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Approved Species Pi'Ra'Helmins

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  • Name: Pi'Ra'Helmins
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Vongformed THosa
  • Language: High Sith, Sith, Cheunh, Galactic Basic Standard, Imperial Basic, Ryl, Huttese
  • Average Lifespan: 1,000 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: The Pi'Ra'Helmins, or just Pi'Ra are parasitic creatures, that inhabit other species and live off of those species own consumption. Naturally, Pi'Ra prefer aquatic environments, for the size and shape of their body, and it also makes excessively easy to attack unassuming prey. However, Pi'Ra utilize a very special ability; they can attach to the brain stem or brain of a species, and attempt to control it. Younger Pi'Ra typically only enter a body and feed through the intestines and on other bodily fluids, too weak to take control of a host. In this regard, they act more like intestinal parasite infections. When not in a host, they do their best to survive in aquatic areas, feeding on much smaller prey than themselves, not attacking, in fact fleeing, from creatures almost as large, as large, or larger than themselves. Pi'Ra target specifically very large creatures to use as hosts and to feed on. When a Pi'Ra attaches itself to a host in order to control them, they no longer feed on the host. However, after a period of time (upwards of two months, without increased effort), the Pi'Ra will slowly develop a new body within the skull of its host. A small, soft body, like a barely noticeable tumor, this 'body' merely holds the brain of the Pi'Ra and bodily connects to the host, becoming symbiotic, if not absolutely dependent of the host body. There is no return after this stage in their life cycle. Their original body becomes a husk, and is absorbed into the host body, naturally.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: N/A
  • Average length of adults: Progenitor - 0.5 meters (45 cm), Birthed Pi'Ra - 0.25 meters (25 cm)
  • Skin color: Mottled gray, black or silver
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Pi'Ra look like Eels and Fish morphed together, with unusual protrusions extruding from their body. When young, these protrusions are soft, but when they grow to a mature age (a year after birth), they become hard, and grow into what is used to attach itself to brain stems. They are also used to latch onto prey while they use their mouth, or in this case being a beak, to dig into the creature, before entering their body.
  • Races: Pi'Ra come in two forms; the Progenitor and the Birthed Pi'Ra. The Progenitor is not a naturally occurring organism, but is actually a Vong Biot. The Birthed Pi'Ra is naturally occurring, through breeding. Their only differences is the birthed Pi'Ra can not breed, at all, and are half as large. The Progenitor also slowly changes some of the biological aspects of the host so that they can breed. Progenitors can not naturally breed without having a symbiotic relationship with another species, which in this case is parasitic.
  • Strengths: Long Life, Increased Immunity to diseases, Tendency towards Force Sensitive
  • Weaknesses: Fragile, Weak to electrical shock while in a Host and in Water, can not maintain Permanent Control over a Host until strong enough (Birth Pi'Ra take a couple years within a host to be strong enough without tiring), susceptible to acid, fire, and force techniques, become absolutely dependent on host (if removed or detached, they die. They can not repair damaged connections), Always Arrogant, Always Overconfident (leads to early deaths for birth Pi'Ra), Exceptionally Weakened by Trestibinexocycline 5-Gamma

  • Diet: Carnivore; small prey, parasitic/symbiosis with large species
  • Communication: Very Rare Communication when not within a host, communicating with each other either by sight or by arching their body. While controlling a host; Speech
  • Technology Level: None; they have Genetic Memory with the knowledge of technology, and how to create it, however.
  • Religion/Beliefs: They believe they created themselves through forced evolution, so they could take over weaker species. Someone a lazy personality, but believing they evolved this way so that in taking over weaker species they did not have to do the work themselves, that they are so superior that they should be waited on hand and foot.
  • General behavior: Pi'Ra which can breed rarely look for emotions, or sometimes even willingness. Their mating habits are that of a survival of the fittest society, finding the strongest mates, and will almost never stay bonded to a single mate. Pi'Ra are born with genetic memory on how to live, how to survive, and how to advance themselves with science and technology, however, they must first bond with a species capable of intelligence and labor to create such devices. Still, they are very arrogant and overconfident, which leads to early deaths among the young, forcing their kind to couple together and force younger ones not to stray to far or endanger themselves. This has lead to young Pi'Ra being made as 'children' to other Pi'Ra even if they did not birth them, similar to adoption. Because of this, they may create feudal societies for how rare they are and how often Pi'Ra grow to maturity. Once a Pi'Ra has bonded with a proper host and matured enough, they typically try to blend in with the rest of society and and carry out their own wishes or goals, which due to their aggressive nature, is usually command or power goals. However, many stay with their own family in some way since they are rare, and may be viewed as a hostile race to others. Safety in numbers. They ultimately seek to form their own society and be a ruler of that society, whether or not their family joins them.

