Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Phryne Dithe

Phryne Dithe

A once in a lifetime opportunity, no?
NAME: Phyrne Dithe

FACTION: None. Phyrne is an independent entity for the moment.

RANK: Phryne is a conwoman. She sells rare artifacts, coins, gear and other items, ancient or new, to the highest bidder then sends her undead to retrieve them. Off Phryne goes to the next person who will purchase her goods. Usually hunts the buyer after taking their credits, storing their bones in crates for her to use later. Most cannot resist the chance the goods can be real (they are) and risks trusting her.

SPECIES: Of Dathomirian and unknown descent

AGE: 32

SEX: Female

SEXUALITY: Homosexual/Lesbian


WEIGHT: 145lb

EYES: Thin red iris and white pupils

HAIR: Short brown unruly hair

SKIN: A pale green with two golden-white lines crossing her face, meeting at a point on her forehead



Necromancy- Phryne is capable of animating the smallest of mice to even a rathtar! Her unique origins allowed her to infuse her Animates with a sense of personality which they hold until Phryne allows them to return to dust. If she chooses to animate them again, the personality would still remain.

Lying- A skilled and effortless liar. Phryne takes pride in it.

Melee- After years of getting beat up, Phryne can handle herself extremely well when only fists or knives are involved

Goal oriented- Once Phryne has her eyes on something, she will do everything at all costs to get it

Moves quickly to action- Phryne does not hesitate to ask when needed. She is quick on her toes (although that can sometimes lead to recklessness)

Opportunist- Any sliver of an opportunity, Phryne would take. As long as it doesn’t take too much off her back.

Thrives in opposition- Phryne loves opposition and gets bored without it. She doesn’t feel fear while standing up to her enemies, as she does not fear death


Self confidence- Which translates to being unable to see, most of the time, when others have good ideas when they conflict with her own.

Lack of Empathy- Does not acknowledge anyone’s sentience if they are not of use to her.

Blunt- Can sugarcoat it, but often doesn’t

Bored easily- Tends to jump from job to job looking for more excitement

Lack of use of conventional weaponry: Phryne relies heavily on her necromancy and her many knives littered around her body. While she knows the details of most guns and advanced weapons to an intimate degree, she does not use that information. Frankly, it seems like cheating to her. Why bring out a machine gun when that’s the end of the game?





BIOGRAPHY: Phryne was raised an orphan on the backwater planet of Shrikk, in a home full of forty children of varying ages. One day when she was five she wandered outside the home grounds and came across an old alien who lived in a simple grass hutt, hidden in the rippling rolling plains. For years Phryne was taught to do things that she couldn’t have imagined…! When she was ten she wrapped her hands around a small mouse and killed for the first time before learning to reanimate it. Life is intricately intertwined with Death. Phryne learned to fear neither. Both are her home.

After Phryne left her home world with her main degree in archeology with paleontology, she took to searching for more sources to grow her necromancy from animals to sentient humans. Phryne searched for years and finally found ancient papers on sith necromancy. She poured herself into it and grew from it.
After spending years building her skills, Phryne returned to her home planet to visit the old alien to prove how she had grown. But the old alien was not there. The house was not there. Phryne asked around her hometown but no one knew them. Phryne left weeks later with no answer. She decided it was time to move on and make her place in the galaxy. No more making a living on odd jobs and washing dishes for diners, a pocket full of credits and a stolen ship her only tool for survival. Phyrne had power sought after for centuries.

Using her degrees and skills in research, Phryne discovered a job where her unique talents could be used in full. Now she thrives with everything she could ever need. Blades in hand, pockets overflowing with credits and artefacts with worth beyond note.

SHIP: DX-9 Dropship


A solid looking vessel, the DX-9 dropship was in use before the formation of the Galactic Empire and continues even today. Originally created to ferry small groups of personnel to and from the ground under fire, it’s equipped with heavy laser, Ion cannons, and proton torpedoes to ward off enemy forces and ensure safe passage for itself clear to the drop zone. Able to carry thirty-three passengers and crew, it’s durable enough to take a beating and still get its passengers down in one piece.

The DX-9 is a common sight in the landing docks of the more budget minded military and mercenary outfits despite its age. The sheer scale of production in its heyday means that the ships are still readily available on secondary markets and prices are affordable for even modest militaries or security forces. This has made it so ubiquitous that many refer to it as "the drop ship". Simple familiarity guarantees continued sales and popularity.

Phryne personalised hers on the inside for her maximum comfort. Too, for more smuggling compartments to hide her goods in. It is unnoticable.

Hyperspeed: 3
Sublight Speed: 30 MGLT
Max Speed: 300 km/h
Manoeuvrability: 5

KILLS: To be added


ROLE-PLAYS: To be added

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