Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Piece by Piece

in the footsteps of a stranger


Only one room of the Temple Museum had been reopened since the Dark Empire's invasion of Coruscant.

There was too much for Efret and her small group of Jedi archeologists to do between continuing to help repair the damage that had been done to the Temple and collecting the Sith artifacts uncovered during the recent launched offensive in the Outer Rim.

But she'd also been not making artifact restoration her one of her priorities. In fact, she had been mindfully avoiding it. She couldn't use the excuse of waiting to see if the Dark Empire, Light forbid, would strike again. If that was the case, she have remade so many marble sculptures for the halls or taught various Jedi to do the same. She definitely wouldn't still be doing it. Her work and the work of others would likely be undone by another occupation attempt, and yet she did it with slabs of stone. So why not with pottery shards? It wasn't like she was bothered with the idea of wasted effort; in her vast experience, that didn't exist. Accomplishment always served a purpose in the grand scheme that was the Cosmic Force's design.

No, but the piles of shattered artifacts hidden away in the countless drawers on one side of Efret's workshop had been put there because of the profound despair she could feel them radiate. Her Empathy could even pick up on the waves through the durasteel. They were being especially loud today.

Maybe this was the Force's way of telling her this task wasn't to be ignored any longer.

She put down her hammer and chisel and looked up from the bust she was putting the finishing touches on to that dreaded side of the room.

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Temple Museum, Coruscant


Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibroblade

Azurine had found herself a bit lost within the twisting halls of the Coruscant temple. She hadn't quite been able to properly settle into the room she had been provided with, and even if she had her sleep had been fruitless since she'd gotten here. Especially this particular afternoon when she had decided to try to avoid anything entirely and just nap, which only resulted in a nightmare that felt somehow familiar. If only her exhausted brain could have held onto some details before it slipped away.

She hadn't grown up here, not like many of the people she'd seen or apprentices who seemed to be clearly much younger than she was, but trying to find whatever it was that had screwed with her nap so much was proving rather rough.

After a couple of dead ends and loops where she could have swore that she'd passed that same chipped stone piller before, she finally slumped against the wall. "Alright, I give ..." she muttered in defeat, brushing some of her short raven hair behind her ears. Only then did she feel a tug at the back of her mind, pulling in a direction that eventually led her to what she could only assume was a museum or an archive of some sort. It was beautiful, the afternoon light filtering through the room and giving it a fantastical glow. Her amethyst eyes that had been weighed down with pain lit up with a deep and fascinated curiosity. She wondered what the stories here could have been, how old everything was.

I probably belong in here just as an exhibit, she thought to herself, glancing at her robotic right hand that clearly looked like the metal and build process was hundreds of years old. Tugging on the edge of the glove positioned on her other remaining hand, she was startled by a sound coming from another room around the corner.

"Hello ...?" She asked cautiously, taking a moment to concentrate and view the energies and auras. However, there was so much history and echoes within this place in particular that it was so hard for her to sift through, making her mind sting. She did eventually pinpoint someome and krept her way to the doorway, peeking into the workshop, and her eyes met those of the master who seemed pretty preoccupied with the work she happened to be doing. "Oh, sorry I just ... got lost," she conveniently left out the bit about the tugging feeling that brought her here, a habit she still hadn't broken from her years having to hide from the Empire.

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in the footsteps of a stranger

The owl on the master's shoulder noticed the apprentice before the former did. The convor's head as she looked from the shelving unit to Azurine, yellow-green eyes appraising her before human hazel ones did too.

Efret smiled. "Greetings, my dear." As she signed, a computerized feminine voice produced by a vocoding clip on her tunic interpreted the meaning of her movements.

Having managed to lipread the last bit of what Azurine had said, she responded to that next. "Lost. Oh no." The monotone nature of the generated voice might have made it seem like Efret was similarly cold and disinterested. She was self-aware of that possibility, so she always made sure to emote extra friendliness and warmth whenever she first met someone. She began to move away from her work bench. "Do you need directions somewhere?"

"I don't know who I am anymore."

Lost and Found

Outfit: Clothing | Right Arm | Glove
Weapons: Lightsaber | Vibrosword

Azurine stopped her wandering gaze for a moment, her eyes resting on the owl, and a big grin spread across her face if only for a minute. It was beautiful to look at. She was a little bit thrown off by the fact that it was the first one to notice her enter the doorway, or at least she had been at first.

Before she could say anymore, she watched as the master signed her hands, and an automated voice spoke for her. Confusion, followed by a quick and sudden realization, crossed her face. Oh, she's deaf.

Azzie nervously rubbed the back of her neck, looking almost lost on what to say. How was she just supposed to explain she was having weird dreams, and for some reason, something said she needed to be here at this exact moment? She then had to quickly remind herself that this was a place full of Jedi, and she was no longer surrounded by people who didn't understand and couldn't help her make sense of instances like this. Kynn had been the only one who ever really understood, and even then it still had to be kept hidden because of how dangerous it was in the time she came from.

She took a quick moment to think before attempting to use the little sign language that she knew from her time working with a deaf pilot back in the fiest rebel alliance. She still spoke the words as well, just in case she screwed it up since she didn't remember being particularly good at it, but in her attempt to show respect, she wanted to at least try.

"Yes and no? I uh ... I was technically lost, yeah, but ..." she paused, reminding herself where she was, "I think I'm supposed to be here right now? Maybe? I think ..."

God, you sound like an idiot, She thought.

"This place is amazing, how far back do some of these go?" She eventually asked, hoping to direct attention back to her curious fascination to everything here rather than focusing on cryptic things she only partly understood.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret smiled, unfazed by Azurine's seemingly nonsensical response. She understood, at least what she thought was meant, but didn't comment, and instead abided by the change in subject.

"Thank you. That's kind of you to say. It was much, much more amazing before the Dark Empire came. They destroyed much of the collection and I..." Her smile drew into an embarrassed line. "...haven't had the time to start on restoration."

She continued on, happy as always to talk about artifacts and history: "The oldest object we have on display by far is part of the Kinro comet. Do you know the story of it?"


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