Astrid Blackspire sat cross-legged in the brig of the star destroyer
Indomitable as the vessel rocked with an explosion. She had her black robes pulled around her like a comfortable blanket and her expression matched the kind of vibe one would see in a person having a relaxing nap. The Force was positively broiling with chaos outside of her cell and for her part, Astrid couldn't care less. She'd lost all faith in the Imperial way of life. More so, she'd lost faith in her own ability to change the culture of the zealotry that she'd been exposed to for the last several months. Life under Imperial rule just didn't mean anything anymore. Like, the life itself didn't mean anything. Everyone was expendable at all times unless you had immense potential in the Force that accompanied a cruel streak several parsecs wide, or you had political power to match those with the lightsaber.
As an Imperial combat medic, Astrid's soul purpose was to preserve the lives of her people. To keep them up and in the fight. She had the Force, sure. She could throw people around with her mind and she was no slouch with her own lightsaber. Like so many others with a talent with the Force, she'd started as a soldier in her own right. Early on, she'd been a rising star in the ranks. But she'd lost her will to fight the moment she'd seen the devastation that her own people had wrought on the galaxy. She'd begun to openly challenge orders and instead focused on preserving life, rather than taking it. That will had been cemented as she'd finally seen the absolute evil of the people in power and how they displayed it.
The door to her cell whooshed open and a squad of stormtroopers filed in, weapons ready. They were on edge, eager to get into whatever battle was happening outside. Standing at their center was a man in robes similar to her own. At last, the hated enemy had arrived. As a free spirited woman, Astrid detested the man before her. His eyes had a level of crazy equal in vastness only to the number of black tattoos spiraling and circling his crimson skin.
"On your feet, prisoner. We have been attacked. You will assist in repelling the boarders." He hissed, looking down his nose at her.
Astrid looked up at him in mock boredom. They were all currently in danger and Astrid felt that for sure. But she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction.
"Mmm. Shadilin, good of you to stop by," she crooned in her velvety smooth tone.
"Room service has been just awful. I'll like to have a word with the manager when I complete my stay. Have you come to fluff my pillow?" She closed her eyes again casually as if she didn't have 5 rifles trained on her.
He took a step forward menacingly.
"Insolent! I said we were under attack. You have a duty to the Empire to defend the men of this vessel! Now, on your feet! You will comply!"
She sniffed indifferently as the ship rocked once more.
"Pass," she replied.
The unmistakable snap-hiss of a lightsaber being ignited and advancing toward her caught her attention, but she only cracked one eye open to watch, keeping her face a mask of placidity. The crimson weapon was being held up by the twi'lek pulled up his cloak and Astrid had to snort as she saw her own weapon clipped to his belt, now visible.
"If you will not uphold your oath. Then I will put you to the sword and go execute these invaders myself! I always knew you were worthless to the -"
He continued to monologue as Astrid cracked her neck and muttered.
" -I coulda done this without my weapon. But thanks for bringing that with you-"
"-heart of the Empire was momentarily weak in allowing you to -" he continued to prattle.
"-Seriously. I think it's time I blew this popsicle stand. You buttholes don't even know what you're fighting for anymore-" she muttered to herself, nodding as if making up her mind.
"-Wont even fight when armed and the battle is joined. So focused are you on your "healing" arts." he scoffed scornfully at her.
"Such a loss of talent, but what could one expect from a woman. Ha! Some medic you turned out to be."
Astrid's calm façade broke as her right eye twitched at that comment. Her killing instinct broke through the boundaries of her calm veneer and the sweet, toothy smile she plastered on her face promised extreme violence. While not Force Sensitive themselves, the stormtroopers took a step back as if they could feel the intent through their bones.
"Oh, but darling. You forgot the important part of my title. It's called, combat, medic."
Out in the hall, shouts were heard as a second lightsaber joined the first, buzzing angrily as flashes of red and purple illuminated the dark hallway, emphasized by the staccato of blaster fire within. A moment later Shadilin was ejected forcefully out the cell door and into the bulkhead, followed closely by a very pissed off Astrid Blackspire.
Astrid and Shadilin battled wildly through the corridors of the
Indomitable, seemingly oblivious to combat happening all around them. They didn't see the blaster bolts flying around them as stormtroopers engaged the invaders clad in black armor. There was only the fight before them and the hatred they both radiated toward each other. Finally, their blades crossed and locked against each other as both combatants grunted and pushed bodily against other for supremacy in front of a sealed blast door. In that moment of pause, Astrid glanced to her left and noticed several squads' worth of imperial marines sighting down their weapons in confusion, all angled at the door. Then she looked at Shadilin for a moment, and finally over to the door as it slid shakily open, having been sliced from the other side. Beyond it, those black clad boarders had weapons raised as well. Shadilin and Astrid were dead set in the middle of a standoff.
She eyed the invaders casually while still pushing against the blade trying to overpower her. The only noise was was the sparking hiss of the sabers entangling each other. Astrid burst out laughing like a young girl at a comedy show.
"Hahaha.. uhhhhh, sorry. This is awkward. Could you maybe come back in five minutes?"
Tamna Korvan