Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Picking the Bones

“C’mon, Starchaser. You’re gonna need to come back in to refill your tank soon.”

The ship’s bridge was messy, well, it wasn’t really supposed to be clean. What, with the task that the Corellian Dawn was given. One of the ships owned by Starchaser Enterprises, the Dawn was a salvage and transportation vessel, one of the larger freighters everyone hoped to own. She served in stark contrast to the Forerunner-vessel Starlight Dance. That ship was helping with other jobs focused on trail blazing. The Dawn, though, she was a working vessel.

And right now she was pulling in some of the wrecks from the battle of Dagobah. Right now the mission leader, a Kiffar male from some no-where planet, was sitting at the main screen. Feet up on the console and headphones on his ears, he was listening to the chatter from the smaller vessels that had come with the Dawn, mainly a few Thrifter Salvage Boats and another Gentes ship.

“I’m fine, everything is in the green still.” Sure, maybe she was out for longer than most, but she was a Jedi-wannabe. She knew what she was doing. The suit wasn’t like it was huffing air from her. And there were some parts on these larger vessels that she wanted to investigate.

“Drifter, you finding anything? I wanna get the armory opened, but if we can get any power source, that’ll sell more intact than it will broken down.” She sighed, Her lightsaber was in her hand and she was using it to start melting some of the bulkheads, trying to get through the ship. This one was tagged for being pulled in by the Dawn shortly.

But for now, she had time to work.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

"Cap, I want a Gentes."

They stood in the Wretched Hive's airlock, Jorus and his deputy chief engineer. Shenna'vala was procrastinating: her specially-engineered helmet still struggled to fit her lekku. Not natural spacewalkers, the Twi'lek people, but only so far as anatomy went. For all her fussing, Shenna was a natural.

Jorus sealed on his gloves. "It's a beauty, but don't get your hopes up. Imagine how many more people we'd need to hire, fire, and live with. Maybe a Thrifter."

"I'd be down for a Thrifter. We could bolt it right onto the Hive, sort of an external hangar arrangement like you see on a Lancer."

"You mean a Carrack?"

"Same phallic symbol, different day."

"True enough." Jorus' helmet clicked into place. As Shenna wrestled with hers, he picked up his massive KUT-42 with help from its repulsor sled. That wouldn't be necessary or even helpful once they left the artificial grav field. "Oh, by the way, about bodies..."

"Not my first battlefield, Cap. I know what to respect."

"Well, let's be extra careful on this. Alliance territory."

"We hope, yeah."

Jorus cycled the airlock and opened the outer hatch to reveal shredded warships and a system in dispute. "Yeah. We hope."

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

The Boracyk juddered ominously as the aged vessel made the transition from hyperspace, its weathered and beaten deck plates groaning at the ever-increasing strain placed upon the chassis. She was held together by a wing, a prayer and a whole lot of elbow grease at this point. An undeniable labour of love for her Captain, sure enough. Yet the constant endless stream of jury-rigging and retrofits could only achieve so much by this juncture. Sooner or later, and it would invariably be the former, the old girl would make her final flight.

Just not today. Today the Boracyk was determined to fly as true as the day she’d been purchased, the freighter neatly slipping through the tumbling ship debris with a surprising amount of grace. Thrusters puffing gently as it sought to match the spin of the spiralling hulk that loomed before them. They were in it for a quick and easy haul today. A snatch and grab before the Alliance made their own attempts to salvage the wrecks. From the red dots quickly appearing on the readout, they had more than enough competition already.

Best look alive, Korkie.” Runi called to her co-pilot as she unclipped herself from the crash-chair, trusting the gigantic Herglic to be able to handle their approach from there. Well, as much as she trusted anyone these days. Salvaging sadly wasn’t a one-woman job, however. “Looks like we’re not the only ones set on pickin' bones.

There was a grunt akin to a rumbling of disapproving thunder from the gods above. >Haum!< I don’t like this, Verin. Plenty of jobs out there right now. We’re rippling already stormy seas by being here.

