Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris
Name: Jiaphus
Region: Unknown
System: Jiaphus System
Suns: One K-type main sequence star
Orbital Position: First Planet, Habital Zone
Moons: Two; Jiaphus I and Jiaphus II
System Features:
* One Sun
* Three Planets; Kronium (uninhabitable), Krucker (Type II Air), Lumino (Ocean Planet)
Coordinates: 9,4
Rotational Period: 17 Hours
Orbital Period: 357 Days
Class: Ice Giant
Diameter: 13,000 km
Climate: Frozen
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: <Significant types of terrain that can easily be found. Examples: Grassland, Mountains, Oceans, Tundras, Forests, etc. Multiple can be used>
* Oceans
* Mountains
* Tundras
* Ice Forests (massive ice formations resembling tree formations)
Native Species: Chiss, Humans, Wampas, Tauntauns
Immigrated Species: Vahla, Torgrutas, Bith
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Cheunh
Government: Monarchy
Population: 1.5 billion
Chiss ---> 35%
Humans ---> 35%
Vahla ---> 15%
Torgrutas ---> 10%
Bith ---> 5%
Demonym: Jiaphusians
Major Imports: Luxury Items, Specific Food Products
Major Exports:
Affiliation: <Factions, existing or not, the planet would lean toward>
Major Locations: <What are the major locations on your world? At least one paragraph for each. If you wish to add a Force nexus (light or dark), you must follow the instructions below.)
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion>
Technology: <A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy>
History: <Abridged history of the planet>
Notable PCs: <Native or immigrant player-characters>
Intent: <The purpose and reason for making this planet. Goals for the planet. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!>