Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • The golem remains stationary unless it becomes alerted to a nearby threat, at which point it will attack said threat until it is neutralized.
  • The golem is bound to Ishani and capable of receiving telepathic commands from her.
  • Harryhausen's Bestiary: As strong as an elite battle droid and surprisingly agile to boot, the Guardian Golem is a highly dangerous foe.
  • Rock of Ages: Regenerative properties imbued into the Guardian's clay-wrought form render her difficult to destroy.
  • Disruption: Living Clay is highly vulnerable to disruptors. Even a glancing hit will do significant damage.
  • Semi-Sentient: While the Guardian has enough of a consciousness to be able to react in battle without being directly controlled, it cannot make decisions or do much more than defend itself without a telepathic command from Ishani.
  • Ranged Limits: The Guardian is capable only of using brute melee strength against an opponent. It cannot use ranged weaponry.
  • Of the Darkness: The Guardian can be damaged by (and will attempt to get away from) Force Light and Electric Judgement.
  • Of the Force: The Guardian will be rendered inert in the presence of a Void Stone or Ysalamiri.
Having acquired a sample of Living Clay through a trade during a trip to the Netherworld, Ishani quickly became interested in the substance and its properties. She found a way to make more of it and began to experiment. The Medusa Golem was the first result of that experimentation, and while successful for a time she did not pursue the project further.

Years later, Ishani once again found some samples of Living Clay, which she used to craft more golems. The Guardian is one of them. Crafted from the Force using alchemy, the Guardian appears to be a statue at first glance, but is in fact an effective combat unit just waiting to destroy anything which threatens its charges.
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