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Approved NPC Pirate Brigade

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Name: Pirate Brigade
Intent: To man and maintain the associated ship’s owned by the Jackals.
Affiliation: The Jackals
Availability: Common
Type: Infantry, crew
Strength: 150
Description: Composed primarily of unemployed citizens either being uneducated or having a lust for adventure, riches or anarchy. The dregs of society, they consist of multiple species and they vary from pirate to pirate, e.g mechanics, pilots, militia.

They'd look like a ramshackle beggars, or a useless drunks. Baggy pants and old dull shirts usually with two buttons missing, and around their waist was tied a wide black tasseled sash. With the occasional jacket with durasteel plating tide or held together by an adhesive or twine. The crew consisted of human, and Weequay, and other near human species but had the occasional Trandoshan.

The training varied, most would have been criminals or destitute before this, growing up or brought into the crime scene, they'd be accustomed to street brawls and fights. There's no form to their fighting style but they pack a mean right hook if you're unlucky enough to be hit by one. Their equipment would be standard, having swords or near swords made from scrap metal or raided farm equipment, and having low grade rifles and blasters, even the occasional slug thrower.

Through meetings and advertisement, from the lowest cantina to the streets the Jackals would rough up, kidnap and steal. Garnering enough attention to recruit an active crew. Consisting of word of mouth and meetings held in cantinas.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Gotta say, I would really really prefer a good deal more in the description. For instance:
  • Multiple species: Gimme dem species
  • Meetings and Advertisement: Yeah, what are we talking about here? Holonet postings or something more?
  • What sort of training, if any, do these guys have?
  • What sort of equipment do they use?
  • What sort of leadership do they have?
  • Any specifically notable members?
  • What do they look like? Are they as dirty as the description currently implies?
  • As pirates, I assume they have pretty poor healthcare and a seriously lack of vitamin c?
These are all suggestions, the sky is really the limit. Gimme some details on these dudes cause right now, the description is fairly generic and gives me no super impressive detail into the sort of people I would be dealing with it if I met them in RP - which is sort of the point of the sub in the first place.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Be warned, you have these guys seriously downplayed with weaponry and armor. Should that change and they start upping their game, you'll need to come back and modify this sub or create a new one, if you intend to continue with NPC subbing. Cheers.

Approved pending secondary.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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