Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inactive Character

NAME: Pibit
FACTION: Levantine Sanctum
RANK: Forceologist (if that's a thing?)
SPECIES: Kushiban
AGE: Around Thirty in human years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 0.3 meters at shoulder
WEIGHT: 6 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Changes on mood, typically Creme
SKIN: Pink


(+) Extensive knowledge of The Force (not to be confused with Skill in the force, as he has virtually none)
(+) Extensive knowledge of the history of the Jedi and Sith orders
(+) Skilled medic

(=) Appears adorable to many sentients
(=) Extremely interested in learning of other cultures

(-) He is very small, even for his species, making it extremely hard to do what most sentients take for granted
(-) Despite the fact that he is sensitive to the Force, his midichlorian count is notably lower then the average Jedi or force user, meaning he can not harness the force like many force users of the Galaxy. His force sensitivity is strictly useful for the most basic things, and he is unable to preform most force powers.

Pibit is extremely small, even for his species, smaller then the average housecat. He is characterized by his species' massive ears and eyes.

Pibit had always been extremely curious about the mystical energy field that most beings refer to as The Force. This encouraged him to leave his home planet to join the ranks of scientists and philosophers that devote their lives to the study of it. Despite finding that interactions with the galaxy were extremely difficult due to his small size, Pibit enjoyed his life of traveling among the galaxy to places such as Yavin IV, and Korriban, to study anything from Force artifacts, to the Tuk'ata and other creatures sensitive to the force.During one expdition that led him to a tomb on Korriban, Pibit came in contact with an artifact meant to repel Jedi and other force sensitives. Thinking it perfectly safe to handle, Pibit was extremely suprised when it reacted violently towards him, almost resulting in his death. Shortly after, the Kushiban took a Midichlorian test, discovering that his count was indeed high enough for sensitivity, but much lower then the average for Jedi and the like. Still, he quickly became extremely excited. Since he was young Pibit had always been interested in the force, and dreamed of becoming one that could use it. Now was his chance. So quickly after discovering his possible talent, he traveled to the Jedi temple. Only for them to reject him, ont he basis that his count was to low for the training needed to become a Jedi. Rejected, Pibit quit his study of the Force for a short time, and traveled to Malastare, where he at some point accepted a dealer's offers of Glitterstim, due to the claim that it gave the user a level of telepathy. Thinking it could prehaps bolster his connection to the force, and therefore -make him acceptable into the Jedi Order, Pibit soon became addicted to glitterstim. At some point less then a year later, he was found nearly dead in an alleyway due to an overdose of the drug, by a Gran doctor who ran a small clinic. The Gran, named Vezz, was able to restore Pibit's health, and even offered the Kushiban a place to stay for the night. This eventually devleloped into a friendly relationship between the two, which resulted in two things; Pibit ending his Glitterstim usage, and the Kushiban becoming Vezz's assitant. Through that, Pibit became something of a good doctor and stayed working for the clinic for over a year before he decided he would return to studying The Force. Through one way or another after that, Pibit ended up becoming an official citizen of the Levianthe Sanctum. Though he continued to do his studies all over the galaxy, Pibit developed a loyalty for the Sanctum, and offered his services if they ever needed it.

Pibit has no ship.


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