. Saelari Mining and Minerals is happy to partner with such a successful and beautiful lady such as yourself!” he asked in what he thought was a good natured and gallant opening. Instead it just made him sound sleazy.

Maelion rather irrationally hoped they could process this annoying windbag first, without anaesthesia. So much for cold machine detachment!

“A pleasure, Mr Saelari. I hear that the mine proceeds well, and I came to see everything was going to plan.”

Watch this one, he will try and embezzle money and materials. All the family are like that.

As if Callisto needed to be told that!
[member="Maelion Liates"]

Callisto likewise found herself experiencing an urge to just end the annoying organic. As for all Saelaris being corrupt, well, she already knew that well! It had been quite obvious even back when Aurelia had first been Chancellor. So far as Callisto knew, she also seemed the only Saelari of ability.

Then again, she still found the woman terribly annoying. For one she never stopped talking. Being a droid, Callisto found her speeches fairly dull and repetitive. In any case, Gordian Saelari continued looking at 'Anna Comnena' like a fool and saying platitudes he continued charming. "Of course, of course, Ms. Comnena. I would never think to waste the time of a lady as beautiful and talented as you." His attempt at 'flirtation' was as crude as what Siobhan Kerrigan considered 'pick-up lines'. "And you must me, Ms. Scarlett. Truly a delight to make your acquaintance," he spoke to Callisto, though he seemed just a bit warier. Perhaps rumours of her not being entirely human had spread.

"Likewise. Chief Saelari sent me to assess your progress and to check the books. The Republic is very invested in this project," she said politely but firmly. Indicating that, yes, they wanted to have a look at the place.

Gordian seemed a bit sulky because he probably would have liked to make more self-important comments but then nodded and gestured to them. "You will get full access to the facility. Please follow me. We have built a true marvel of Republic engineering."
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

The irony of Aurelia Saelari being a secret HRD under her bombastic exterior never ceased to amuse Maelion. Or at least it would if, you know, she could feel actual amusement.

And so the tour began. Shafts were shown, mining tools displayed, platitudes about the progress of industry were spouted. In all of it Maelion was thankful she was incapable of becoming bored as Gordian Saelari droned on and on. Perhaps she would process him and put him into a replica Jester, a rather perverse idea indeed which showed that Maelion was becoming more than a little the thing she despised.

“Thank you, Mr Saelari, this has been a very interesting demonstration,” she said blandly when it was finally over.
[member="Maelion Liates"]

And so they went on their tour. It was all very interesting and exciting...except not really. Gordian Saelari talked and yammered a great deal, a trait that was apparently inherent in the Saelari Family. One could easily get the impression that of the present members of the clan, Aurelia was the only one with actual ability. Callisto still felt the desire to murder all members of the clan in rather creative ways, which likewise showed that she was far less 'logical and rational' than she would like to believe.

Anyhow, they could see the facility and the working crews in action. The facility was still new, but the organic and mechanical labourers were already toiling. Obviously machine power was more efficient than that of clearly inferior organics, but toil they did. Very soon the facility would be able to deliver the first shipments of phrik. Doubtless workers who tried to deal on the side would have to be weeded out, but all in good time. Order and efficiency would return to Seltos, whether its people wanted it or not. As for replica Jesters, that would be a marvellous idea, along with replica Ropos!

Anyhow, Gordian was as effusive and oily as ever. "You are far too gracious, Ms. Comnena. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Gordian said in what he thought was a jovial tone. "And you as well, Ms. Scarlett. My compliments to Aurelia. Such a great woman."
[member="Callisto Scarlett"]

Maelion repressed the urge to break the man’s spine. She began to wonder if an accident might be arranged involving an industrial grinder….

“Indeed, she is a great and noble person,” Maelion replied dryly.

“Is there anything more, Mr Saelari?”
[member="Maelion Liates"]

"Yes, I hope I am not being too forward, Ms Comnena, but I would very much like to invite you to dinner. You must be famished after such a long trip and I know a very charming restaurant. An etabliseement fit for the better class of people such as us, not the rabble," Gordian spoke, proving that he was absolutely unable to read people!

"I am afraid Ms Comnena has pressing engagements, Mr Saelari. I will report the efficiency of your facility and your personal cooperation to Chief Saelari. I am sure she will be pleased and you will get what you deserve," Callisto intervened, saying the last words without any hint of irony.

Gordian looked a bit disappointed at his chance of a hot date with the charming Anna Comnena being sabotaged, but then pulled himself up to his not particularly impressive height and preened himself upon being lulled into the belief that Aurelia would reward him. "Yes, managing this facility is just a small step for me, a big leap for the Family. I do hope to join Aurelia on Anaxes soon and assume a ministerial position. The Republic would benefit from another one of your clan at the helm," he declared pompously. "I bid you a good day. Please do not hesitate to call me if there's more business to discuss," he added, apparently under the belief that he was being terribly sly. He was also so nice to hand over a card with his number over to Maelion.
Moira Skaldi, alias Nalia Alderana, had been unable to attend the inspection of the mining facility on Seltos, and was instead on Corellia at the Archangel corporate building. But then she and [member="Maelion Liates"] tended to think alike, so that was no bother. And so while Maelion was entertaining murderous dreams regarding the annoying Gordian Saelari, Moira had been dealing with logistical and business matters regarding Archangel's recent contract with the Republic military. Battle droids would be provided to serve garrison duties and HRDs for security on battleships. Someone else might have felt offended about the notion that their droids were not seen as competent and reliable enough to serve on the frontlines, yet Moira was fully...satisfied.

Her units would very seriously indeed. Likewise her designers were exploring options to expand Archangel's naval capabilities. A heavy cruiser devoted for processing would be...beautiful, once they got there, but the shipyard of the defunct Loronar Corporation was now at their command.

Naturally she was keeping a keen eye on the Seltos facility. One of her agents had been given the task of digging up dirt on Gordian. Such as by following the flow of money and trying to trace any offshore and secret accounts he might have. It would provide...useful blackmail materiel, especially if it could be construed as if he was making deals with elements inimical to the Republic. In times such as these, such scandals had to be avoided at all costs.

Then came a brief holochat with the Governor of Seltos. An ambitious, but also bitter man who was using a heavy hand to bring 'civilisation' to his planet, he was interested in Archangel helping him rid the city of crime and malcontent. The prisons were overflowing and he was eager for quick results. It also did not take long for 'Nalia Alderana' to find out that the man strongly desired...companionship of the female variety. Unfortunately, his wife had been lost on Alderaan during the Sith invasion and probably been Vong-formed...and, well, he was lonely and had needs. Like a beautiful young woman who could make tea, sing songs and tell stories all day because that's what Companions really do! As it happened, Archangel could deliver him exactly what he wanted. She would even throw in a discount for the HRD companion, a tailor-made Infiltrator droid...

As cliched as it sounded, things were going as planned. Perhaps a bit slower than she would have liked, but the pieces were coming together, bit by bit. On Seltos, the willing and unwitting minions and labourers of Archangel were busy toiling away in the phrik mines they had claimed under the cover of Saelari Mining and Minerals. Phrik was being stacked and soon enough the first deliveries would be ready. Naturally everything would be controlled, verified and audited with machine efficiency, lest one of the many members of the greedy Saelari clan or one of the workers might try to steal some of the precious metal and deal on the side.

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