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Approved Starship Plague Destroyers

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Manufacturer: Bloodscrawl Medical Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Very High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Very Large
  • Intent: To create a premier warship for allied factions.

  • Classification: Warship
  • Length: 1,900 meters
  • Width: 575 meters
  • Height: 350 meters
  • Armament: Very High
Fusion Accelerator Cannons (4, Two Port, Two Starboard, Turreted, Bottom mounted)
Battleship Ion Cannons (8, three port, three starboard, One fore, One Aft, Top mounted, turreted)
Repeating Ion Cannons (12, six port, six starboard, three bottom mounted, three top mounted, turreted)
Bomblet Generators (4, bottom mounted, turreted)
Point Defense Composite Beam Laser Cannons (100, strategic placement across ship, 50 on top, fifty on bottom. Turreted)
Gravity Well Projector (1)
Composite Multispectral Laser Beam Array (1, bottom mounted, turreted)
  • Defenses: Very High
Heavy Laminanium Hull
Conformal Multilayer Shielding
Conformal Ion Shielding
Targeting Jammers
  • Hangar Space: Very High: 22
  • Hangar Allocations:
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: 0.5
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can Enter, hover in Atmosphere, and land
  • Fully Submersible
  • Power Plant: Solar Power Generator
  • Capital Ship-Grade Electro-Telescopes

Droid Dispensers
Plague Droideka (50,000)
Multiple Ground Armored Tanks

  • Extensive Shielding
  • Advanced Turbolasers
  • Advanced Ion Cannons
  • Fully Submersible
  • Capable of fielding extensive Droid Invasion Force and Acting as an Automated Droid Starfighter and Battle Droid Factory
  • Composite Laser Beam Array capable of damaging ships in its size range with only a few shots and has multiple settings (Standard, Ion, Stun, Cryo) along with immense range
  • Run by an A.I. System composed of several Super Tactical Droid Brains operating like a hive mind
  • Electro-Telescopes enable passive sensor system that can let it potentially spot far off threats without revealing itself. These can also assist the weapon systems in making tricky shots at longer ranges
  • Hyperdrive based on the acclamator assault ship in the clone wars, giving it a fast 0.5 rating
  • War Factory This Star Destroyer Contains multiple automated factories geared towards manufacturing starfighters and support craft in place of traditional hangars, as well as battle droids designed by the Bloodscrawls and stock Droid Tanks. The materials are scavenged by either passively absorbing solar energy and converting its molecules in atomic furnaces (Manufacturing a squadron can take up to twenty days with this method) or by breaking down stellar debris or junk can cut the time in half. Making a legion of droids or a squad of tanks can take up to a month using only the solar energy method, while using more common materials can cut that time in half, meaning it cannot quickly replace Droids if heavy numbers are lost, leaving it at a disadvantage should its initial first strike be successfully resisted either on ground or in space
  • Invader: Due to its ability to take off and land in atmosphere, it can field a large invasion force of battle droids
  • Bombardment: It's weapons are multipurpose, equally useful for engaging capital ships as they are for devastating planetary surfaces due to their incredible accuracy and great damage
  • Options: It's dangerous fusion cannons can possibly punch through extremely heavy armor constructed by even modern methods and materials and are a high priority target for any enemy sufficiently equipped to deal with them (The Fusion Cannons are often considered by enemy commanders to be so deadly that they make dealing with them their first priority). It's battle ship ion cannons can possibly quickly disable ships of similar size in a few bombardments or smaller vessels in possibly only a short bombardment, while it's repeating ion cannons launch barrages capable of steadily whittling away at many forms of energy shielding. It's destroyer grade Bomblet Generators can be set to stun or lethal, potentially killing or subduing a city as necessary with Energy Bombs. It's Gravity well can potentially pull ships as large as itself out of Hyperspace. But it's biggest threat is it's Composite Multispectral Laser Array, which has multiple damage settings. Laser Setting can potentially punch through shields and armor of war ships, or potentially destroy or heavy damage an unshielded ground fortress in a single blast. Ion Settings can potentially knock out the electronics on warships or in a city, even if fully shielded. Stun Setting can potentially ignore vast layers of shields and armor to potentially painlessly knock out living beings. Cryo Setting can potentially ignore shields and heavily compromise or damage surfaces like armor without outright destroying it, and can be used to freeze entire buildings or ships with insufficient protection and whatever living in them solid. It can also be hidden, fully submersible, for potentially centuries without maintenance. It's computer systems are notoriously difficult to slice whether directly or wirelessly, the hivemind constantly developing new counter intrusion and virus purging software that even modern methods may have immense difficulty at overcoming. All it's weapons are turreted, with its composite laser cannon bottom mounted but with an almost 360 rotating turret, allowing it to fire at ships or cities. And a wide area in front of the ship and to it lower sides
  • Sniper: Special attention was given to the targeting computer protocols, vastly increasing weapon accuracy to lay pin point, concentrated fire, with power to its weapon systems prioritized to the point the range is three times that of their equivalents on other comparable vessels for most of the weapons save the composite laser and gravity well projector (The Composite Laser has twice the range of a standard turbolaser, the Gravity Projector can make a gravity well the size of a small moon)
  • Self Reliant. Instead of a Hypermatter Annihilator Reactor, it possesses a Solar Power Plant capable of storing up energy enough to let it run for three years with all systems active before needing one week by a star to recharge properly. It has full medical facilities and quarters for organic staff, which it does not need much of. It seems to have been built largely with automation in mind, and controlled by an A.I. Hivemind of Super-Tactical Droid Brains, providing immense strategic analysis and tactical advice, with a special set of protocols geared towards sterilization procedures with infected planets. It even seems to have special sensors set up to detect the presence of deadly diseases. It's hull and frame is composed of self preparing Laminanium, assisted by onboard repair drones to bring severely damaged examples to a hyperspace capable and habitable state over the course of a month.
  • Spotter: Capital Ship Grade Electro-Telescopes with very high resolution and range (But limited field of view) serves as a passive sensor system on the ship that allows it to scan for threats without revealing itself the way it would an active scanner, and this system also assists the weapon systems in making tricky, long range shots.
  • Hyper: Very fast 0.5 Hyperdrive
  • Sub limits. While underwater it is only good for moving, leaving, or staying underwater, and cannot fire it weapons or release anything. It's shields are inactive underwater
  • Slow: It's sublight speed is poor due to more power being given to weapon systems
  • Sluggish: It's turn rate is very poor, relying on the range of its weapons, their inherent power, and their accuracy
  • Cannon Fire rate: It's Fusion Cannons have the slowest fire rate of any of its cannon systems, with its Battleship Ion Cannons the second slowest, and it's repeating Ion Cannons the third slowest
  • Charging time: The Gravity Well Projector is based of the ones found in the 418 Cruiser Design, and wired to the innards in such a way it can only remain active ten hours at a time before needing two to recharge. The composite laser needs fifteen minutes to recharge every time it's damage settings are switched (Once done however, it fires with the regularity of an average turbolaser)
  • Passive limits: The Electro-Telescopes limited view means composite images from every single one must be slowly compiled together as the scopes methodically scan the space around them in small sections, a process that can take up to a half hour
  • Repair limits: After bringing a very damaged ship to a hyper space capable and habitable state, it will need to gather materials to itself to effect further repairs, which can take up to six months if it just scavenges with its repair probes that number in the millions along with mining drones on a constant basis, or its organic crews help scavenge if they survived, otherwise it will need drydock
  • Incendiary: Hull Vulnerable to weapons with incendiary effects
  • Sonic: Hull vulnerable to seismic charges
  • Caustic: Hull vulnerable to acidic atmosphere

