Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Pizza Blues


With everything going on, Xan began to feel that she and Cartri simply weren't spending enough time together anymore. What concerned her more, though, was the tension she felt between them at the tat-chat. After the horrible rift her disappearance had caused, the last thing she wanted was for their repaired relationship to fracture again. She believed that they were now tighter than ever... but she was not willing to test that theory.

Which was why she felt the need to pay him a visit at his own place and simply hang out again. She had something in mind, some old-fashioned shenanigans, but that could wait for a little bit. The most important thing now was to simply relax and try to dye his hair neon orange without him noticing... wouldn't be an issue if he did notice, though.

Upon reaching his apartment, she fiddled with the lock of the sliding door and simply opened it up, letting herself in with a bag of take-aways in one hand and a bottle of cola in the other. "Guess what, choom! Pizza time!" She announced as loudly as she could, slapping the bag down on the counter along with the bottle of cola, the contents brewing dangerously under the sudden shock.

"Hope you didn't have anything planned for tonight, 'cause it's me and you. Now get a movie going for us, I'll warm these up." True to her word, she pulled the boxes from the bag and started to warm them up, studying the kitchen with eagle eyes.

"When was the last time you cleaned the place?" She asked him, a smirk forming behind the demonic mask as she glared at him.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Cartri had all the lights off in his apartment, all of which set the environment as he was halfway through a horror movie called "Night lair on Denon" a movie based off a Sith serial killed who went around the city of Denon killing known Jedi and forces users through gruesome ways. As the movie went on he could help but grip his pillow tightly , his eyes peeking over them in anticipation as the music began to get louder and louder. Bracing for the worst, Cartri's eyes opened wide and waited for the scare. Although, it seemed to lead to nothing.

Taking a big sigh of relief he calmed himself down and lowered the pillow slightly, confident a scary murderer wasn't going to pop up and scare the ginger out of him. Suddenly, his front door barged open and the lights turned on to reveal a happy Xan Deesa Xan Deesa with handfuls of fastfood. Cartri screamed and jumped off the sofa, roughly falling to his side with a groan of humiliation "Xan?! you always seem to pick the best times..." he groaned again, slowly getting to his feet with a grin.

Opening his arms wide he approached Xan and gave her a dreaded tight hug, his height and body far stocky from the first time they met all those months ago "I shouldn't be sis, I've got some time to kill! How you been doing lately?" he said with a chuckle, letting her reply before finally letting her go and wondering over to a pizza box. Curiously, he opened the latch up and had a look inside, taking in its more than delicious smell "Mmmmmm, that's what I call a pizza!" he said with glee.

When Xan took them away to heat up Cartri noticed her staring at the kitchen. In all honesty it was quite a mess right now and his only excuse was that he didn't have time to clean up these days "Uhhh.... No comment. You'll have to ask me another time on that" he replied back, giving her a cheeky smile as he ran and jumped on the sofa chest first "Alright lets see here..." Cartri said to himself while scrolling through, his eyes finally resting on "The changing" which involved a Jedi Master coming to a house to relive a child of a sith lords spirit which had took over his body.

"I've heard this ones meant to be good. I looked at the reviews and they seem to think its a-mazing"
Xan snickered as Cartri complained about her timing, though her arms opened as the boy came in for a tight hug. "Damn, you're almost not skinny anymore." She quipped, letting go of him as she studied him. "Stuff's been on and off, to be honest. That tat-chat got a bit annoying, but that's yesterday's problem. Right now I wanna eat some pizza and empty a few bottles of soda." She continued, warming up their meals.

"I've heard this ones meant to be good. I looked at the reviews and they seem to think its a-mazing"

Xan looked at him with a narrowed gaze for a moment as a smirk spread along her lips. "Since when do you and Daiya get along?" She spoke up, tossing a nearby rag at him. "At least you two are on speaking terms now. I've been waiting for a street brawl for months now." She handed him his pizza and started to warm up her own, leaning against the counter as she glanced over to the movie. "Haven't seen that one in a while, not gonna lie." She elected to not mention what she was doing in the Holonet when she wasn't busy peeking into people's personal lives. "Can't remember it all that much, though. Gonna be interesting."