’lek, plenty of jobs. None of which will pay a fraction of what we can get here.” She called back over her shoulder as she moved towards the ventral access port, hauling her spacesuit up from her middle with an awkward wiggle and a dance as she went. With recent hostilities between the Mandalorian Empire and the Alliance, she wisely decided to forgo her usual more heavily armoured attire. “I told you when you signed up that we ain’t exactly runnin' in the black here, pateesa. If we don’t get a cred injection soon, a GAG patrol sweep will be the least of our problems.

I still don’t like this. Money or no, this isn't good busin---

A soft snort escaped her, muffled by the sound of her helmet sliding into place. “Don’t need to like it, Korkie. I just need you to fly the ship an’ watch my back. Sure as feth didn't hire you for you to second guess me.

The muffled sounds of the airlock sealing and venting drowned out his reply, but she was willing to lay money that his parting retort was far more civil than hers would have been roles reversed. As much as she hated to admit it, Korkuda was right about one thing. Salvaging the dead was a bad line of business to be in.
"Crowded site."

"What do you expect? What did they call this, a Great War? Of course its going to attract interest." Mr.Zej scratched his chin. "Been awhile since we've hit something like this."

"Think its going to be worth it?"

"We do what we always do - Salacia works on the edges and we collect the cast offs. I'm seeing a lot of small timers out here, they always go for the good small items. We can profit on sheer bulk."

Mr.Zej was right. Salacia could easily profit off collecting large quantities of salvage. A Reclaimer-1 vessel, their Silurus-Class vessel, and a cargo hauler or two remained in tight formation. Judah's right hand, Mr.Zej, carefully oversaw all salvage operations. While the ex-farmboy enjoyed salvaging he had given up most control when Makai was a young boy, realizing as the company grew he couldn't be everywhere.

"How's the boy? I heard you collected a new one to look after too." Mr.Zej stopped speaking to send a message to the Reclaimer-1 vessel. "Alacrity, focus efforts on that half-broken vessel, starboard. The one with the massive debris field. Use caution."

Mr.Zej wasn't worried about debris, the vessels were built to take it. Salvage came with hazards - dead bodies, unexploded arms - anything could be floating through the black, waiting for an inattentive explorer to stumble into it. His portly finger released from the comm as the crew on the bridge on their Silurus-class set to work following the others.

"Makai is fine, happy to have him back into the business after his little break.Don't think the run-in with the Sith has deterred him. We all know the dangers out here, he's known it since he was six. Never expected my son to run into something that dangerous though...pirates, yes..."

Judah trailed off, mentally moving on to focus on his new ward, [member="Noelani Kai"] .

"Not sure if I'm equipped to raise a fourteen year old girl. Poor kid doesn't have many choices though...Its been a real learning curve."
[member="Runi Verin"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

"Don't mind telling you, Cap, I'm iffy on the new arrivals."

They'd strung a line between the Wretched Hive and a dead corvette. Jorus and Shenna paused halfway down.

"Darr, that's a lot of reversions what we got?"

He'd left Dingo Darr in charge. The Krevaaki chief engineer's voice bubbled over the comms. "Independent freighter 'Boracyc,' and a handful of salvage transports registered to Salacia."

"Beauty. Can you tie my helmet comm to broadcast?"

"No problem."

A series of clicks reverberated in Jorus' helmet as he and Shenna kept moving. His boots hit the wrecked corvette's hullmetal and locked on. A moment later, the comms link stabilized.

"Ahoy Dagobah system. This is Jorus Merrill. I think I see Runi Verin and some Dashiells on the horizon. How we doing today?"

Shenna'vala fired up the KUT-42, and half the corvette fell off.
What did her staff want from her? People didn’t always chose this life because of the great hours and the ability to feel like they were a part of something. No, hell, Kaia chose it because she hated being planetside almost as much as she hated being in open areas. Being in a starship, and suit? For her, those were different, they felt safe. They felt… right? She wasn’t sure. It was probably something from being raised aboard a starship. She was trying to get the damned doors open here. Shaking her head.

