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Approved Ranged Weapon [PKA] PHW-66 "Ordo of Magnitude" Repeating Fusion Scattergun

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Large
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Custom canister rounds with supercooled chamber
  • Integrated drum magazine
  • Internal fusion reactor
  • Magnetic accelerator barrel
  • Absurd levels of fire power at battlefield range
  • Excellent ammunition capacity
  • High recoil, making it tough to keep on target
  • Very heavy and large, difficult to wield effectively for normal folk

A beast of a weapon, necessitated by the design qualifications for a weapon with a massive damage output and enough ammunition capacity for even the most profligate of soldiers. Larger than average, and certainly much heavier than its peers, it excels in what it does which is allow the wielder to kill everything in sight.

This weapon's ammunition is contained in a supercooled canister of cryoban which keeps the lethal baradium inert. The ammunition drum contains up to five hundred canister rounds. On firing, each canister is broken and the contents of the barrel ejected in a cloud of subcritical shards.

This cloud of subfusioning shards magnetically blasted from the weapon immediately superheat on contact with atmosphere, and reach critical mass in fractions of a second, heating to a tremendous degree, only accelerated by oxidization in atmosphere. Anything these shards impact with suffers a small but devastating explosion which annihilates a small sphere around itself, in a similar fashion to a small thermal detonator.

With a rate of fire so low as to make mock of the designation of automatic fire, the weapon delivers up to five hundred repeating punches of distilled and merciless death to anything unfortunate enough to be in its firing arc.

The weapon comes provided with a tripod mount, known as the 'baby arms' by many of the users, who themselves are strong enough to carry this beast of a weapon in their own hands. The frame does however make the weapon accessible to those with more modest strength and it can function as an adequate squad support weapon in this immobile role. The gun is however primarily designed and intended to be carried into battle by warriors capable of wielding its awesome destructive firepower.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Creating a deadly and dangerous weapon for Mandalorian Protectors
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal (Keldabe), Mandalorian Protectors
Model: PHW-66
Modular: No
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Durasteel, Cryoban, Baradium, Technical Components
Ammunition Type: Canister Shot
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very High
Ranged Class: Shotgun
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

It is cool! The image source is not working, I would like to ask you to add it to the template. And your ratings are +3, I would like to ask you to edit this. In the curernt system the Titanic Ammunition Capacity is looks like +4 points, and the Rate of Fire is no longer part of the ratings.
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