Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Player Killing & Chaos?


The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
Most Role-Plays I've been on either outright do not allow players to kill one another or highly advise against it, but since their is a 'Kills' tab in the character sheet template I'm assuming that Chaos does at least allow it. I haven't really seen anyone trying to kill one another in any of the threads I've read, aside from the Invasions but even in them people do not seem to actually be trying to kill one another.

My question is how it all works? I've read the part where both characters have to agree to it, but if we are being honest there is probably only about 1% of us that would willingly kill off their character. On Mizahar, another Role-Play site I frequent, in C.O.D(Chance of Death) Role-Plays a staff member reads the thread and decided whom the victor is based on character skill as well as writing ability, so is it something similar to that?

Also, what about forced rulings? For example: If a Padawan runs into a group of Sith Lords and RPs beating them all would a staff member step in and say "No no yer ded."?

If it is up to each individual to determine if/when their character dies doesn't that make PvP's or mass combat RP's riskless?

Again, this is just a question and an opinion. I would prefer real answers and not a sarcastic slight like I got from one person before. Thank you.
I think this is a consent type site. Same a many sites i've been on before, both players have to agree to a death thread that is normally watched by a staff member. I'm not sure how Chaos works but based on what i've seen people are...OOCly nice to each others characters despite their characters nature. For example, my character can be attacking you ruthlessly, ICly he is trying to kill you. But OOCly i know that its frowned upon, so i have him screw up or give you a chance to counter/get away. Constantly foiling my own characters advances.

Or at least thats how i think of it. A staff member may be able to help you better. I remember a site where i made a character and started up a thread...and some guy jumped in and killed me cause it was a 'No consent' site. Thank god Chaos isn't like that, the drama would never end. lol

[member="Mangus Abraxius"]
I see what you're saying but in all honesty, combat is not riskless here whether its mass combat or solo brawling. Everyone's character has the chance to lose a limb, lose part of their connection to the force, even lose loved ones. With everything we post storyline wise, everything is a risk.

As for PKing. A lot of people are a little more willing to kill their character because there are some people they know who can use Force Revitalize and bring them back from the dead. You're right about player preference though.

And someone playing a padawan that beats the hell out of a group of Lords.... the person will get warning points, and eventually get kicked off the site if they've already been told that isn't allowed and they continuously post mass feats like that
You need the consent of the other writer and should allow them to write out how they die even if they allow their characters to die. If they refuse, there is nothing you can do about it. No staff will force a death, it simply won't happen.

On the other hand, characters die quite "regularly" here. Not enough to trivialize death, but not rare enough for it to be uncommon. As for force revitalize, that does not bring someone back from the dead. The only power I can think of that would technically bring someone back would be transfer essence, or a ritual with some sort of magic force ability (non-sarcastic, I mean Dathomir or Sith magic kind of deal). Sure, it can happen, and yes we have a few characters that have become notorious with coming back from the dead in such a way, but that happens to literally maybe one character or two.

As for being kicked off the site for being an overpowered apprentice - it hasn't happened to plenty of the people I've seen do so in invasions, so I really don't believe anyone is at risk for such happening to them. Worst case scenario is you drive people away from writing with you.


The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
[member="Moira Kataline"]

Well like I said most sites I play on do not allow it in any form. Normally, from what I've seen, no matter how one sided a victory may be in a Role-Play the loser will get angry about being killed off. To avoid that most of the time admins just say it's not allowed to keep the butthurtedness to a minimal.

What I meant by riskless was your character dying without your willingness of it. It's fairly a fairly universal rule with PbP Role-Play that when you type you can never actually do anything to another player's character, you can merely 'Attempt' to do something then it is the other person prerogative whether or not they accept it. That fact alone mask for a hard environment to kill someone else.

