Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planet Database


Captain Gezzo, 73rd Infantry, Charlie Company CO
I would like to propose a planet database. This database would serve to give a basic outline of established history for major planets, or planets that an individual would like to take the time to make a history for. For instance, as I am the first Geonosian player I am making a history that would affect all other players who may make a Geonosian as well as any discussions about Geonosis. This database would serve as a "need to know" guide that will give players a basic rundown so that there is conflict of story.
Working with factions so that they can establish their own lore would be a good idea in order to make this happen. Geonosis is currently under the sphere of influence of the South Systems Syndicate.

However, an important thing to know is that most of what happened in the 400 years before the site's current year (835 ABY) is unknown to the galaxy at large. It is a dark age, where documentation was scarce.


Captain Gezzo, 73rd Infantry, Charlie Company CO
That is a good idea, I currently play the leader of the SSS so i'm good with myself doing this lol. Any ideas how we could make this happen?
Gezzo said:
Any ideas how we could make this happen?
These are just my suggestions.

Make a thread to ask your members how you think the lore of your planets should be. Get input from then. Then, get something written. Put it where you keep information about your faction.

Also, keep in mind to focus on events after 800 ABY, because of the whole dark ages thing.

Flint Pherson

Keep it broad too. You should only document things that would affect the planet and the system as a whole. And remember that not everybody is gonna read this stuff. So unless you plan on blowing up the planet altogether? It's best to leave a few plot-holes so that other writers can do there thing too. ;)


Captain Gezzo, 73rd Infantry, Charlie Company CO
My thoughts exactly, I'm talking basic plot points for each planet. For example, Coruscant's basic timeline. For Geonosis I'm thinking major things that I have created like the War of Corruption and the devolution of some of the hives and the current "government". However, I was not going to go so deep that players can not have freedom of creativity..if that makes sense.
Maybe it should be part of the galaxy map as a drop down....

I know we have a lot of members from different planets who have already established how a particular planet is in the wake of the virus and the age of darkness.
Well-Known Member
I did it for Noghri, though I didn't add any historical events. I made it so that Honoghr was relatively cut off from the virus and suffered little, mean while the rest of the galaxy disappeared for them, and they continued in their 'debts' to the Skywalker family and Darth Vader, until it pretty much became a religion of Gods. I also relise the Honoghr eventually was some what abandoned by the Noghri, but I made its residence repopulate.
Maybe put them in alphabetical order with relevant bullet points? No wookie/canon/EU events of course, those are too far in the past and also easily viewing on the wookieepedia if need be; just things that occurred here.
Compile your stuff and keep it ready for when we create the site's wiki. All significant events will need to be reviewed, but I see no reason why this couldn't work.

Destroying planets or permantly changing the terrain & atmosphere will require Staff approval, though.

Janira Fenni

So would we be allowed to terraform worlds with staff approval? That would be pretty cool. Plus we have player created worlds which should totally go on the Wiki when it's up.
They will, and yes, theoretically you could. The Staff team, as a whole, will remain the authority on approving such incidents so please know that if you request to do something of this magnitude, there will be a thread in our Staff forum if the RPJ/Admin doesn't deny it outright.

We will be strict about this, not to limit creativity, but to control the flow of time and increase the drama and tension for the roleplays when it does happen. Because let's be honest, if everyone had their way, the galaxy would be invaded by some extragalactic force every Tuesday.

Just trying to keep the special moments special, the epic threads epic, and the timeline somewhat fun for new people.
Hey now, I'll help too. I've made one from scratch, admin another, helped with the third one. I can't build codes from scratch but I can edit them, make wiki pages for those who aren't too familiar with. Which also applies to people that are jut lazy about it, like Ket. :p

But if @[member="Darth Apparatus"] feels like it, we could use his awesome skills for the character boxes. The last set he put together for another wiki was awesome! ^_^

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