“Anything, Drift?” She called to her droid who beeped back in the negative. And that resulted in a cuss from Kaia. She didn’t care too much, but the ship needed power. And that was one thing she was hoping she wasn’t going to have to do, go out, get the Pulsar, and shoot this thing with the Jump Start. Then come back inside and open the crates. No, she had a better idea.

Taking a deep breath and looking around, she fell into the Force. And thanks to Daddy Dearest, Kaia wasn’t the best with the Force, but what she could do? Well, she just stated it was better to not really share it. Her father had spent time with the Aing-Tii, but what Kaia Starchaser had was a really deep knowledge of space, and traveling. She could sense planets by their gravity, and know where she was without ever getting out to a viewport, but what that did was also grant her a deeper knowledge. Reaching out, she could feel the door, and grabbing the Force, she threw a blast at it, it was hard, it was rough, and it was probably against some law of nature. But she was here, on the Rim, well, sort of.

She lived on the Rim. What she was doing didn’t matter here. She threw the collected Force energy, feeling it swirl the molecules around her, and around the door. Pushing harder, the event horizon of a singularity, controlled and focused, formed, as the door buckled, being ripped from the wall, breaking the beams that held it in place. She smiled to herself. “Drifter, come here.” She ordered her droid as she focused on dissipating the energy. No need to keep that going for any longer than she needed. Hell, swallow the whole damned ship if she let it.


Bending, and letting the zero-gravity control her, Kaia pushed her back up against the wall and tucked her knees close to her chest before kicking at the door. As Drifter arrived, the droid fired a towcable at the door and started moving backwards. They’d crack this.

“Uh.. cap’n. Got a situa… maybe it nothing. Got some ships inbound. I dunno, Salacia, and looks like a Merrill ship. Should I hail them?”

Grunting, Kaia shook her head. “Nah, pass them to me.” She waited a second, still balled up on the ship. “This is Captain Starchaser, of the Corellian Dawn. Morning to y’all.” She smiled. See? These people weren’t so bad, but she wanted to make sure they knew who she was. Just in case. She switched her comm off of broadcast.

Y’know, pirates and all.

Back to the task at hand, Kaia was getting frustrated. “Drifter, unhook. This frakker isn’t moving. Get back a little.” The frustration was rising, it wasn’t so much anger as just being annoyed and needing this door to open. Calling to the Force again, she could feel the movement of the molecules and putting her hand on the door, she pushed the Force forward, twisting the door and ripping it from the wall. Any Force user in the area would probably feel the energy she was putting out, after all, the door was soon off the wall, and about a third of the size it was originally.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Runi Verin"]

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Noelani Kai"]

A ghost of a smile played across her features as a familiar voice filtered through the comms. Jorus, of course. It [member="Judah Dashiell"]wouldn't be a salvage op without a Merrill lurking somewhere in the fringes. The man was a cantina born legend on the circuit for a reason after all. Dashiell wasn't a small name, either. It seemed the field was quickly becoming thick with competition. If her single vessel could be counted as such amongst to veritable titans.

"<<Su cuy'gar, Merrill.>>" Runi chimed back as she all but leapt through the open hatch, letting her forward momentum carry her across the empty void that separated the Boracyk and its prize. A daredevil sense of over confidence borne from an almost whole lifetime in amidst the stars. "<<I shoulda known that was your ugly boat. Come to see how real salvagers handle the job? Let me know if you need a refresher course, 'lek? >>"

She brought her hand up as she careened into the space hulk, her synthetic arm cushioning her impact enough to avoid anything more than a simple and fleeting twinge. Magboots finding purchase a few seconds later on the damaged hull, offering her a dizzying moment of re-orientation as the concept of a y-axis was abruptly reintroduced. She lingered a spell to let it pass, biding her time by clicking her back teeth twice in rapid succession to cycle her comm back to the Boracyk's private channel. Hesitating only slightly as another broad band sounded out through the system.