I'm not really a fan of player killing, or PvP in general, but I must admit going into battle with the knowing you might die does have a certain allure to it. If nothing else it keeps someone from willy nilly jumping in and wrecking the RP with OPedness.
Mangus Abraxius said:
Also, what about forced rulings? For example: If a Padawan runs into a group of Sith Lords and RPs beating them all would a staff member step in and say "No no yer ded."?

Tried that. Instead, we got the 'can't kill characters without permission' rule.

Mangus Abraxius said:
If it is up to each individual to determine if/when their character dies doesn't that make PvP's or mass combat RP's riskless?

All combat is inherently riskless.


The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

That's what I thought. I suppose it does help to further good stories, for a good writer would be more than willing to sacrifice a character for the sake of telling a great story. Just randomly killing some Weaboo for kicks doesn't have much appeal, but I would like to think someone like a Sith Lord of Jedi Master would be willing to for the sake of the overall story.

Sometimes a character's death generates more RP than his/her entire life did.
Mangus Abraxius said:
[member="Moira Kataline"]

Well like I said most sites I play on do not allow it in any form. Normally, from what I've seen, no matter how one sided a victory may be in a Role-Play the loser will get angry about being killed off. To avoid that most of the time admins just say it's not allowed to keep the butthurtedness to a minimal.

What I meant by riskless was your character dying without your willingness of it. It's fairly a fairly universal rule with PbP Role-Play that when you type you can never actually do anything to another player's character, you can merely 'Attempt' to do something then it is the other person prerogative whether or not they accept it. That fact alone mask for a hard environment to kill someone else.

I'm not really a fan of player killing, or PvP in general, but I must admit going into battle with the knowing you might die does have a certain allure to it. If nothing else it keeps someone from willy nilly jumping in and wrecking the RP with OPedness.

You and i think similarly in that sense. Every attack my character makes is an attempt, thus allowing the opponent to decide rather or not they want it to connect. Force of habit for me though, i came from a site where we had the three hit two dodge rule. You could attempt to make three attacks, and the opponent could only dodge two of them. Buuuuuuut...THIS is star wars where people run around with lightsabers that chop through everything and powers that can devastate you if they connect. lol
[member="Mangus Abraxius"]

Hi, I'm Darth Ferus and I lead the Sith Assassins, a group that by name alone would be associated with PC killing, buy I'm proud to say not a single PC has been killed since the start.

That may seem odd, given the very nature of the SA, but I personally don't like PK. The concept of taking someone else's writing, no matter how large or little, and snuffing out what ever plans or wants they had for.the future just doesn't sit well. Instead, we focus on NPC kills while making PCs witnesses, survivors, something that would still give the fear of death without actual killing.

Gant it, there are some situations when death seems unavoidable. One of the people are going to die. I would suggest, if you haven't already, chatting with the opponent and see what could happen next.

Though, I would like to see a rule made for when people knowingly do stupid things. That example with thenpadawan and a bunch of Sith Lords? I think something unsavory should happen to the padawan, even if they don't die.
I've technically killed two characters with [member="Silara Kuhn"] (subaccount, originally my writer account), but both were imperative to the story. In the case of one, the character was Silara's Sith master, a Sith Lord, and was killed (implied to be killed, I never finished the thread) once their training was complete. In the case of another, their character already going to die regardless. I just "pushed" them.

Into an air speeder.

Off the top story of a skyscraper on Coruscant.

As they were very important events in my character's life, I'd be just fine saying I'm proud of the circumstances that arose for her to have those situations occur, and I have no qualms with killing a player character. There is no greater honor to me than to kill your character after a long and healthy run, or even a short and unfulfilled one, if it fits the mood.
Y'know, I keep thinking one day we're going to start quoting and linking to the rules that are directly relevant, but people are just adamant about not doing so. I want to believe it's done for a reason other than "we're lazy", but you guys are taking people's word at face value without even checking sources.

What if the rule had changed?

5. You may not kill another character without that character's permission.



The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.

If you had read the original post you would have found that I did in fact read the rule, but as instead looking for a more in depth answer to the system of things and they way they worked here.

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