Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planet Moving?

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I was wondering if IC a planet can be moved, such as via a wormhole that springs up and swallows it, spitting it elsewhere. I was thinking of what could be done for interesting plots and a world threatening disaster kind of seems spot on. But that of course also would not draw much in the means of writers, as no one really wants to just throw a character away.

So what would potentially be ultimate death that inevitably just becomes a moving, surprise were all alive kind of thing seemed like it could be legit.

Is it possible?


Disney's Princess
[member="Dead Eye"]

It's the Admins map. You'd have to ask them.

That said. The RP Rules currently state that the destruction of a celestial body can only come from the Board Owner his'self.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Well I was imagining a completely uncontrolled situation. Much like one of those end of the world events, the people would get a brief warning, panic would ensue to no one really escaped. Wormhole appeared and ate the planet, when it all "went black" they thought its the end, before suddenly the "sky opened up" and they were somewhere else.

I imagined that should this be available, it would not be a frequent event, nor that it could be controlled. I figure should it be allowed, make it have rules. Such as, the story can only have "x" amount of posts (the IC time limit) then the admin would choose where it pop out etc.

The only part we as members would play would bein along for the ride


Disney's Princess
Dead Eye said:
Much like one of those end of the world events,
You need look no further than the evacuation of Kaeshana lead by Sio and Val themselves for such a, world ending event. Heck. What happened to Mandalore recently is just as jaw-dropping as the sundering of Corellia. Truth. One need not 'move a planet' as you've suggested just to create a tidal wave of galaxy spanning events. What you are asking for in terms of scale is already and readily available to you.

I'm sure Val can help you brainstorm too. Cheers.
[member="Dead Eye"]
That is in the RPing rules:

6. You may not destroy a celestial body (sun, planet, moon, etc.) in the SWRP Chaos Galaxy without prior permission from the SWRP Chaos Board Owner.

Such a thing also includes moving a planet.

You asked a question in PM. It is unfortunate it was not the answer you wanted, but that is how things go.

I will lock this thread now.
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