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Private Plight of the Initium

Plight of the Initium



The Dark Empire, in it's bid to re-establish the Galactic Empire, invaded the Galactic Centre and in it's wake Coruscant burned. Valiantly the Galactic Alliance defended it's Capital from the would-be invaders, and in their pyrrhic victory, the Alliance recorded it's latest chapter in the Core Wars. As the so called 'dark' Imperials lick their wounds from their defeat, and the Alliance bolsters itself for the next stage of this Star War, two spies drift in the void cut off from their respective sides mere hours after the attack seemingly with no-way home.

Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat
Location: On board the damaged Initium
, somewhere in the Deep Core, lost in the void of Space, alone with the Enemy.

With a loud, and audible gasp, Darth Ayra woke up to the scent of ozone, and the taste of blood in her mouth. Eyes unfocused and hazed Ayra blinked rapidly as she tried to come to her senses. A hand reached out to grab onto something- anything- to help her sit up right. She found something hard and sturdy to her right. Using it to lift herself up into a sitting position Darth Ayra dragged herself back to whatever she was holding onto and leaned her back up against it. Time begun to pass her as she stared out into nothingness while she tried to collect her thoughts.

Darth Ayra had attacked the headquarters of the Strategic Intelligence Agency in order to learn what intelligence they had gathered on her. As it all slowly begun to come back Ayra remembered the rising spectre of a Star Destroyer emerging from beneath the surface. Then came the fighting, the fire in the hallways leading up to her target and the valiant last stand of the last surviving S.I.A operative who had successfully encrypted the data terminal of the junction she had attacked. With her forces defeated by the Alliance Darth Ayra had fled but not without the same man who had stopped her as her cunning led her to capture the man who had valiantly stopped her. As Darth Ayra's senses returned to her she slowly turned her gaze away from the dark interior of the Initium to look for Ronval only to find out that he was not in the same room she was sitting in.

Turning to look behind her Ayra realised that it had been one of the Cortosis crates that she had used to sit up right. It dawned upon her that she was in the cargo bay of the Initium and that she was extremely thirsty. Contorting her body to hold onto the ledge of the crate, with a gasp of pain and a cry out from the exertion, Darth Ayra managed to pull herself up to her feet. Steadying herself (knowing that if she fell down she would not be getting back up) Ayra turned to survey the cargo hold. A faint yellow light hung over the canopy indicating that the ship was running on reserve power. Below it the hold itself was littered in broken ration packets, munitions and other supplies that Ayra always stocked on board her personal ship. It dawned upon her that something was terribly wrong, but that could wait. She needed to satisfy her thirst first.

Stumbling about the cargo hold, using the crates and walls to help her move, Darth Ayra searched until she discovered a crate that had not been spoiled by the battle. Inside she found bottled water and with some effort Ayra removed the cap to quench her thirst. After the third bottle did Ayra relent and discard the last one to the ground to look back around her. It was only then, as she looked around the room with clearer eyes, that she realised that she was staring through a hole big enough for her to slide her body through and out into the ink black canvas of space on the other side. Although she could not physically see it Ayra knew that the ship, somehow, was operating it's shield generators and it was because of this that she was still alive.

Otherwise the vacuum of space would have killed her a long time ago.

Licking the inside of her mouth in thought Darth Ayra found the strength to stand up right without help. She immediately begun an inventory check. First she removed the overbearing hem of the cape that she had worn during the attack. As it fell to the ground Darth Ayra felt lighter. Next she looked down and around at her body to discover that someone had tended to her injuries. If the pain was not enough of a reason to indicate it Ayra detected a head wound that she must have sustained while the Initium was retreating from Coruscant. It (alongside the stab wound on her hand) had been dressed and bandaged by someone who knew what they had been doing. Upon these discoveries, alongside the fact that her weapons were no longer on her person, Darth Ayra deduced that whoever had patched up her wounds had also been responsible for bringing her down into the cargo hold, and she felt, through the Force, that they were still on board.

With a coarse voice Darth Ayra called out into the room: "Whoever you are I know that you are still here. Where are you?"


Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Aboard the Initium, Coruscant(?) orbit
Objective: Survive
Equipment: Operative Suit
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey


874 ABY. A convention hall. Smell of sweat and deoderant, costumed fans. Simple face prosthetics. Signing booth.​
Wow, are you really Rusty?
Sure am, kid! R.C. Joh, in the flesh, come to stop the enemies of the Alliance!
Somewhere in the hold, a voice mumbled.

878 ABY. Rain and grime on his face. Sorrow carried by photons over electrical aether​
Ron, where the hell are you?
I... this isn't the time, Ari.
He stirred. It was just a dream. A bad dream.

882 ABY. Uncharted world, black hole suns. False name, false face. Barren hell, grief-mad warriors
You smell like a rat, Berick. What's a rat interested in the Maw for?
Didn't know the Maw was still around. It's been ten years-
He was asleep again. Somwhere deep, the animal instinct of his limbic system recognised the deprivation of calories.

864 ABY. Desert world. Fleeing civilians. Sith soldiers. Doomed resistance.​
Get outta here, Imperial forces are just over the ridge! Bring the refugees out!
No, you don't have to d-
A memory. There was something about the smell of this dark space.

??? Office building. Space. Lady in white. Wreathed in shadow,​
Show me the data. Now.
Get lost, Sith lady.
His eyes flew open.

"Whoever you are I know that you are still here. Where are you?"
Ronval cursed and got up from his resting spot. It was not a bad dream. The memories flooded back to him, making his head throb.

The emergency yellow lights washed the cargo hold in an eerie glow- and a reminder of limited time.

In his hands was a half-finished roll of bandages. What was it for?

Oh yeah. That voice. It was the one that captured him. He looked at his other hand. A fried detonator. Even odds that it would explode with a wrong touch, or just fizzle. Beside him were a wrench. The memory came back now- useless in properly fixing the shield generator, very useful for percussive maintenance to get it working again.

"Forgive me for my presumption, lady, but after what you did to my brain, I need to take precautions."

Ronval emerged from between a stack of crates, kicking aside the half-finished ration. In his hand he held the detonator tightly.

"Just to ensure there's no funny business, you understand. So we can talk like equals."

He slowly moved across the hold, maintaining a distance.

"Stealth ships, elite troops, textbook smash and grab... yet disconnected from the main offensive. Either the Dark Empire has gotten its act together quicker than we thought... or something else is happening. How's my diagnosis?"

The ship creaked- and something shifted. The vacuum of space would begin to crack the ship apart unless something was done. Quickly.

Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat

Darth Ayra narrowed her gaze upon the detonator in Ronval's hand. She wasn't sure that she would be able to forcefully take the weapon away from him even with her powers in the Force. If they were planet side somewhere, even in an enclosed space similar in room to that of the Initium's cargo bay, then Ayra would have tried anyway. After all she was the master of her own fate, and only through victory are your chains broken. Under normal circumstances she would not have allowed herself to be at the mercy of another.

But this wasn't one of those times.

As Ronval finished his diagnosis Ayra replied faintly: "Equality is for the weak."

Instead of answering him outright Ayra turned her gaze to look away from him and back to the gash in the hull. They had to do something about that and soon. "Try this one for size my hero..." Lifting her arm she pointed to the damage. "...If we do not do something about that now then it does not matter what you do. We are dead anyway."

Looking back across to Ronval Ayra smiled cunningly and suggested: "I propose an armistice. Put down your weapon and let us fix the ship before we are destroyed by the vacuum of space."



Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Aboard the Initium, Coruscant(?) orbit
Objective: Survive
Equipment: Operative Suit
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey


"Try this one for size my hero..." Lifting her arm she pointed to the damage. "...If we do not do something about that now then it does not matter what you do. We are dead anyway."
"My thoughts exactly. Hence the first aid applied on you," though I'm starting to think I should've planted a failsafe in that...

Looking back across to Ronval Ayra smiled cunningly and suggested: "I propose an armistice. Put down your weapon and let us fix the ship before we are destroyed by the vacuum of space."
He knew she was right- he'd had time to consider. In any scenario where open conflict was had, he would lost ninety-nine times out of a hundred. And the likelihood of mutually assured vacuum asphyxiation would quadruple. If he'd wanted to slay this enemy he should have- and would have- tried earlier.

But of course, that was never the plan.

He stashed the detonator in his coat nonchalantly.

