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Character Piraka


Piraka The Damned


NAME: Piraka

FACTION: Hutt Space Consortium

RANK: Captain

SPECIES: Trandoshan

AGE: 30s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2 Meters

WEIGHT: 100ish kg

EYES: Orange and Red






Strong: From a mix of athleticism, martial prowess, and biology Piraka has a lot of strength when compared to many humanoids of similar stature.

Regenerative Healing: Another gift of his biology is regenerative properties. Being callable of loosing all his limbs, where if he doesn't bleed out, can regrow his appendages in relatively short order. Though is much less capable and much more vulnerable during such a time. Though he is getting rather old for a Trandoshan and thus will likely soon this natural gift of his.

Ace: Piraka is also an accomplished starfighter pilot, often extending his skills as a cunning hunter in atmosphere and in space in dogfights.

High Intensity Heat: Given that Piraka sees in the infrared spectrum of light. Sudden bursts of intense heat can quickly blind him similarly to how a flashbang or sudden bright light may do for someone who see's through the typical visible light spectrum. Similarly fire can mess up his regenerative healing.

Brash: Piraka is not a very pleasant person unfortunately, at least not currently. When he was younger is was generally a lot less aggressive and mean spirited. These days however, he's a lot more cold-blooded.


Piraka is physically a rather typical Tandoshan male. Having a rather tall and lanky looking body and green scales that cover his entire body, and three large figners on each hand. Like many of his species he typically doesn't wear gloves or footwear. A fairly consistent article of clothing on him is his red beret atop his head. With a traditional Trandoshan symbol as a badge on it. As for the rest of his attire it varies often.


Like most of his cold blooded brethren, Piraka was born on his homeworld of Dosh, or Trandosha for non-natives. Both his parents were famed big game hunters who stalked many dangerous beasts across the galaxy. At only a week old Piraka claimed his first kill, only a large toddler sized insect which wasn’t very dangerous. But he did so on his own and before any of his siblings, earning him rather high praise from his parents, and gave them faith that he would be looked upon favorably by the Scorekeeper. Thus cementing some high expectations very early into his life.

Piraka was trained as a capable hunter similarly to just about every trandoshan. Even those born and raised away from their heritage had a killer instinct. You can take the hatchling out of Dosh but you can’t take the Dosh out of the hatchling. At the age of 14 standard years left to venture to the stars to earn high favor with and appease his goddess with valuable Jagannath Points.

During his late teenage adulthood was saved by a smuggler he met while poaching on a Hutt’s private property. They were there for the exotic animal trade. Without them it was certain that Piraka would’ve lost them prematurely. After the two became acquainted and he was saved by the smuggler he pledged a life debt to them. Which formed a mutually beneficial bond. The smuggler he’d befriended was notable for their particularly amoral business ventures. Trafficking some of the worst goods in the galaxy. Weapons, spice, exotic animals, salves, it didn’t matter how taboo the product was, they'd move it. Although the smuggler seemingly took no pleasure in his work.

Piraka’s smuggler friend was a good into the galactic underworld, and a good supplier of conflict to acquire Jagannath Points for his time in the afterlife. Another thing that was noticeable was that despite the large sums of credits the two of them made, it never really showed. Piraka never handled much of the finances of their operation, thus never knew where all their money was going.

However, their perfect pair wouldn’t last. The law caught up to the two of them. Piraka lost his friend and was captured and humiliated by a skilled Sector Ranger. In the span of a few hours the worst thing that could happen did. He lost his friend who he’d sworn to protect and was captured, thus resetting all hard earned Jagannath Points. Even after he broke out of custody he couldn’t get his points back because the sector ranger responsible was killed shortly after in the line of duty. Thus leaving Piraka, disgraced, ashamed and with nothing (in a cultural and spiritual sense). Word even spread of this massive defeat to other trandoshans and earned him the title Piraka The Damned, seeing that he was not favored by their goddess. Perhaps it was bad luck, or devine punishment for engaging in his criminal activities.

Piraka handled this blow to his reputation and status by becoming a pirate and privateer to aggressively make up for his lost time and points. Becoming a brutal and aggressive outlaw. But also importantly needed to do right by his friend who'd pledge his life debt to. Doing what he could to learn of their family after the fact. Trying to find a wife, child, or any next of kin to extend his vow to. The only known relatives for his friend were his sick and elderly parents. When he managed to track them down and met the parents of his friend he also finally understood where most of their money was going. It was to treat them, and allow them to live comfortably in their old age. Their child has worked tirelessly to pay off their families debts and to take care of them. Explaining some as to why they’d done such risky yet profitable work.

Piraka would carry on his late friend's work, extending on to their parents, though in a less direct manner. Knowing that given his soured reputation with the law and many others could only put the old couple in danger if he was close to them.

In present day Piraka captains a hardy privateer crew and accompanying starfighter wing as freelance guns for hire primarily in Hutt space in the recently established Hutt Space Consortium.


Marauder-Class Corvette which carries number of auxiliary craft and a squadron (12) starfighters with it.



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