Yet another familiar name with an impressive reputation under it's proverbial belt. A few more and she might have had a fair chance of winning spacer trash bingo. "<Korkie, keep an ear out for Merrill an' Dashiell. We sure as feth ain't gonna be able to compete with what they're gonna be hauling, but I ain't one to lose a step if I don't have to.>" There was a beat before she added, almost as an after thought, "<An' best add this Starchaser to the list while you're at it. From what I hear, trouble ain't ever too far behind when they crash your party.>"

As if she could talk.
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
[member="Kaia Starchaser"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Runi Verin"]

The "Power of Love" jumped into the system of the swap world of Dagobah with little trouble. At the helm was a explorer and man of the gate. He had some to hunt, to collect and to bring a fallen prize back to the outback. He had seen visions of his prey, watched in his minds eye as it had fallen in battle. With the skill of a man raised in the void and a soul that would listen to the force he let it guide him through the smashed and burned wrecks that had been left by the warring factions.

"Their is much sadness here, a meaningless battle started by a bearded man bent on suffering. Like salt in a fresh wound he lead his people here to cause pain and discord, and little else."

Loto let his words spread to the few crew he had on the bridge as the glided in deeper.

"Signal the others we have arrived, and are making our way to eta 7 minutes."
[member="Loto Afu"] [member="Runi Verin"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Jorus chuckled and got to work. Bantering filtered through the helmet comms, piped from the Hive's main transceiver. Of the two dozen salvage ships, a couple decided to transmit music, something twangy from Klatooine. He found himself humming along as he and Shenna'vala ripped into the corvette.

With the main cutting job done, four extravehicular teams made the jump and started prying components free. They knew their job, the Hive's field hands. In a couple of hours, anything of real value would have vacated the corvette. The Hive's rigger tables would turn the take into functional rigs - self-contained ship mods, suitable for plugging into most spaceframes. Rigs were the Hive's bread and butter.

"Anyone know how this fight turned out? Couldn't get much from the Alliance. Not even sure they know yet."
Jorus Merrill | Loto Afu | Runi Verin | Kaia Starchaser

The Salacia crew headed out towards the half of a large vessel, setting their sights on picking it clean apart. Crews would suit up in envirosuits and begin the delicate and dangerous operation of pulling the vessel apart piece by piece. The Reclaimer-1 would handle the large pieces. A sentient touch was needed though - easier to pick and sort, keeping the most valuable pieces together.

"Just one Dashiell here, we're doing fine. Salvage looks nice today. Can't say I know much about the battle - I'm an old man who tends to live in a bubble. How's everyone else? Great to see folks out here."

Mr.Zej chuckled at that. Their vessels were close, starting procedures to get as close to the wreck as possible. Scattered debris started to hit the small fleet, noise rattling through the various ships collected.

"Alacrity, see if you can't pick up some of these larger floating pieces around where we're going to set up. I'm seeing too many for my liking. Crews prepare to exit shortly, might want to perform final seal checks now."

Marcus Tritum

Fabian recalled starkly every second after setting the reactor core on the Vigil to go critical. The faces of the crew trying to stay focused and determined despite the terror in their eyes. The cries of protest as he ordered the highest ranking officers to leave with the stormtroopers on board the Sentinel shuttle, the only hyperdrive operational vessel in the hangar. The way labored breathing had sounded so loud when they all crammed into the escape pod with him and the acrid stench of electrical smoke before they were catapulted out of the frigate. He'd wondered what had happened to the TIE pilots who had flown out of the Vigil's bay at the beginning of the engagement. Without hyperdrives, how would they find their way home? How would he?

Then the escape pod slammed into a piece of drifting wreckage so hard that the whiplash cracked Fabian's head against the bulkhead.

He woke up slowly.

"-ygen alert. System compromised. Oxygen alert."

Fabian groaned weakly and sat up, blinking blearily as the world came into focus. He felt light headed.

[member="Runi Verin"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"]
The thing for her, this was her element. It wasn’t even by necessity. Kaia was that oddity that chose this life, away from people. Sure. Most in ORC were spacer trash, and that meant she was in good company. It just meant getting her father to pop back out here. Maybe she could talk to Jorus. Would he even know who she was? Sure he would!

