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Approved Vehicle [PKA] HA-3 "Lightbearer" Artillery Vehicle

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
Image Source

  • Ablative Armor
  • CIWS Turrets
  • Primary Lightbringer Weapon
  • Quad-Laser Turrets
  • Shield Generator
  • Multiple vehicles can combine for a larger coordinated blast
  • Very tough
  • Legs are vulnerable and exposed
  • Very slow
  • Vulnerable main weapon firing mechanism

Created by Panther's Arsenal as a designated artillery platform, the HA-3 stood in engineering limbo for a time because the company had no suitable weapon large enough to mount on it as a primary weapon. This changed with the greenlighting of the Lightbringer project, and the HA-3 was dubbed Lightbearer in conjunction. The side by side design process allowed the production of the weapon to be tailored to the vehicle, and vice versa, resulting in a more streamlined design.

The Lightbearer is slow and heavy, but well protected and defended, well able to engage with enemy aircraft. The vehicle is less suited to small scale ground assault, as its primary weapon is long range, and its defenses are geared towards repelling starfighters. This recommends the use of infantry and armor to protect these behemoths from small stings. Though well able to shrug off a direct attack, the vulnerablity of the primary weapon's firing mechanism is a problem the designers were unable to rectify.

Should the main gun be put out of action, the Lightbearer becomes an admittedly hardy, but very large and slow infantry transport. And only really useful to a modern army as a static fortified gun position, too slow for use as an APC. It is also very large, an unsubtle target for enemies, though it is a difficult beast to destroy.

Drawbacks aside, should a group of these vehicles be in position to combine their Lightbringer weapons in a coordinated strike, destruction is all but guaranteed. It would be best in the opinion of the designers to be someplace else. A full powered blast from a single Lightbringer cannon can eliminate just about anything in its way.

Imagination can suggest what a small or large group of Lightbearer vehicles all firing and working in concert could produce. That imagining alone is more than enough for the Mandalorians to fund and field such a weapons system.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: An artillery-grade weapon system vehicle for the Mandalorian Protectors
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal (Keldabe), Mandalorian Protectors
Model: HA-3
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Vehicle Components
Movement: Multi-Legged
Armaments: Lightbringer Heavy Beam
6 x Quad-Laser Turrets
20 x CIWS Turrets
Vehicle Type: Other
Vehicle Role: Artillery
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: Average
Top Speed Rating: Very Low
Braking Power Rating: Very Low
Corner Speed Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Very Low
Acceleration Rating: Very Low
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):


Minimum Crew: 5
Optimal Crew: 200
Passenger Capacity: 500
Cargo Capacity: Large
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

Very cool sub! However with the new rules, it can't be Minor. I would like to ask you to modify the production scale or the rating:
6. Extreme ratings require justification and elaboration in the main body of the submission.
7. Extreme ratings must be submitted as Semi-Unique or Unique.
You can find this in the Factory rules (General Submission Guidelines section)
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