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Plenipotentiary-class Dreadnaught

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Hoid Hallafax



ANS Enduring Integrity
ANS Momentous Triumph
ANS Galactic Voyager, Plenipotentiary-class Dreadnaught



  • Classification: Dreadnaught, diplomatic vessel, VIP transport
  • Length: 7,000m
  • Width: 3,550m
  • Height: 1,200m
  • Armament: High
  • Defenses: Very High
    • Deflector shields:
      • Primaryxythan shield
      • Secondary molecular shield
      • Tertiary overlapping particle, ray and plasma shields
      • Atmospheric-friction shields
    • Hull:
    • Active countermeasures:
      • Warhead countermeasures, including chaff, flares and missile deactivators
      • Ion/electromagnetic countermeasures, including cap drains, de-ionizers and an electromagnetic shield
      • Tractor beams countermeasures, including shearing planes and tractor beam shrouds
    • Passive countermeasures:
      • Low observability technology, including sensor masks,]sensor shrouds, optical shields, ]bafflers, scramblers, and photon absorbers
      • Electronic countermeasures, including ]sensor jammers, sensor disruptors, and false energy signature projectors
  • Hanger Space: Very High: 57
  • Hanger Allocations:
    • Starfighers: 35 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 22 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
    • High output maneuvering jets
    • Oversized ]attitude, lateral and trim thrusters
    • Advanced ion stream deflectors
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive: Yes
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1.0
    • Backup: 3.8



  • Extensive active and passive defense systems provide robust protection to crew and passengers
  • High-performance ion engines powered by numerous hypermatter annihilator reactors give it impressive speed for a vessel of its size

  • Tall profile and an exposed bridge create a considerable broadside, presenting a large target for enemy gunners
  • Due to its size it is unable to land on planet surfaces and is reliant on shuttles to ferry personnel and equipment

In the Galactic Alliance’s fledgling days, all official business could be easily transacted on Coruscant. But as the borders of the Alliance ever widened, so too did the distances between member planets. While the holonet allows meetings to be conducted in real time from anywhere in the galaxy, there is still great value in meeting face to face, especially when building trust with worlds seeking to join the Alliance.

While various civilian and military transports had been used historically to transport the Chancellor between Alliance worlds, the risk of attack while transitting through neutral or hostile star systems necessitated a significant military escort. With the Galactic Alliance Defence Force committed to fighting the Sith threats new and old, there arose a need for a vessel capable of defending itself against enemy onslaughts and ensure that the Chancellor arrives unharmed.

The vessel was to be fast yet heavily armored, be capable of hosting important summits and allowing the Chancellor to work from anywhere in the galaxy, and also act as a symbol of Alliance might, unity and prosperity. Should the unimaginable ever happen and Coruscant was to fall, the vessel also needed to serve as a mobile command and control center, capable of coordinating the GADF from anywhere in the galaxy.

As such, Vice-Chancellor Aerarii Tithe was charged with procuring a suitable vessel for the Chancellor to use in their capacity as the leader of the Alliance. With his strong links - and questionable pecuniary interests - Tithe commissioned the omnipotent Trade Federation to design and construct the vessel, based on specifications provided by the Office of the Chancellor. Numerous TF subsidiaries undertook construction, including REC, Technoid Manfactorum and Liquidity Textiles, all of which brought their galaxy-leading expertise to the project. Upon completion, the dreadnaught was christened Enduring Integrity, with further similar vessels planned.

After the destruction of Csilla, the Enduring Integrity, as well as its two sister ships, were brought back to drydock and modified. A far cry from her initial intention, the class was fully modified to a full-on battleship. While not as awe-inspiring as the Startide-Class Super Star Defenders, they commanded just as much respect. At 7km long and over 1km wider than its original design, the slightly modified frame dwarfed most vessels, engulfing them in its shadow.

Given its role of transporting the Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, Enduring Integrity was designed with a multi-layer defensive approach in mind. The dreadnaughts thick hull is constructed for various energy- and impact-resistance materials, complemented by technological solutions to provide added strength and resilience. The dreadnaughts powerful hypermatter annihilator reactors power three overlapping shield arrays to protect against many forms of enemy weaponry. Despite this, the designs acknowledged that even the most powerful shields and the most robust hull have a breaking point. As such, Enduring Integrity employs several active and passive countermeasures to defeat enemy attacks, including electronic attacks and tractor/pressor beams.

Given the need to act as a mobile office for the Chancellor, the dreadnaught is equipped with powerful hyperdrives and enhanced ion thrusters to give the vessel outstanding speed despite its size. Oversized maneuvering thrusters and powerful repulsorlifts provide the agility needed for the massive ship to transit hard to navigated areas denied to larger, lumbering dreadnaughts. Despite this, the colossal dimensions of Enduring Integrity render it unable to land on planetary surfaces, instead of relying on its fleet of shuttles to ferry passengers and guests down to the surface below.

An extensive network of meeting rooms, offices and workstations throughout Enduring Integrity allows the Chancellor and the accompanying bureaucracy to ensure that the wheels of the Alliance continue to turn even when away from Coruscant. High-powered supercomputers and secured holonet terminals allow data from anywhere in the Alliance to be accessed, allowing far-reaching decisions and legislation to be made regardless of the vessel’s current location. Meeting rooms can quickly be configured to meet the environmental needs of visiting dignitaries, with customizable quarters and skilled chefs able to cater to representatives of practically any species.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Spirit of Duty

I can’t start judge the ship because this and the other two are against the rules. According to the rules, all three Dreadnoughts must be the same and have a Semi-Unique production-scale:

Please decide which one you want to keep and modify, and which two you will want to be archived.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Spirit of Duty

Thank you! Very well made and detailed ships, however I found some problems.
  • These are mostly permission problems. I can't accept them. Tithe got them, he can't pass them to you. So please ask permission from Ham, Rynn and Tithe to use their companies as manufacturer.
  • The other problem is the Hanger Space and Hanger Allocations. The number (57) is good, but under the Allocations you only mention 20 ships, not 57. Please fix the numbers.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Spirit of Duty

Thank you! And I understand this, but the rules are rules. I cannot accept it without proper permissions from Hamwagon, Tithe and Rynn. So you need to ask them, or please remove their companies from the Manufacturer field. And you need another permission from Tithe to repost his originally sub, otherwise this considered plagiarism.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Spirit of Duty

Thank you! Now only Tithe's permission missing to use his company in this sub. I know he agreed to repost it, but the reposting is not equal with using his company. So please ask this too from him.
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