Known once in ages past before the Gulag Era as the House Bloodscrawl Heavy Interdictor Star Defender, these Ships, capable of being largely automated in emergencies, gained their current moniker Plague Destroyers due to legends of them roaming the space ways during the time of plague, and were feared as infamous Ghost Ships by pirate vessels during that time. There are many legends of Plague Destroyers ambushing known pirate vessels even today, with survivors from these engagements reporting that they are all equipped with gravity well projectors and terrifyingly accurate weapons, often vanishing into hyperspace as quickly as they appeared, obeying some unknown protocol.

In the one documented attempt to raid a derelict example, mercenaries reported dangerous golden Droids known as Plague Droideka, infamous for obeying Jedi Knights, assaulting them in its passages, and it's computer firewalls proved very highly difficult to breach even with modern methods. Even when successfully breached, the mercenaries found a disturbing lack of information as to who created them, only that the ship was programmed to obey the commands of Jedi aligned Military personnel or Jedi themselves. Only one member of the team made it back alive.

Plague Destroyers also possess one other unsettling facet. A ring of three or four is usually found in orbit around an uncharted star at a safe distance, passively absorbing energy, conducting repairs with its drones.

One of the largest storage areas of them ever found was on the long dead planet, Katarr, concealed in large numbers there in secret, apparently before the Plague with an estimated one hundred still in storage...but the public face of Bacta-Works, Sera Mina, is much more interested in the supposedly lost factory deep in Katarr, that may have built them and been deploying them for centuries, as finding it may provide access to an even larger hiding place on another planet concealing these things...and possibly other ships.

Upon recovery, these vessels are made safe by transmitting her Father's Family Code Clearance to the ship computers, and donated to either the Great Houses of Alderaan or the Galactic Alliance Military. There is a reason Sera was so determined to get the mining rights to Katarr, once ger father informed her of its vital importance.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a warship for allied factions
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: The Great Houses of Alderaan, The Galactic Alliance, Bloodscrawl Medical Corporation
Model: N/A
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Interdictor
Modular: No
Material: Laminanium, Starship Parts
Armaments: Fusion Accelerator Cannons, Battleship Ion Cannons, Repeating Ion Cannons
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion (High) Sonic (None), Acid (None), Pressure (High), Incendiary (Very Low)

Minimum Crew: 3000
Optimal Crew: 10000
Passenger Capacity: 6000
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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