But that wasn’t what she was supposed to be focusing on. She had used the Force to really… disrupt that door. Maybe it was the dark side, she wasn’t really sure. She didn’t think it was the dark side. She was just using the Force, as any old tool in her belt. Maybe the job could have been done with a plasma torch, but who did that, seriously? Still, she was hoping it didn’t set off any alarms with those gathered. She wans’t about to start a war and turn ships into twisted masses of metal. Nah, not her.

She just wanted what was in this weapons vault. And as she pushed herself off the wall, floating in the zero-G she smiled. Bingo.

Grenades and rifles. “Drifter, get in here!” She was listening to the conversation. “Well, Alliance. My people were saying that it was the Empire as well? Are they actually a thing at the moment? Or just the First Order?” She didn’t care for the galactic politics at all. Switching back to her private network. "Dawn, send a retrieval team this way, and meet me out there with another tank? Going to scout around again." The Starchaser pushed herself through the ship until she reached her access point. All the ships out there working, was such a friendly sight.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Loto Afu"]
[member="Runi Verin"]

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Loto Afu"] | [member="Fabian"]​

As one of the token smaller operators within the system, the more profitable items available on the shipwreck smorgasbord were sadly beyond Runi's capacity to salvage. She simply lacked the tools, the ships and the connections required to shift such large volumes. That didn't mean she was prepared to go home empty handed, however. She just needed to move fast and, most importantly, improvise.

The dull repetitive thud of her her magboots upon the damaged ship gradually began to slow in tempo as she neared her goal, her passage slowed only by the occasional rent and shorn plating or hull breach chasm. She'd gone down swinging, sure enough. The presence of well over half her escape pods painted a story of what would be found in the vessel's interior.

"<<Just take a look around.>>" She cut in to the chatter as she paused at the lip of the hanger, boots hovering at the lip as she peered into the murky black void that lay below. "<<I don't think anyone won this one. If there even was anythin' to win.>>"

Her helmet light cut enough of a swath in the gloom to reveal her intended prizes. Prize. She amended, almost as an after thought, her gaze quickly calculating the damage on one of the shuttles. Repairable, but not if she wanted to beat a GAG patrol. Folks with uniforms had a unfortunate tendency to get rather touchy around technicalities such as salvaging permits and licences. Almost as bad as the folks with the dreaded clipboards. "<<Ain't nothin' comin' from this place now but the three senths. Sorrow, salvage an' spirits.>>"

"Vivi, girl. I love you to death... but could you shut the kark up for about... three minutes?"Kalla bellowed in agitation as she struggled to keep control of the ship. The corridors of hyperspace seemed jagged and unstable as the ship hurtled through. She did not have the extensive formal technical training and experience that a lot of salvagers, engineers, or technicians had. However, the problems plaguing her at the moment could probably be traced back to the the fact that, at the moment, her ship was flying with half of an engine block. The stripped-down BTL-V12 H-Wing lacked any of the sophisticated medical equipment the ships were known for. What hadn't been ruined and taken from the junkyard, she herself had ripped out and pawned for credits and other necessities. Years of living on the razor's edge of survival and oblivion meant that the ship had not seen a proper dianostic and repair cycle since well before she had ever laid eyes on it.

Cables were strewn about openly, regulators were operating at half-capcity and filled with unidentifiable black ooze. The air was stale and frequently filled with more chemicals than breathable atmosphere, and that led to more than one night going to sleep with a rebreather mask on, or when the times were good having her room sealed with a portable scrubber unit running by her cot. Metal fatigue was prevalent throughough the ship's primary and secondary structure, and the hull had not been a smooth arrangement of panels in many, many years. Of course, even a ship in disrepair can fly well enough... provided it's not attacked by pirates. When the ship's computer had warned her of unidentified ships in the Elrood system that had been on an intercept course. She had dismissed it, too caught up in her vice to react appropriately. Then the shooting started, the explosions.

