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Approved Tech Planetary Information Network Survey (PINS) System

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Intent: To create a useful information-gathering system for future role-playing.
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link(s): N/A
Primary Source(s): N/A


Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Visanj T’shkali / Closed-Market
Model: Planetary Information Networks Survey (PINS)
Modularity: No; may be uploaded to any computer connected to HoloNet communications system.
Production: Minor
Material(s): Software programming.

  • Anonymous, encrypted slicing / com-scan software
  • Network monitoring programming
  • Data collection and compilation programming
  • Provides accurate, up-to-date real-time information enabling improved situational awareness, navigation, and avoidance of potential dangers when visiting a new or unfamiliar world.
  • Provides detailed summary of planet’s pertinent information regarding environmental, cultural, and diplomatic / security situation, enabling smoother travel, avoidance of awkward or potentially dangerous situations, and grants user general familiarity when visiting a new or unfamiliar world.
  • Allows for improved navigation, identifying and plotting most-efficient routes to desired destinations, providing maps, and even public record blueprints of buildings,
  • Allows for anonymous, real-time monitoring of news media, government communications (including military, law enforcement, and emergency services), developing weather, etc. for improved situational awareness.
  • Won’t do much for technologically undeveloped worlds where there are no communications signals, networks, or databases to be sliced and/or monitored.
  • GPS, weather tracking, and traffic information only updates every 10 standard minutes.
  • May occasionally provide out-of-date information, as summary is dependent on most recent news stories, database entries, etc.
  • Only monitors communications and media, does not provide jamming or other interference.
  • Requires sufficiently powerful computer and HoloNet connection, making it often too large for hand-held datapads, personal comlinks, or small ships and vehicles (25m or less). This requires the system to be installed on a ship's computer and information delivered to vehicles and personnel via encrypted messaging which may cause slight delays based upon atmospheric conditions, line of sight, active interference, etc.

How PINS Works:
  • Powerful search engine performs HoloNet-wide search for information, collecting and organizing it into a detailed summary report providing useful information about a planet’s:
  • Environment (incl. atmosphere, geography, non-sentient native flora and fauna – particularly dangerous species, ecological status)
  • Culture (incl. sentient species; cultural / social / religious belief systems; major languages; demographics; systems of government; economic situation and notable corporations; key political / economic / military figures; current events; active travel warnings, etc.)
  • Diplomacy / Security (incl. law enforcement and military organizations; strength; training and equipment; unusual legal issues or laws; international relations; active criminal organizations; notable treaties or alliances, etc.)
  • Performs com-scan monitoring of emergency services, law enforcement, and military communications, including anonymous slicing into private networks or intercepting encrypted communications; public media and journalism; real-time GPS and traffic information; weather tracking; area landmarks and business directories, etc.

Knowledge is Power.

Upon arriving at a new and unfamiliar world, or even one you have visited a dozen times, the PINS system immediately begins to collect, compile, and prepare a detailed summary, usually within ten standard minutes of arrival, which enables the user(s) to quickly gain familiarity with that planet's pertinent information, i.e. Environmental, Cultural, and Diplomatic / Security data. This information is maintained in a temporary database and unless selected to be saved, will be deleted one standard day following departure from the planet. This PINS report will tell you things such as:
  • The makeup of the atmosphere, soil, and geographic mapping and information regarding one's area,
  • Identify indigenous species of non-sentient flora and fauna, including enabling recognition of potentially harmful plants or animals and how to mitigate those risks,
  • The nature of the planet's government(s), ongoing or active rebellions, current political situation, and identify key leaders and figures within their government(s) and military,
  • Key economic information such as exchange rates, financial institutions and notable corporations, their markets, products, and concerns, and identify key executives,
  • Identify active criminal organizations and their leadership, strength, and activities,
  • Provide basic sketch of military and law enforcement strength, armament, vehicles and ships, and available strength and current disposition,
  • Major languages, religious sects and belief systems, current festivals or celebrations, and population demographics and disposition,
  • International relations, active treaties or alliances, current travel warnings, and unusual cultural or legal information.
Also, it will anonymously slice into and monitor military, law enforcement, and emergency services communications (including intercepting and decrypting coded information), as well as current public news media, alerting the user(s) to troop movements, law enforcement activities, alerts, and other pertinent facts. At the same time it will download and update GPS information, real-time traffic information, identify places of business or interest, and enable efficient navigation as well as monitor real-time developing weather. Using the PINS system improves total familiarity and situational awareness, assists in navigation and travel, and provides advance warning for possible threats to users, including public alerts, military or law enforcement reaction, pending storms or weather risks, and much more. With a PINS system active on board your ship, providing encrypted real-time information and awareness to your vehicle, comlink, armor, etc. you will never be lost or taken by surprise again! Can be useful for search and rescue, law enforcement, criminals, bounty hunters, travelers, merchant spacers, and many others.
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