Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plagiarism Update


I'm quite sick and about to go back and rest, but I promised an update like [member="sabrina"] said and here it is:

The main website in question of plagiarism, Destiny's Way, has been warned of an impending DMCA complaint which, according to's TOS, will have the board taken down if action isn't taken. Apparently they took the place down Friday and worked on removing the content after the owner swears he banned the person responsible. Which is impossible, since the person responsible is the owner.

If you find any of your material copied still over there, please let me know and I will continue with filling out a proper DMCA complaint.

As for the other website - a warning, for any of you in a position of authority here at SWRP. Be it Major Faction, Factory Judge, or Staff... if you are helping to build another Star Wars RP community, you will be seen as abusing your position here at SWRP Chaos for personal gain and will be forcibly removed from your position. I can't understand how that would be perceived as anything other than it, and there's no argument in the world that would convince me otherwise. Non-compete clause, holmes. Most real world businesses have 'em, and here it's just common sense.

As for normal members, we obviously don't care what you do, 'cause...well, 'murica and freedom and all that jazz.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[member="Maria Natalja"] which is why I am leaving it to the ones who wrote everything for it here to determine. Though the order and Rangers merging is only on here as I recall.


This is awkward because i'm creating a site called It's exactly like this board, but everything is backwards.
Darth Shara said:
This is awkward because i'm creating a site called It's exactly like this board, but everything is backwards.
XD So... You have Htis and Idej and the most hated faction Etarotcetorp which can't be joined because it doesn't have a join button? Oh, and let's not forget the Yrotcaf where people start judging a thing and then by the end of the thread, the actual submission is posted.

That's interesting.
I did see another site that was quite similar, though I think it was due to their format in the submissions area (its a good system - who wouldn't want to emulate? :p ) That being said, blatant plagiarism and ripping of content is wrong. I really hope they own up to it and just remove it all.

As a note, I -used- to RP at That Guy's Craftshop. (I'm sure some of you know me from there) I don't anymore. Too much drama. And Mandos were treated like osik over there. Mostly due to events which had happened several years back - which none of the current mandos had anything to do with - and the fact that they considered that all mandos had to be the "Let's kill it all" type.Which is NOT how I RP. And Force using mandos? Ha.... it didn't become a thing till just before I left.

And [member="Tefoch"], I realllllly hope this jerk owns up and just takes it down. :angry:
I plagiarize my own work and post it under my name without giving myself credit.

Hello, NerfHerder, look at your Chaos, now back to mine, now back at your Chaos, now back to mine. Sadly, he isn’t my Chaos, but if he stopped using bantha podo scented ctrl + v and switched to my Chaos, he could pretend like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a steamy pile of podo full of DMCA's and b&. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with your tears. Look again, the tears have now been drank. Anything is possible when your Tefka. I’m on a Judas. -- Tefka.

We don't own Old Spice for men, but if we did, then we would of shared it with NerfHerder. Then maybe he wouldn't of been a douche. Okay, I'm done with this... Yeah no copyright pls.

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