  • The Pi'Ra'Helms are a vongformed Biot, by a Shamed One by the name of Zhudah Sakkel, a Shaper. They were an experiment, not for any dastardly plan such as a secret weapon or infiltration type abilities, but a test to create force sensitive creatures, and also a species with genetic memory, to see how they progress with only a single member being able to breed. Would they use the breeder as a slave? Make them a Queen? Or abandon them? They will have the knowledge of all of this, except their creation, being made to believe they are naturally formed and new to the galaxy, prepared to live among the other residents, enslave them, or fight for territory. The Pi'Ra are a combination of multiple species, some of major note being the Kalduu, Brain Worm, and Brain Crawler. This gives them a passive telepathic ability, but it can only be used once they have infected a host. These weak telepathic abilities only attempt and influencing the host to consume more food, and avoid medicine. It's a very subtle influence, and isn't anywhere near any kind of control, more similar to the smallest form of addiction. Otherwise, once inside a host, they can keep the body healthy by symbiotically sharing an immune system, while feeding off of the host. However, still parasitic, they could eventually enter the final stage of their life cycle, and living in the skull of their host. Except, Pi'Ra usually only feed on a host, to feed on a host. Feeding on a host, they don't discriminate. When they choose a host, however, they choose one according to survival of the fittest determinations, and may only take over the host they feed on in desperation. Their force sensitivity ability was made by a Sith ally of Zhudahs assisting in the experiment, by imbueing the Progenitor with the force, making the spawn force sensitive.

Progenitor: Mephriro
[member="Zhudah Sakkel"]

SW Goa'uld, chel nak. :)

Your submission looks great, you've balanced out the species' obvious advantage with a lot of appropriate weaknesses. The only problem here is unfortunately a conflict with rule #4 of the codex species rules.

4. Completely Force sensitive/dead species may not be submitted except in the case of a Staff sanctioned challenge/contest reward or with explicit permission from Staff.
If you feel its an acceptable compromise, I would be inclined to stamp this submission as long as you change their Force Sensitive strength to something more like a natural species tendency towards sensitivity.

Oh, you mean maybe like a 50/50 / 60/40 etc type deal where they may or may not have the force? I'm fine with that, although the option to pass it through with all force sensitivity may be something to think about since they won't naturally be found in nature and not every single one will be put into hosts (there won't be an army of these things, if there was, they'd have civil wars and kill themselves off). So, in general, every single one has to be a player.

I'm fine either way, just something to think about.

Hurpdurp edit
Yes, they will be put into hosts as infants, but not to control them, just wormy parasites. They don't offer the host force sensitivity, either.
[member="Zhudah Sakkel"]

The species' rarity was taken into account during my initial judgment, and is one of the reasons I am so open to helping you find a compromise. Universally force sensitive species are one of our few rigid restrictions, so unfortunately no matter how we balance it I am going to have to request that this aspect be modified.

I am fine with this species having a high tendency towards sensitivity, and if it helps your concept at all I would also be fine with them possessing naturally strong innate telepathy, but total sensitivity is not on the table.
[member="Zhudah Sakkel"]

Excellent. Thank you for your understanding.

Pending Secondary Approval

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
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