Like you can see in our planet list, few planets actually have any locations submitted to the Codex, meaning there is so much potential for the rest.
So here comes my proposal - let's all just pick a planet you like from the list, put up a few ideas of what to do with your chosen planet and if people like the ideas, submit your locations to the Codex.
I believe if most of our active people, if not all, took a planet and added at least one single location submission, we could really enhance Chaos lore and actually use the planets we have under our control.
Depending on your location and your own personal tastes, we can but don't have to have development threads for these locations.
As a side note, we don't have to limit ourselves to just locations, but I think it would be wise not to rush things, so let's do things at our own pace, one by one.
What do you think?
Abraxas - pending
Arbra - [member="Kahne Porte"]
Belsavis - pending
Bpfassh - pending
Bestine - pending
Chibias - [member="Rath Daagh"]
Clak'dor VII - pending
Coruscant - Community Project, [member="Zonia Kalranoos"]
Cyphar - pending
Dagobah - pending
Dahomey - pending
Dargul - pending
Dorvalla - pending
D'rinba - pending
Dulvoyinn - @Ugorh Poof
Elrood - [member="Cerita Sarova"]
Elshandruu Pica - pending
Empress Teta - [member="Lily Kuhn"]
Eriadu - pending
Feenix - pending
Fondor - [member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Ghorman - pending
Gilthoniel - pending
Haruun Kal - pending
Javin - [member="Fatty"]
Kaal - pending
Kalist VI - pending
Karfeddion - pending
Kiffex - pending
Kiffu - pending
Kinyen - pending
Kro Var - pending
Lorta - pending
Lothal - pending
Malastare - [member="Ugohr Poof"]
M'haeli - [member="Geneva Wessiri"]
Miztoc - pending
Moorja - pending
Mrlsst - pending
Mustafar - [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Naboo - [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Nkllon - pending
Ogem - pending
Omwat - pending
Ord Vaug - pending
Pendari - pending
Phaegon III - pending
Porchello - pending
Praesitlyn - [member="Tobias Wrynn"]
Qat Chrystac - pending
Queyta - pending
Sluis Van - pending
Suarbi 7 & Susefvi - [member="Veino Garn"]
Sullust - pending
Tantra - pending
Teyan - pending
Thyferra - [member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Tibrin - pending
Umgul - pending
Vandelhelm - pending
Velga - pending
Virmeude - pending
Woostri - [member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Yag'Dhul - [member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Zamael - [member="Rath Daagh"]
1. There's no limitations on how many planets you can work on or what planets you can work on. But if another member is already working on the planet you want, it would be awesome if you cooperated and did something fun.
2. If your locations get approved, please let me know so that I could keep track of them and add them to the planet list.