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Approved Starship Planetary Defense Centurion

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  • Intent: To create a capital ship

  • Classification: Space City
  • Length: 1200 meters
  • Width: 518 meters
  • Height: 296 meters
  • Armament: Very Low
Repeating Ion Cannons (500, Point Defense Size)
  • Defenses: Extreme
Duranium Hull
Heavy Deflector Shield
Heavy Ion Shield
Heavy Radiation Shield
Targeting Jammers
GenCore Level 2 Planetary Shield Generator

  • Hangar Space: High
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 7 Squadrons
    • Support Craft: 3 Squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: 0.5

Crew: 200

Storage for Eight hundred Q-Series Droideka

Storage for 400 Ground Armored Tanks

15,000 metric ton cargo capacity
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Can enter atmosphere and land
  • Can orbit planet
  • Bacta-Source Power Plant (2)
  • BWE Bacta Synthesizers (2)
  • Capable of Projecting a Planetary Defense Shield on any world it orbits for a period of up to four days
  • Extreme Personal Defenses
  • Capable of fielding an emergency defense force of Mobile Shield Generators mounted on Mobile Defense Units
  • Droid Brain from Recusant Class Destroyer automates most systems, requiring only a skeleton crew
  • Multiple Molecular Furnaces
  • World Gate: Has a built in Planetary Shield Generator that allows it to shield a world from Planetary Scale Bombardment for a period of up to four days
  • Carrier: Contains a decently high number of squadrons to defend itself or assist ground forces
  • Defense Force: It's ground units consist of Droid Tanks, Droidekas, and Mobile Defense Units equipped with Shield Generators for forming emergency heavy defense around the ship while on the ground or to aid friendly positions
  • Automated: A Droid Brain taken from the Recusant class Destroyer means most of the ship has only a relative skeleton crew, cutting down on personnel requirements and allowing for vast amounts of storage
  • Self reliance: It's primary power plant is fueled by Bacta, which comes from onboard Synthesizers constantly producing. This can also be diverted while on the ground to medically aid a civilian populace. While in space, it's onboard Synthesizers ensure it will not run out of fuel, so long as it's Synthesizers are well maintained. Also has many Molecular Furnaces for converting raw materials into what it needs to sustain it's crew or repair and maintain itself
  • Tough: An extremely tough ship in it's size range. It could likely withstand attacks from a number of larger vessels for an extended period of time
  • Command: Capable of serving as a Flagship, with a concert hall like bridge for better observation of space battles
  • Weapons: Weak primary weapons
  • Fuel Systems: If it's Synthesizers are damaged, it cannot be refueled conventionally
  • Internal Defense: Lacking an internal security Force beyond Droidekas
  • Slow Recharge: When it's shields are depleted, they recharge slowly
  • Slow: Lacks speed and Agility
  • Concentrated attack: A relatively small number of capital ships, about three to four, concentrating on a single point can penetrate the shield with sustained fire through that spot while at least two to three battle cruisers or at least six star destroyers can eventually overwhelm it by firing from all sides, after which the generators on board need at least 24 hours to cool down before they can be used again. The shield is an emergency measure, designed to buy time for a massive evacuation rather than protect a planet indefinitely.

The Bacta-Works Planetary Defense Centurion is a mass produced Starship, part of the Company's attempts to provide the largest relief and defense network ever in Alliance Space. Essentially a mobile Planetary Shield Generator with Starfighter Defenses and Planetary Ground Defense Capabilities, these are automated for the most part in order to fit in what was needed. Bacta-Works offers these ships for sale to the Alliance Military for the shockingly low price of five million credits each, in exchange for massive Import Tax discounts for both the main company and it's subdivisions on the Core Worlds. The Discount rate would normally be considered outrageous but a five million credit Capital ship over a thousand meters in length is considered by many to be too good a deal to pass up.
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I could get rid of its weapons and Squadron capability to keep the shield if that would help, MANIAC MANIAC

Also, making it the shield generator paints a massive target on it, so I could add that as a weakness, and remove the targeting Jammers so that it must have escort
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

The problem is more how brutal they are since their job is to protect entire planets from attacks. In fact, it is almost impossible to penetrate it with any weapon (I mean in a simple fleet attack). So if you add a weakness that doesn't require a huge fleet to overheat the shield generators, or is not nearly as powerful as being around a planet, in these cases I will be able to approve it.
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