Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Phy

Major Faction


Philosopher's Stone



Name: Phyla "Phy" Kai'el
Age: 16
Species: Shard
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: Galactic Alliance, Tingel Arm Coalition
Rank: Padawan
Vessels: Epo-1 Delta Class Interceptor


A teal crystal formation about half and inch tall. She dwells within an android body made to resemble a more human form, one of her own design. The body is more droid like, but her face replicates that of a human face, with pale synth skin, blue cybernetic eyes, and a head of blond



An inquisitive young woman with a mind for engineering and design. She's mature for her age, especially relative to shards, but commits much of her time to creative vision. She views the creation of technology as an art and herself as an artist, traveling to exotic locations to model new technology off of preexisting organic material. Phy is light oriented, harboring a distinct disdain for use of the Force in a manner which harms the living.


  • Powerful Telekinetic Powers,
    • Force Pull
    • Force Push
    • Force Blast
    • Force Repulse
    • Force Barrier
  • Wayfinding
  • Matukai Martial Arts
  • Basic Lightsaber Training
  • Musical Talent
  • Mechanical design/Engineering
  • Resistance to EMP/ION damage.
  • High physical resistance/lightsaber resistance.
  • Powered through Force Sensitivity.
  • Backup Cold Fusion provides power when Force is nullified.
  • Levitation through repulsors.
  • Lightweight and speedy.
  • Works underwater.
  • Simulates touch and pain through sensors. Helps monitor damage.
  • Susceptible to ysalimiri and void stone.
  • Can be detected through the force and by technological sensors alike.
  • Lacks a droid brain, rendering it incapable of functioning without a Shard
  • Simulates touch and pain through sensors.
  • Limited Combat Experience.
  • Youth and Ignorance.

A Shard formed on the planet Orax, Phyla would spend the majority of her life in a colony of shards. She would be split from her colony when the cave they were located in was looted, putting her into circulation as a rare mineral on the black market. She would eventually be saved by Jasper Kai'el, who would build her a body and take on the role of her guardian, teaching the young shard about living in the organic world.

From her earliest formative years Phyla, choosing the nickname Phy, would be brought up by the young Jedi Knight and the former CorpSec Officer Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda before taking a leave to study under the Jedi and learn how to use the Force. In this time Phy applied for and joined the Exploration Corps, taking her across the galaxy to exotic locations in order to study the most bizarre occurrences of life. During her leave Phy became enthralled with engineering, blueprints of her observations in the organic word as machines appearing in her curious mind. As such, Phy has dedicated herself to creating technology for the betterment of life across the galaxy, with an emphasis on elegance, availability, and non-lethal forms of defense.

She may or may not be an aspiring musician in her spare time. Phy also has a love for writing novels.

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