At first, she thought she had escaped unscathed. Then, shortly after passing through the Tantra system, an explosion against the ship's hull nearly fragmented the ship and sent her atoms flying across the sector. One stroke of luck had saved her, nominally; the ship was shaking violently, and numerous systems, precariously held together, now threatened to fall apart. The ship's navigation computer was down, and she knew she had to have fallen off course to make it to Eriadu. As the ship gave a distressing creak and tumbled out of hyperspace, her hands flew over her face to shield her from the shower of sparks and bits of broken consoles as the cockpit was filled with chaos. The H-Wing's port engine block was gone, trailing atmosphere and smoke. Power fluctuated wildly on the ship, and the reactor was starting to go critical. The forward viewport was cracked, leaking precious air through tiny cracks and barely avoiding shattering all together.


"Force Hearts III... or the spice..."She murmurred to herself as she started to pull off the crash webbing. One more alarm joined the cacophony of the others, and dimly, Kalla could make out three pirate patrol boats emerging from hyperspace. "Feth... Spice first..."She groaned and ran back towards her quarters, hoping that her precious cargo was still stored away, and that she could get to it in time to escape... If not... Well, she tried not to think about 'if not'. "Spice first, escape second."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kaia Starchaser"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Loto Afu"] | [member="Fabian"] | [member="Runi Verin"] | [member="Kalla Caranthyr"]

She drifted.

One line attached to the ceiling as Tegan deftly moved around, cutting through the 'air' like a sharp knife and exploring all the while. Her suit was old, worn, but it kept the air in and the cold void out, so that was good enough for her for now. She had arrived in the Dagobah system soon after the 'battle' had ended. It's a wonder what one small freighter can accomplish, when all attention was squarely aimed at the large behemoth star destroyers.

Current occupation?

Exploring one of the torn-apart space hulks drifting through space. :: Draw da'section up, three-six. :: Tegs mumbled into her comms. The little floating orb beep-boop'ed in confirmation before flying off to catalog the upcoming room.

Wouldn't do to pry open the powered-down door, just to get sucked out into space. It was a good thing her freighter was running dark, hugging against the abandoned hulk, because right now Tegs had no idea how many more people were reversing in with the same idea. Might start her to curse and swear though. She had been hoping for a few more hours quality time with these beauties.
[member="Tegan Katarn"] | [member="Kalla Caranthyr"] | [member="Runi Verin"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"] | [member="Fabian"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Loto Afu"]

Debris continued to scrape and grate against the vessels as Judah suited up to join the crews. He was a bit disappointed there wasn't much in the way of whole salvage to dive into. Salacia typically liked to restore forgotten about space stations and resell them to the public - low margin, high profit. From what he could tell the battle ripped apart nearly everything. Must have been particularly nasty considering all the floating debris and ripped apart vessels.

A jolt and another scrape and the vessel docked with the floating half-piece of vessel. Lights flickered as tractor beams went into place to hold the floating wreck in place. Whirring of engines started to drown out the chatter of crews and the noise of tools being towed along for the job. Warning lights activated, alerting the crowd oxygen would be leaving the space as the docking tubes opened up for passage. Judah could feel the temperature drop near instantly as the crew moved forward.

Beams from headlamps lit the way ahead as the first few entered the half-ship.

"Can we get lighting crews in here?"

"Anyone got a pneumatic cutter handy? Need to start opening these jammed blast doors."

"No sign of the dead yet. Might have gotten sucked out."

"The other salvagers out there finding anything?Someone get Mr.Zej on the channel and see."
[member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Tegan Katarn"] | [member="Runi Verin"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"] | [member="Fabian"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Loto Afu"]

Slamming into one wall, Kalla let out a instinctual grunt and quickly began to dig through the various compartments she could reach. Data chips, freeze-dried food bars, and basic mechanical tool kit parts; everything was hastily thrown into a pack. The benefit to living as scarcely as she did, and did for so long, was that there wasn't much on the ship was that properly sentimental to her, and thus there was little on the ship she wasn't willing to let get blown up. However, the one thing she was concerned about was her spice; there was a fair bit of it squirreled away within various smuggler's holds and hidden hatches. There was no way she had the time to raid each locker, so she had to hit the biggest stash she has. Booster Blue was a favorite of hers, which soothed her nerves only slightly. There was still a lot of credits about to be vaporized when the hyperdrive went critical, and that was not sitting well with her.

