The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
Most Role-Plays I've been on either outright do not allow players to kill one another or highly advise against it, but since their is a 'Kills' tab in the character sheet template I'm assuming that Chaos does at least allow it. I haven't really seen anyone trying to kill one another in any of the threads I've read, aside from the Invasions but even in them people do not seem to actually be trying to kill one another.
My question is how it all works? I've read the part where both characters have to agree to it, but if we are being honest there is probably only about 1% of us that would willingly kill off their character. On Mizahar, another Role-Play site I frequent, in C.O.D(Chance of Death) Role-Plays a staff member reads the thread and decided whom the victor is based on character skill as well as writing ability, so is it something similar to that?
Also, what about forced rulings? For example: If a Padawan runs into a group of Sith Lords and RPs beating them all would a staff member step in and say "No no yer ded."?
If it is up to each individual to determine if/when their character dies doesn't that make PvP's or mass combat RP's riskless?
Again, this is just a question and an opinion. I would prefer real answers and not a sarcastic slight like I got from one person before. Thank you.
My question is how it all works? I've read the part where both characters have to agree to it, but if we are being honest there is probably only about 1% of us that would willingly kill off their character. On Mizahar, another Role-Play site I frequent, in C.O.D(Chance of Death) Role-Plays a staff member reads the thread and decided whom the victor is based on character skill as well as writing ability, so is it something similar to that?
Also, what about forced rulings? For example: If a Padawan runs into a group of Sith Lords and RPs beating them all would a staff member step in and say "No no yer ded."?
If it is up to each individual to determine if/when their character dies doesn't that make PvP's or mass combat RP's riskless?
Again, this is just a question and an opinion. I would prefer real answers and not a sarcastic slight like I got from one person before. Thank you.