"Sensible idea- weapons are not needed here. Let's get this thing fixed," the subtext, though veiled, was clear: I don't need a weapon to doom us both to space- so don't try anything funny.

"I did a manual check on the hydraulics and avionics before I took a break- your computers aren't particularly user friendly. Most of the control systems are shot as are the main reactor cells, but my guess is-" Rusty pointed to the fore of the ship. "Exchanging the aux cells powering your more... exotic ship systems to the reactor should jumpstart and re-energize the engines given... a few hours or so."

He walked over to the shielded hole in the hull and checked again. The creaking was getting louder.

An EVA quick weld on the exterior hull- using one of the broken flight panels- directed from inside should fix that giant hole enough to let the ship get underway." And likely an escape into hyperspace

"So... in other words, a risky two-step proposition. We-" he emphasised as a reminder. "-have to manually access and depower some of your exotic ship systems. Then move some possibly leaking aux cells into the engine, slowly and carefully, with two pair of hands and eyes to maneuver the thing into place by hand."

He paused for a moment.

"And the weld... someone needs to suit up and go outside, while someone else stays put, right at the mouth of the gap, and give prompt and timely directions for the welding, to ensure the inner surface is sealed up from the vacuum."

Spy to spy, Rusty did not need to make it any more obvious: Both steps required coordination on both sides throughout the entire process, and the potential for tomfoolery was... extremely high. But if either wanted to survive this trip, they would need to work together.

Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat

Ronval Rubat said:
"My thoughts exactly. Hence the first aid applied on you," though I'm starting to think I should've planted a failsafe in that...

How weak...

As Ronval continued to speak Ayra observed the wound on her hand. It had been carefully bandaged and tended too with the supplies that she had used brought with her on the Initium. A faint aroma wafted up from her palm that was reminiscent of the Trauma Care Package purchased from one of ACT's subsidiaries. As the smell of Nullicaine filled her senses Ayra narrowed her eyes upon the realisation that Ronval saved her for a reason. It was not weakness that had guided him to save her life. After all he had tried his very best to kill her during the attack on the Strategic Intelligence Agency.

Not weakness then but rather cunning. He wants something from me.

"I will not be able to perform the necessary repairs,"
Darth Ayra carefully replied as her own cunning mind begun to work. "The injuries that I sustained during the battle would make it impossible for me to perform. Besides one of us will need to remain on board like you said. I am the one most familiar with the ships systems so I would suggest that you render the repairs while I work on the ships systems to make sure the shields remain functional."



Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Aboard the Initium, Coruscant(?) orbit
Objective: Survive
Equipment: Operative Suit
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey


"Fair enough." As long as she actively contributed, Rusty knew his ploy was working.

Tsk, plots and schemes. Even now he had to think two, three step ahead. There was nothing stopping her overpowering him once the repairs were done- and then either he was toast or his brain would be painfully extracted.

He was willing to let her leave... If she let him out with something useful.

Hell, even now was a tenuous truce. Every moment she wasn't spending killing him was a victory.

Ronval checked the repair bay- there was one EVA suit still in working condition, and even this one did not instill confidence in the agent.

Within minutes he was locked into the bulky suit.

"I'll suit up-, I'll also need to plug the suit into what's left of your mainframe. Nothing serious," he held up his hands. "Just a hull scan so I don't bump my leg into anything and pierce the suit, if you don't mind."

Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat

Ronval's fear was understandable. But mistaken. Even as she listened too him talk and watched as he geared up in the EVA suit Darth Ayra felt weak. Her head throbbed and the familiar feeling of not wanting to be here tugged at her core. Ayra recalled as the flames had closed in at the S.I.A Headquarters that she longed for a dreamless, dark sleep. Being knocked unconscious as the Initium was seemingly damaged during her escape at the Battle of Coruscant was not apart of her intentions. In fact, as Ronval finished speaking, it dawned upon her that she had yet to determine the cause of her shared plight with the captured spy.

Suffice to say, whatever Ronval feared, Darth Ayra was no position to overpower anyone. It was taking every ounce of strength to stay up right.

"You do not need to be plugged into my ships mainframe to perform a hull scan," Darth Ayra muttered as she tried to make sense of the request. It did not make sense. A standard EVA suit would have the technology to scan the ship to determine damage and the telemetry of the occupant as they traversed space. "The suit can do that for you, and if you need the assistance, I can assist from the cockpit."

