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Approved Starship 'Planet Carver' Structor-Class Destroyer

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Manufacturer: Legio Fortitudinis Armory Naval Division
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Large
Size: Large






[List graciously donated (I stole) from the Galactic Alliance's work]

Crew Specification
  • Minimum Crew - 2,850
  • Optimal Crew - 15,852
Internal Standard Systems
Internal Security Systems
Sensory Equipment
Weapon System Equipment

  • Heavy Destroyer: The Structor-Class Destroyer is a heavy destroyer designed for ship dueling and planet carving. Due to powerful cannons and multiple launchers the Structor can hold its own against most ships of its class and lower, possibly fairing well against larger ships as well.
  • Planet Carver: The Structor has a strong orbital bombardment cannon, that can be used to carve into planets. It can also be turnt on other ships, though this isn't recommended as theres no way of targeting moving targets and must be done manually. This also exposes its weakpoint.
  • Point Defense: Due to all point defense weaponry utilizing advance radar systems on the Ku-band, they are very effective at taking out starfighters and physical projectiles as they get close to the ship. The Micro Cluster even has a hard kill radius that is effectively a no-fly-zone around the destroyer.
  • Mirror: The ship is mirrored to where the dorsal and ventral sides are nearly identical, meaning if one side is disabled the other can be utilized.
  • Blind Spots: Around the engines and the ion cannon are much less defended by point defense weaponry and missiles systems, making them much safer areas to attack. If starfighters can utilize these zones to attack the Structor Class Destroyer, they can disable systems and make the ship more vulnerable to heavier attacks.
  • Achilles Heel: When the ion cannon is winding up, there is a brief thirty second window that a proton torpedo or something similar can be shot up there and destroy the entire system dealing massive damage to the destroyer. This can lead to an abandon ship order if the damage is great enough, but usually it will disable many of the weapons systems and force a retreat.
The Structor-Class Destroyer, nicknamed the Planet Carver, is a heavy destroyer designed specifically for planet carving while dueling other large ships. Despite its overwhelming firepower and strong shields, a critical flaw was discovered during testing: its main ion cannon is vulnerable while charging, as a well-placed missile or torpedo could overload the system and cause a backfire. While not typically fatal to an intact ship, this vulnerability becomes a death sentence when the ship is already heavily damaged.

To address its resilience, the Legio Fortitudinis incorporated a unique feature, a secondary bridge located on the ventral side of the ship. This backup command center allows the Structor to maintain functionality even if the main bridge is destroyed. In early engagements, this design proved important, especially when the Legio lacked experienced admirals. The Planet Carver demonstrated its effectiveness in the Legio's first major campaigns, earning its place as a critical asset in their conquests.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Star Destroyer Stuff
Permissions: Legio Fortitudinis

Technical Information

Affiliation: Legio Fortitudinis
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: See thread itself
Armaments: See Thread
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 2850
Optimal Crew: 15852
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Bellum Spiritus Bellum Spiritus

Very cool sub!
  • I would like to ask you to remove the "Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannon" from the sub, because it is a superweapon.
  • And I'd like to ask you to remove the Single Craft Hangar from the sub, because only ships smaller than 500 meters have it, because they may have a hangar number of 0.
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