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Approved Tech Planetary Re-Use Drone System

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Hoku Kalani

  • Manufacturer: The Forerunners
  • Affiliation: The Forerunners
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Planetary Re-Use System
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, electronic components, kyber focusing crystals
  • Tractor Beams for collecting useful materials, salvage, or ores
  • Smelting plant to break down materials
  • Reconstruction Array to needed construct structures and equipment
  • Can be used to accurately construct or breakdown materials for use in planetary xenoforming or colonization efforts
  • Construction is not instantaneous
  • Construction does require the use of kyber crystals to focus the ambient Force into the machine's workings
  • Requires the clear Force to work, if too many or too little of the Force is around, it will cause issues with the equipment.
With the resurgence of Ancient technology, specifically that of Rakata technology, several entities around the galaxy have been researching the technology to do their part to recreate it, and none doing this as much as the Forerunners. The makers of the technology, but those that also see the Ancient races as those to learn from, to unmask their technological secrets. None was hoping to do that more than Hoku Kalani, the Selkath has studied Rakata technology and society for his entire life.

Using an understanding and specifications of Star Forge inspired technology, Hoku and his contemporaries were working on creating a tool to be used to help rebuild many of the worlds that were destroyed during the wars of the Jedi and Sith, and… humans. It wasn't until the Great Awakening, that appeared to occur for some of the ancient races where the Selkath research team came across, or more aptly were summoned by a Rakata team.

The Rakata did not bestow the knowledge to the team, but merely assisted the team in linking the gap from the Force to technology, and with the control and purpose provided in this equipment, it was not as corrupting as the Star Forge, but it does come to the issue that the equipment DOES require the Force, and will cause issues if the Force is not at an ambient level.

The Planetary Reuse System is designed to assist in breaking down and constructing bases and settlements. The equipment moves very slowly on a repulsor, not unlike the world devastators used by the Empires of the past, but with the intelligence of the computers, it is not a mindless mining machine.
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