Wincing in pain Darth Ayra turned. Whoever this man was he possessed cunning. Even the weak had that in their arsenal of tricks and weapons. She knew only too well what a cunning weakling could accomplish in the right circumstances from her past experiences; and her captured foe found himself in such a position to wreck havoc if he so wished. Exiting the cargo bay Darth Ayra climbed her way up through the ship and into the cockpit. As she settled herself into the pilot's seat Ayra begun transmitting her voice to the EVA suit's helmet.

"Stand-by. Venting atmosphere to begin space walk," Darth Ayra explained into the microphone before sealing the cockpit. Behind her a blast door closed as she begun preparing to vent the Initium. Next Ayra made sure to check life support systems so that, when she vented the rest of the ship of it's atmosphere, the cockpit would be unaffected. When this was done only then did Darth Ayra begin her work. In the background a whirring, horrible whining sound filled the ship as all the oxygen was sucked out and vented into space.

Then, as the moment passed, as the gravity stabilizers deactivated. Objects belonging to the ship begun to lift up from the ground, walls and furniture as zero gravity consumed the Initium. Checking the console in front of her to check for readings Darth Ayra announced: "Venting complete. Opening the landing ramp now. Good luck."


Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Aboard the Initium, Coruscant(?) orbit
Objective: Survive
Equipment: Operative Suit
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey


"You do not need to be plugged into my ships mainframe to perform a hull scan," Darth Ayra muttered as she tried to make sense of the request. It did not make sense. A standard EVA suit would have the technology to scan the ship to determine damage and the telemetry of the occupant as they traversed space. "The suit can do that for you, and if you need the assistance, I can assist from the cockpit."
Well, worth a shot.

"Got it. Let's get moving." Rusty packed up the EVA tools, securing them with loop and metal twine around the suit, making sure to get extras of all the necessary parts.
"Stand-by. Venting atmosphere to begin space walk,"
Rusty trudged over to the double-lock bays. The radio crackled as he grabbed hold of the tools.


The atmosphere pumps squaled, trying to squirrel away as much oxygen before the vent opened. And then it did. The maglock boots activated, and Rusty tensed up, keeping his centre of gravity low as stale air blasted out the cargo bay doors, along with bits of scrap.

Checking the console in front of her to check for readings Darth Ayra announced: "Venting complete. Opening the landing ramp now. Good luck."
<<Commencing walk.>>

The scan worked well enough, he thought, as he moved along the surface of the ship. From out here, it was clear the damage was severe- but not fatal. Plasma scoring and cracked panels, curled like rotten fruit skin.

He found the closest broken flight panel- A quick scan and it was clear this piece would hold up to the task at hand.

<<Okay, cutting out this broken panel over on Portside Aft Section... 3. Keep the ship steady.>>

Rusty got to work, unspooling the blow torch and plasma cutters. His breath was in his ears, the EVA suit a tiny slice of life insulating him from immediate death. He spared a few seconds to look around the black of space- wherever they were, Coruscant was far away. He wondered if they were still in the same system...

Rusty considered his options again. His distress beacon inside his molar was not going to be useful in the immensity of the void of space. All he could do now was hope this Sith- if that was what she was- was amenable to not-killing him.

The telemetry scan beeped again as he finished cutting off the last corner of the broken panel. As he crawled around the area, the system had updated its scan, and there were more holes on the bottom side. Near where the power core and data core would be... not enough to damage the cores even if they went into hyperspace, but a possible means of egress.

Rusty involuntarily shook his head. Maybe this information would be helpful later. But a spacewalk-


An impact knocked the wind out of him. Stunned, fear shot through his veins, and subsided when he realised he was not shooting off into space. His magboots were on full power, and that impact that felt like a dislodge only sent his arms flailing. He cursed and crunched his body forward, 'falling' forward onto the hull with a thud. He paused to catch his breath and assess the damage.

His suit was dented in the front. Some meteorite or piece of debris. A slight leak was hissing as his suit sounded warnings.

<<Walker to bridge, got a meteorite impact. Patching up.>>

Rusty leaned 'forward' against the hull and worked with one arm, carefully plugging the small leak with sealant tape. It was no more than a minute, but felt like hours. When he was sure it was safe, he checked the tools again, the immediate crisis over. They had been tied down and secured to his rig, but the precision cutter was damaged badly. Worse, the backup was nowhere to be seen.

