L Admin
Blog: http://starwarsrp.net/blog/1/entry-303-medicine-head-copycats-and-a-raging-bull/
I'm quite sick and about to go back and rest, but I promised an update like [member="sabrina"] said and here it is:
The main website in question of plagiarism, Destiny's Way, has been warned of an impending DMCA complaint which, according to jcink.net's TOS, will have the board taken down if action isn't taken. Apparently they took the place down Friday and worked on removing the content after the owner swears he banned the person responsible. Which is impossible, since the person responsible is the owner.
If you find any of your material copied still over there, please let me know and I will continue with filling out a proper DMCA complaint.
As for the other website - a warning, for any of you in a position of authority here at SWRP. Be it Major Faction, Factory Judge, or Staff... if you are helping to build another Star Wars RP community, you will be seen as abusing your position here at SWRP Chaos for personal gain and will be forcibly removed from your position. I can't understand how that would be perceived as anything other than it, and there's no argument in the world that would convince me otherwise. Non-compete clause, holmes. Most real world businesses have 'em, and here it's just common sense.
As for normal members, we obviously don't care what you do, 'cause...well, 'murica and freedom and all that jazz.
I'm quite sick and about to go back and rest, but I promised an update like [member="sabrina"] said and here it is:
The main website in question of plagiarism, Destiny's Way, has been warned of an impending DMCA complaint which, according to jcink.net's TOS, will have the board taken down if action isn't taken. Apparently they took the place down Friday and worked on removing the content after the owner swears he banned the person responsible. Which is impossible, since the person responsible is the owner.
If you find any of your material copied still over there, please let me know and I will continue with filling out a proper DMCA complaint.
As for the other website - a warning, for any of you in a position of authority here at SWRP. Be it Major Faction, Factory Judge, or Staff... if you are helping to build another Star Wars RP community, you will be seen as abusing your position here at SWRP Chaos for personal gain and will be forcibly removed from your position. I can't understand how that would be perceived as anything other than it, and there's no argument in the world that would convince me otherwise. Non-compete clause, holmes. Most real world businesses have 'em, and here it's just common sense.
As for normal members, we obviously don't care what you do, 'cause...well, 'murica and freedom and all that jazz.