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Approved Ranged Weapon [PKA] VSH-7 "Lightbringer" Heavy Composite Beam

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Very Large
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
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  • Advanced Composite beam technology
  • Can combine with others of its kind for a bigger pew
    Extremely powerful energy beam
  • Slow rate of fire
    Vulnerable firing mechanism

Though the SIH-4 dubbed Overlight by Panther's Arsenal proved to be unsuitable for mass production runs, the technology was further adapted and studied. In time, a breakthrough in artificial crystals made a further design possible. Because of the large size of the new crystals this project would be unsuitable for infantry, but possibly highly effective as a starship or siege weapon. The new design was labeled VSH-7, and later nicknamed the Lightbringer.

The larger sized crystals allowed the designers to hugely ramp up the available power, and this created a weapon of terrible destructive potential. Though they were still unable to engineer a solution to the vulnerable firing dish, they were more than successful in increasing the power by orders of magnitude. This got the design forwarded for production, intended for use in an upcoming artillery vehicle fit to bear the size and weight of the Lightbringer.

The bright green beam of light the cannon produces is unsubtle, blasting from the dish-shaped emitter in a blinding stab of energy which flows at the speed of light towards and into anything it is targeted upon. Such a colossal energy blast makes light of any concepts of armour or shielding, as it is a significant magnitude of firepower to be repelled.

A weapon which is not a fast firing one, but that brings tremendous carnage to anything it hits, is an advantage to any army. An additional advantage provided by the VSH-7 Lightbringer is that multiple VSH-7s can combine their beams if properly coordinated to produce an even more powerful blast. Though it is not recommended for installation on starships due to the vulnerability of its firing mechanism, this weapon would make for a deadly advantage in space combat.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an artillery weapons system
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Panther's Arsenal (Keldabe), Mandalorian Protectors
Model: VSH-7
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Durasteel, Artillery Components
Ammunition Type: Energy
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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