<<Got myself the panel- moving over to breach ASAP, but I got an equipment malfunction. Still have my torch, but cutter is damaged, and backup is... gone. Any idea how I can fix this? I can continue with just the torches but, well, less precision.>>


Tags: Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat

As Ronval removed the panel he revealed a piece of technology that had been installed beneath it. The emblem of Aurora Industries was visible in the artificial light of the EVA suit as the Eligor Cloaking Device became exposed. While Ronval maneuverer his way around the hull of the ships- with the banging echoing through the dark canopy of the Initium's cockpit an ever constant reminder of what he was doing- Darth Ayra continued to follow his mission to repair the ship on the viewing port. Her tongue clicked at the roof of her mouth in annoyance as Ronval experienced a malfunction in his suit.

"You have eighteen percent of your oxygen tank left," Ayra muttered into the comm. The annoyance in her voice was palpable to say the least. "There are spare cutters in the cargo bay but with the shields active you won't be able to get back inside without coming back around to the landing ramp and we don't have the time for that."

The realisation that the EVA suit that Ronval was using was the only surviving one out of the three suits that she had on board before the attack on Coruscant dawned upon Darth Ayra suddenly. If this S.I.A spy did not complete his task then the damage to the Initium would not be repaired by either of them. They would be left to drift in the void between planets hoping for someone to pick up a distress signal, and even then, that was unlikely. There wouldn't be enough power to sustain a transmission. Darth Ayra had also attacked the S.I.A HQ on the disguise of cloak and other technology to make it look like the NISB or Tsis'Kaar was responsible for the attack.

Nobody was looking for them.

"I will deactivate the shields. I have droids on board that I will use to bring you a new cutter. Stand by."

Leaning forward in her seat Darth Ayra gasped in pain and held her head for a moment. Her brain still ached and she felt severe fatigue to the point of exhaustion. It was taking everything for her to stay awake. When the moment passed Ayra activated the DRK-1 droids from the cockpit and instructed one of them to bring a new precision cutter to Ronval. It found one floating in the cargo bay and Darth Ayra watched as the probe droid navigated it's way through the breach into the vacuum of space hovering itself about until it arrived where Ronval was standing on the outside of the ship.


Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Outside the Initium, Coruscant(?) orbit
Objective: Survive
Equipment: Operative Suit, EVA suit
Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey


"You have eighteen percent of your oxygen tank left," Ayra muttered into the comm. The annoyance in her voice was palpable to say the least. "There are spare cutters in the cargo bay but with the shields active you won't be able to get back inside without coming back around to the landing ramp and we don't have the time for that."
Rusty stopped himself from shooting off a smart-ass comment in response to the tone in her voice. This was all very stressful for both of them (mostly me since I'm the one outside), and sniping at each other wouldn't help.

"I will deactivate the shields. I have droids on board that I will use to bring you a new cutter. Stand by."
<<Roger, moving over to the gap.>>

He crawled over carefully, making sure each step was secured with the maglocks before lifting the next limb. The rhythmic click-hiss-thump of the mag-locks cycling helped focus his mind on the task at hand. There was no time to worry about the depleting oxygen- it would be more than enough to return in through the gap.

He was waiting by the gap when the droid arrived. Rusty thanked the droid, reflexively, and grabbed the cutter. Rusty stopped for a moment.

<<Could you get me an Oxy canister if there's one lying around?>> Rusty sent a shortwave transmission to the droid. It whirled around once, scanning the area, before stopping. No extras nearby, then.

<<Cutter retrieved. Beginning sealing of gap.>> He broadcast directly to Alicia. He got to work- with the shields deactivated, he moved to work the hole from the inside. The plasma cutter and blow torches worked like a charm, and after a tense dozen or so minutes, the giant panel was sealing the largest hole in the hull. His oxygen was showing red when he finished the last weld from the inside.

<<Alright, looks good. Could you start a re-pressurization test in this sector?>> Rusty hoped this major issue was fixed- it would at least give them a lot more time to repair the power systems and get going. And then...

One thing at a time.

rolled just to see if i could get the extra tank

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