When both their meals were ready, Xan dropped into the couch and placed her glass of soda on the coffee table. "I should take you to some other planets one of these days." She commented after swallowing a large chunk of pizza.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
"I kept to your training Xan, the stuff you have made me learn over the years have worked like a treat" he grinned to Xan Deesa Xan Deesa as she warmed up their meals. The Tatt chat didn't go as good as he thought, especially how everyone was dead set on all out destruction of the planet. He didn't want to think about that right now, all he wanted was to chill out with his sis and eat some good pizza.

Leaning his upper body from the couch, he stared at Xan for a few moments in thought of how to answer. Him and Daiya Daiya had gotten closer over the month, but he wasn't sure if she loved him the same way he did "We've always got along one way or another, it's just that were a bit more intimate now." he said with a small smile, just about dodging the rag that almost hit him in the face. Giggling from her miss, he took his pizza with a thankful nod and began to dig in.

"Mmmmmmmm! that's some great pizza! Oh, and i'm sure you'll love it as much as I do again. Some o the death scenes are some of the best I've seen." he commented while waiting for Xan to come over and sit down. Once she was ready, he clapped his hands to turn off the lights and start the creepy movie before their very eyes.

"Me and you definitely deserve a holiday together. No missions, no CorpSEC breathing down our necks, just us and the sun" Cartri said in an upbeat tone, clearly excited of the idea considering he hadn't been on one for some time. Even though they didn't see as much they still kept in regular contact, especially Xan who made sure to check in daily on his exercises.

Cartri took a big bite of his pizza again, enjoying the company of his sis behind him before his datapad suddenly vibrated. He looked down to his side and saw an emergency alert addressed to him, one that seemed to be urgent and important. He quickly wiped his hands on the rag Xan threw at him and picked it up, his eyes widening from what he read.

"Kark, remember ZothTech CEO Kodo Javal? evidence has been found of his company being linked to trafficking. According to this report, he is currently at his Denon office not to far from here. They need him taken in immediately..."
An eyebrow raised as Cartri spoke about his relationship status, though she said nothing as they made their way over to the couch. She glanced over to him as he mentioned the movie, earning a happy nod from the girl. He went on, agreeing to her idea of a vacation. If things weren't such a mess, she would have ditched the movie entirely and simply taken him off-world. "There's a lot of nice places in the Confederate territories. Easier to access now as well." She explained, picking up a slice of pizza. She could settle for this. Just a calm and relaxed evening with a movie and some pizza.

Cartri's datapad was inclined to disagree.

"Kark, remember ZothTech CEO Kodo Javal? evidence has been found of his company being linked to trafficking. According to this report, he is currently at his Denon office not to far from here. They need him taken in immediately..."

A long groan escaped as Xan's head tilted back into the couch. "Of course there's always something..." She looked at him and then his datapad as a thought popped into her head. "You know what? I'm just gonna... do this real quick..." Her body went limp in the seat as all life disappeared from her body.

A second or so later, Xan reappeared on the screen of his datapad, plucking the notification from the screen and holding it up. "You see this?" The notification banner was tossed off the screen as she turned to face him. "Now you don't. Easy as that. Now eat your pizza and watch the movie." The miniature Xan disappeared again and her physical body drew a deep breath. "Come on, Kes, you really wanna go after that guy now? Things are cool and chill now. We can still get him later." Somewhat of a lie, but she was going to roll with it.

"Or... better idea... you wanna go see a beach?" She suggested with a hopeful smile.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
"Confederate terrortories? I've heard some great things in that sector. We'll definitely have to take a visit up there. Just got to pack loads of suncream for my sake of course" he said with a chuckle before taking a big bite of his delicious pizza. Although, before he could truly sit back and relax with his sis the datapad had to go and interrupted it.

Cartri explained the deal and Xan didn't seem too pleased by the very least, to the point where she left her physical body to go into his datapad "Hey! who said you could sneak into my stuff!" the boy complained with a small shake of his head, watching Xan on the screen throw away the alert button before his very eyes with a sigh. The ginger teen rolled his eyes to her antics and saw her regain consciousness in her body, a smirk crossing his lips "I really hope you don't do that to look at my things while I'm away" the boy joked, before leaning over to place the datapad on the table.

"I know Xan, and I'd be more than happy to stay here. But... we can't think about ourselves, those people who are suffering need our help more than anything" he said as he shuffled closer to Xan and smiled with an idea "How about we gobble down this pizza and enjoy the movie first? then during the night we can take this fool into Darkwire custody and be on our way to a nice beach far away from this place?" Cartri asked with a warm smile as he put his head on her shoulder

"Come on... I'll even buy you as many drinks as you want when we get there"


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