Wearing: Jedi Robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Matsu Ike
The ship descended through the thick cloud cover blanketing the skies over the planet. Once the Pride broke through the billowing overcast, Taam looked out over the tumultuous sea below. His amber gaze lifted to see an equally rugged Island ahead, jutting out of the roiling waves like a broken, mossy stone. It was the legendary speck of land that came to be called Temple Island. Soon, other small rocky island appeared beyond.
The small freighter lighted upon one of the few landing pads. He had traveled far to make this pilgrimage, and ensured a missive had been sent to the Grandmaster to inform her of his pending arrival. He had donned his traditional Jedi Robes, and carried only his lightsaber, out of respect for the Grandmaster and the Jadeites who worked to restore this sacred place.
As he made his way across the windswept landscape, Taam could sense the significance of the place, the Force, and the history that reached back into the most ancient of times, when the first Jedi emerged. He had been wandering for several years, and while was still of the Order, and frequented many enclaves, Taam was feeling as if he was beginning to drift, to loose the anchor of the Order that kept them all grounded. He did not desire to go back to Coruscant, and while welcome many places where Jedi dwelt, he felt he needed a deeper root. There were none as deep as the place where it all began. So he made the long journey into the Uknown Reaches, after much study, to find Ahch-To.
Unfamiliar with the place, he made for the First Temple, and entered. He looked for assitance in finding his way, and announcing his arrival to Master Ike.