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Approved Tech Plaid Path Engine

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  • Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel (x)
  • Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Maw (x)
  • Market Status: Open Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: None
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
  • Speeds of the Plaid Path Engine goes to .005 past lightspeed. It is one of the fastest hyperdrives ever created, so much so that it bends colors around the starship to give the illusion of Plaid around it.
  • Beyond 0.01: It is one of the fastest path engines ever created, allowing for a starship to go to one place or another in one of the fastest instances in the galaxy.
  • Stay On the Path!: It is not made for exploration and as such, can only be used in the Hyperlanes of designated travel to and from planets. Any deviations from the flight plan will result in the safety measures kicking in and refusing to jump to lightspeed.
  • We Can't Stop!: Once it has picked a destination and jumped, one cannot simply stop the starship as it is going so fast, inertial dampeners will not compensate for a sudden stop. If one does stop, prepare for the starship to have damage from moderate to severe consequences.
  • Damn You Gravity Wells!: If hit with a gravity well, then the starship is taking damage no matter what. The inertial dampeners will not compensate and expect moderate to severe consequences in damage.
  • Engine is Massive!: If placed into anything below a corvette, it must be their only hyperdrive, no exceptions due to how much space the Plaid Path Engine takes.
  • Recharge The Hyperdrive!: It takes time to recharge the hyperdrive, one does not simply drop out of hyperspace then go back into it. Expect to be around for a few minutes before it is ready for the next jump to hyperspace.
Haon Hafey has been considered insane several times but what he attempted possibly broke the fabric of hyperspace nearly in of itself. The Path Engine had been something that been explored and re-explored several times till the point of no tomorrow. However the newest addition was to slam a Tumble Hyperdrive and a Path Engine together to create speeds unheard of, up to .005. The speed is beyond what a starship can normally take so a lot of safety measures were involved along with instructions on how they worked. The first test however proved disastrously as they hit a gravity well and ripped one of the capital ships clean in half, making it necessary to only use Hyperlanes.

The second attempt was more successful as they reached the necessary speed, only to figure out they had hit a color like barrier, having surpassed the literal barrier of color and started to see deviations of it in hyperspace. Considering it a success, the attempt to slow down was unsuccessful and they had to wait till they got to the other side, noting another weakness. With the Plaid Path Engine now put out to the public, it was noted to be in very limited production and as such, would allow people to adjust to the new formula.
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