Hevana Martin
Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Dressed in her fresh Firemane duty uniform and her hair pulled back into a ponytail, Hevana waited the new recruit she was told was coming. Given her... experience, Hevana had been tasked with creating a unit that could handle the though jobs. To do that they would need a pilot. However she needed more than a pilot, she needed a damn good pilot. One that could get them into a hot zone alive, and could hold his own if things hit the perverbial fan.
Well, the piloting itself she could not do much about, loathe as she was to admit her own shortcommings she knew she was a terrible pilot. However making sure he did not get himself and the rest of the unit killed on the ground she could do. The profile given to her about this [member="Nomad Crimson"] had been a bit light, nautolan and a bit on the young side. Youth meant he was inexperienced, but it also meant he could be built into something useable. To often she met vertanrs to set in their ways to improve, and that was an attitude she had no time for.
If this kid lacked the right attitude, well at least he was still young enough for her to beat it into him.
Well, the piloting itself she could not do much about, loathe as she was to admit her own shortcommings she knew she was a terrible pilot. However making sure he did not get himself and the rest of the unit killed on the ground she could do. The profile given to her about this [member="Nomad Crimson"] had been a bit light, nautolan and a bit on the young side. Youth meant he was inexperienced, but it also meant he could be built into something useable. To often she met vertanrs to set in their ways to improve, and that was an attitude she had no time for.
If this kid lacked the right attitude, well at least he was still young enough for her to beat it into him.