"Vivi! Transfer primary and secondary personality and diagnostic functions to data storage locker Aleph-2-9. Prepare a delayed burn of all function engine and propellant drives; three seconds after launch of the escape craft. Vector towards the densest part of the debris field. Hopefully they spend time chasing that wreckage and don't notice us getting the kark out of here..." Kalla's life after the mass disappearance in 844 ABY had been, to put it lightly, rough. She had to catch up on a number of survival skills in the most brutal fashion, but that meant that as catastrophic as this all was, she was not entirely unprepared. Running through the half-broken and chaotic halls of the ship, she stopped in front of the panel she was looking for and quickly demagnitized the locks to pull the section off, revealing six discrete units of spice. Delicately, she plucked each from their hiding place and put them inside her jacket before turning and running for the escape pod.

With a cry, she tossed her pack into the pod and jumped in. Several secondary power relays began to blow, showing the inside of the ship with sparks and gouts of pressurized gases and flames. Jerking hard on the manual release, Kalla felt her bones scream as she was suddenly blasted away from the doomed H-Wing. Despite being her home and work ship for more than a year, she felt... strangely nothing as she watched it burn on a pre-calculated flight path towards the densest parts of the debris field and the three pirate patrol boats seemed to take the bait. The most feeling she could muster was regret that she'd have to spend more credits to get some other junker ship to fly, which meant no credits for- No... She mentally quashed that line of thought. Basic survival took precedence, and that meant she had to get to safety. Thinking of what came later could be saved for when her possessions and life weren't crammed in four cubic meters of metal. She just hoped that she'd have time to scan for and find a space-worthy vessel amidst all this junk. Otherwise... No, better to not dwell on the otherwise.
She smiled to herself behind her mask. This was the payday she was hoping for. Well, not really the most payday, a lot of her profits were going to come from ripping the starship hulls down to their base metals. Her new vantage point allowed her to see the fleet of Outer Rim vultures and the Corellian Dawn off to the side. That ship was home now. And she did miss her actual home, the Dawn Treader and word was that she was making her way back towards the Alliance and Coalition Space. Couldn’t keep Jared out of the fight that long, she supposed.

A smaller support craft was making its way around and Kaia gave a quick wave to it. As it settled up closer to the … what was this, a frigate? Ship hull she was in, she pushed off, aiming herself towards the airlock. Once she hit it, she opened the lock and got in. Only in for a quick minute, tossing a wave to the Duros pilot as she swapped her air tank and she was out in space. Less than a minute.

“Cap’n, not sure its healthy. The ships can handle it, and the droids…” Came the call from her co-pilot. He meant well but she was convinced the Kiffar was someone her father knew, but she couldn’t place it. Still, the Starchaser was back out in space very quickly.

“I’m here, its fine. And I’ve got Drifter still. There was something else down one of the halls.” Space salvage was always tricky, but she was a Jedi, she wasn’t going to get stuck inside this ship helplessly.

[member="Kalla Caranthyr"]
[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Tegan Katarn"]
[member="Runi Verin"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans

The "power of love" had taken time from hunting its prey to retrieve one lost to the empire. The damaged life pod seemed to it self be not long for this galaxy. Fearing the needless loss of life the freighters captain had diverted to retrieve it before it's lone occupant would expire. The strong tractor beams gripped the lost craft and with the care of a mother bird bringing her egg back to the nest the escape craft was pulled into the shipper cargo hold.

The one it contained would be greeted by both medical staff and armed guards. The staff to tend to any ailment that may plague them before they were brought to the captain of the ship for review. Now on board Loto order the ship onward into the field while he awaited their new guest.

"All craft, I have found a life pod of imperial design. Single occupant now on board, will advise when more is known"

[member="Kaia Starchaser"] / [member="Kalla Caranthyr"] / [member="Judah Dashiell"] / [member="Runi Verin"] / [member="Jorus Merrill"]

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